The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 189 Catching the Big Fish (Subscribe)

Just when the combined battalion was replenishing ammunition and repairing at the same time.

The engineering regiment had arrived and was constructing fortifications with the soldiers of the 126th Regiment.

Digging trenches and air-raid shelters

The special operations team had already set off, each carrying a set of 80-type rocket launchers and each carrying their own weapons.

The special operations team had the highest training intensity in the entire combined battalion, and the soldiers of each special operations team were all top soldiers.

"There is a situation!" Half an hour after setting off, the special operations team had already discovered something unusual.

"There are big fish!" Liang Zhan's eyes lit up and he immediately realized it.

"Da Da Da~~" The enemy also found them and shot at them with submachine guns.

Liang Zhan and others immediately dodged to the side.

Liang Zhan gestured to the other team members, and saw two soldiers put a set on the gun, which was a grenade launcher.



The explosion was accompanied by screams, and it was obvious that the loss was not small.

Liang Zhan has analyzed that the enemy's company of soldiers all use submachine guns or semi-automatic rifles, and have no heavy weapons. They should be guard companies or something like that.

Obviously there is a big fish among them.

Although the enemy has more people and more soldiers than them, Liang Zhan is very excited.

The special operations team is the elite among the elite, and they are best at special operations.

At this time, this kind of terrain is conducive to special operations.

Some team members picked up the 80-type rocket launcher, aimed forward, and threw it away immediately after firing. Holding the automatic rifle in their hands, they lay on the ground and advanced in ambush.

To be selected for the special operations team, they have rich combat experience and very good physical fitness.

They have meat every meal, and their cooperation is quite smooth at this time.

"Boom boom~~"

Rifle grenades, sniper grenade launchers and 80-type rocket launchers are constantly fired, and the firepower of the special operations team is so fierce that it undoubtedly causes huge casualties to the guard company without heavy weapons.

"Don't move! Don't move! Whoever moves will be killed!"

"Hold your head with both hands! Crouch!"

The soldiers killed almost all the enemy troops and began to capture prisoners.

And once anyone made a rash move, they would be shot.

"Haha, I've done a great deed this time!" When Liang Zhan captured more than a dozen people and more than 20 wounded soldiers and learned the identities of the people they met, he laughed.

Afterwards, Liang Zhan reported to his superiors as soon as possible, and then waited for reinforcements to arrive.

There was no way to escort so many prisoners.

When the reinforcements arrived, Liang Zhan and others immediately replenished their weapons and ammunition, and each of them was given a set of 80-type rocket launchers again.

"Liang Zhan, this is the only passage for the enemy reinforcements. You lead the special operations team to snipe the enemy reinforcements and cooperate with the brother troops!" Li Fuguo gave the special operations team a new task.

"Understood!" Liang Zhan saluted, and then left with the special operations team.

Li Fuguo looked at the prisoners, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

I didn't expect the special operations team to be so lucky and catch all these big fish.

Without Pei Chi, the commander of the regiment, the troops of the other two battalions of the 14th regiment will only fight on their own without anyone to command them.

Based on this battle and this result, if the combined battalion is in the army, it will be enough to get the title of hero battalion.

Li Fuguo led the combined battalion and set out directly to attack the 1682.3 highland.

However, he did not attack directly, but took a detour to the rear.

Because there, according to the enemy map, there is a mortar unit, a battalion of 122 howitzers, and the artillery regiment of the 313th division not far away.

The monkeys in the fortifications of the 1682.3 highland are there. They are there whether they are attacked early or late, and they can't run away.

But the mortar unit, the 122 howitzer battalion, and the artillery regiment of the 313th division here can run away at any time, and they may also provide support at the first time, which will cause great trouble to the troops.

The task he gave to the special operations team was to cut off their retreat and snipe the reinforcements at the same time, so that other troops or militias of the 313th Division could not reinforce in time.

He wanted to fight an annihilation war to wipe out all the monkeys.

As long as these monkeys were eliminated, the enemy would not be able to organize an attack for at least one or two months after Koulin Mountain was conquered, which would buy time for us to build defensive fortifications.

Malipo, Mengdong, 42nd Division Forward Command.

"Hahaha!! Good! Great!" Commander Wang was delighted when he received the call.

Capturing the local regiment command center was a great achievement.

If the enemy lost the regiment command center, they could only fight on their own and could not reinforce each other. In addition, they captured the core position and tore the entire defense system into two halves, so the next battle would be easier to fight.

Commander Wang did not say anything about the choice of the synthetic battalion.

First, the combined battalion does not belong to the 42nd Division, and has a lot of autonomy and can fight independently; second, the combat effectiveness of the combined battalion is there, and Commander Wang is also very relieved; third, it is undoubtedly much more important to annihilate these troops from behind than to eliminate the monkeys on Hill 1682.3, and those monkeys will become isolated troops at that time.

Moreover, this is also a battle to support Hill 1682.3. It is undoubtedly much easier to launch an attack from the rear.

"Director Liu, I want to celebrate your battalion with my superiors!" Commander Wang said with a smile.

Liu Tao was also in a good mood. He did not expect that the combined rescue operation would achieve such a great result at the beginning of the battle.

During this period of time, the combined battalion conducted a mountain attack drill in Tianzhu Mountain. It seems that the effect is very outstanding, and the ammunition consumed is worth it.

And so far, no soldier of the combined battalion has died in the battle, only two soldiers were unlucky and injured.

With such a small loss and such a great result, there is no doubt that it is a great victory.

Liu Tao didn't know whether to say that the combined battalion was too strong or that the 14th Regiment of the 313th Division of the enemy was too weak.

However, Liu Tao felt that it should be the 14th Regiment of the 313th Division that was too weak.

Even though the superiors knew that Koulin Mountain had a full regiment of troops, they still let the 42nd Division perform the task instead of suspending the task and replacing the 41st or 40th Division. They did not send the 41st and 40th Divisions as reinforcements. Obviously, they knew the combat effectiveness of the enemy's 313th Division.

Division Commander Wang immediately asked someone to report the battle report to his superiors.

He knew that the superiors were always paying attention to the battlefield.

I believe that with this battle report, it is enough to reassure the superiors, and there is no need to worry that the 42nd Division will not be able to take Koulin Mountain.

Liu Tao did not follow the combined battalion forward, but stayed at the forward command post. He was not the commander, so there was no need to take risks on the battlefield.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall!

He still understood this principle.

Liu Tao looked at the map, and the staff was already updating the battlefield situation map.

He now has a deeper understanding of the important role of Koulin Mountain. This is definitely an important military stronghold. The entire mountain is rugged and dangerous, with steep slopes and narrow roads, crisscrossing valleys, and dense wormwood. Occupying Koulin Mountain means overlooking the border of more than 20 kilometers in the area of ​​Masupo. To the north, you can see the roads, villages and major transportation ports in China. To the east, you can peek into the Laoshan area, and to the west, you can connect to Luojiaping Mountain, thus forming a relatively stable integrated defense line.

Whoever occupies Koulin Mountain will take the initiative.

He didn't understand why the monkeys were left with an opportunity two years ago. It might be because there had been no war for too long, and he didn't expect the monkeys to be so insidious and cunning. It might be because he wanted to promote negotiations and wanted to reach an agreement at the negotiation table, but he didn't expect to be fooled by the monkeys.

I was so exhausted from the recent revisions that I almost vomited blood. The update had to make some changes, alas!

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