The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 192: The Result of the Battle (Please Subscribe to the Monthly Ticket)

With the support of the artillery fire, the two infantry companies quickly reached the top of the mountain.

At this time, the artillery did not fire again to avoid accidentally injuring the soldiers.

They did not rush to the top of the mountain because this kind of trench often has a strong ability to resist attacks.

It is impossible for all the shells to fall into the trench. Going up rashly will only increase casualties.

At this time, the soldiers took down the Type 80 rocket launcher. In this case, the best weapon is the fuel-air bomb.

"Swish, swish, swish~~"

Fuel-air bombs fell on the top of the mountain.

The explosive power is not as strong as ordinary shells, but fuel-air bombs can burn all the air in the trench.

It took half an hour for the soldiers to continue moving forward.

The smell of barbecue, the soldiers directly imagined it as the smell of barbecue chickens and ducks in the previous drill.

When they reached the top of the mountain, they saw a trench clearly visible, and many monkeys died very miserably.

As for the original artillery position, there was no living person, and the mortars were destroyed by shells.

The situation on the top of the mountain was reported to Li Fuguo through the walkie-talkie as soon as possible.

Li Fuguo led the guards to the top of the mountain, and some of them took the captured mortars to the top of the mountain and built an artillery position on the top of the mountain.

As for howitzers and cannons, it was not so easy to move them, and more manpower was needed.

The soldiers collected the bodies one by one and piled them aside.

Even if it was a monkey, death was the greatest, and they would eventually be buried in peace.

As a civilized army, they could not abandon the bodies in the wilderness at will.

Li Fuguo left an infantry company here, and some artillery here to support the brother troops.

As for the top of the mountain, the flag was changed at the first time.

On the top of the mountain, there were bullets and food, so there was no need to worry for a while.

Li Fuguo asked the troops to rest, and it must have been noon. After a morning of fighting, it was time to have lunch.

Thanks to this 457th Artillery Regiment, they could have a hot meal here, and the chef even took the meat of the mules and horses that were killed and cooked them.

Masuluo, Mengdong.

42nd Division Forward Command.

At this time, there was no tension in the command center, only relaxation and joy.

Everyone was eating, and the conditions were limited, so the food was not very good.

Commander Wang smiled and said, "I didn't expect your battalion to be so fast. It has gone around to the back and annihilated the 457th Artillery Regiment of the 313th Division. Now the trenches on the 1682.3 high ground have been captured, and the other monkeys are trapped!"

"I estimate that there are less than two companies of troops left here." Commander Wang was in a good mood.

The battle has been much smoother than he expected.

In less than an hour, the core position of the main peak of Koulin Mountain was captured, and an enemy reinforced battalion and a guard company were annihilated. Even the commander of the enemy corps headquarters was captured.

In just one morning, Li Fuguo led a battalion around to the rear, and annihilated the 457th Artillery Regiment in a short time, and also captured the trenches on the 1682.3 high ground.

It is no exaggeration to say that this result has exceeded the result of the 42nd Division in that month two years ago.

Although the main credit goes to the combined battalion, he is the commander of this battle.

When it comes to rewarding merits, he cannot avoid being the commander.

"It's all because of Li Fuguo's good command. The soldiers dare to fight and fight!" Liu Tao said while eating.

He didn't expect that Li Fuguo and his men would achieve such a dazzling victory.

That was an artillery regiment, but it was annihilated by the combined battalion.

It can only be said that this annihilation battle was fought beautifully!

"I have asked the superiors for your battalion!" said Commander Wang: "If nothing unexpected happens, today or tomorrow, the entire Koulin Mountain will be under our control."

"Do you still have those disposable rockets and flamethrowers?" asked Commander Wang.

The battle this morning really opened his eyes.

Everyone has a set of 80-type rocket launchers, just like everyone has a cannon. Who can stop it?

And the flamethrower is really a sharp weapon, light and with a wide attack range. I don't know how many mice hiding in the cave were burned to death.

Whether it is against those fortresses, caves or trenches, the flamethrower is too useful.

"All the Type 80 rocket launchers produced during this period have been brought, and the flamethrowers will be equipped to our battalion." Liu Tao said: "There is definitely no way now, you can purchase them later if you want!"

"If the military purchases the Type 80 rocket launcher, the price is only 300 yuan, and the rockets are not included. After all, the prices of different shells are different." Liu Tao said: "As for the flamethrower, it also only costs 300 yuan, and the canister is not included."

"Commander Wang, I also have to consider the livelihood of all the people in the factory. You don't want our factory to give it away for free." Liu Tao said.

Commander Wang smiled awkwardly and said quickly: "How could it be? Am I that kind of person?"

Well, in fact, that's what Commander Wang thought in his heart.

He looked at the soldiers of the combined battalion, each of whom had a set of Type 80 rocket launchers, and he was so greedy in his heart.

If every soldier of the 42nd Division could also have a set of Type 80 rocket launchers, the firepower would be greatly improved, and mountain sieges like this would become much easier.

Panshan Machinery Factory is extremely rich. If Liu Tao lets some of the money slip through his fingers, it will be enough for the 42nd Division to eat and drink.

It’s a pity that Liu Tao has said so. He can’t be shameless. He doesn’t have such a thick skin.

Fortunately, the price of Type 80 rocket launchers and flamethrowers is not expensive, at least much cheaper than Type 69 rocket launchers.

The price of Type 69 rocket launchers is as high as 900 yuan, and the shells are not included.

The 42nd Division does not have much military expenditure in a year, but if they grit their teeth and squeeze, they can still squeeze out some to purchase Type 80 rocket launchers and flamethrowers.

There is no need for flamethrowers, one platoon is enough.

There is no need for many Type 80 rocket launchers, one thousand sets are enough, which will greatly improve the 42nd Division's offensive capabilities.

Seeing the look of Division Commander Wang, Liu Tao smiled in his heart.

This time he asked the combined battalion to participate in the battle. In addition to letting the combined battalion experience the test of the battlefield and test the combat effectiveness of the combined battalion, he also wanted to reduce our casualties in this battle.

Of course, he also had some selfish motives, that is, to let the weapons play their power on the battlefield, so as to obtain more domestic orders.

No weapon is more convincing than withstanding the test on the battlefield.

And the combined battalion lived up to his expectations and even gave him a big surprise.

He believed that after this battle, the troops would definitely increase the number of self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, tanks and anti-aircraft machine guns they purchased.

Since the troops cleared out a batch of inventory, Liu Tao has been waiting for the troops to place orders, but after waiting for a long time, the troops did not plan to purchase more Type 80 tanks and Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns.

This made Liu Tao have to think more.

As the director of Panshan Machinery Factory, Liu Tao has always been very rational. He must make money from abroad and cannot reduce domestic orders, because domestic orders are the basic plate of Panshan Machinery Factory. It is necessary to ensure domestic orders to ensure that Panshan Machinery Factory survives. The money earned from abroad is profit.

We must grasp both hands and both hands must be strong!

None of them can be reduced!

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