The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 190 Special Reconnaissance (Subscription Request)

313 Division Command.

"Commander Du, the 14th Regiment Headquarters can't get through, no one answered!"

Du Qingchi's eyes widened, "If the phone can't get through, call a few more times, and send a telegram to the 14th Regiment. The telephone line may be cut, but the telegram can always get through!"

Du Qingchi knew how powerful the opposing army was.

Cutting the telephone line was a common occurrence.

But if the telephone line could be cut, the telegram could also be blocked.

The telegraph operator began to send a telegram to contact the 14th Regiment.

But there was no reply.

Du Qingchi's heart 'clicked', and a bad feeling rose in his heart.

Even the telegram couldn't get through?

"Ring ring ring~~" At this moment, the phone rang.

Du Qingchi had a burst of hope.

"Commander, the call from above!" said the chief of staff, motioning Du Qingchi to answer the phone.

After Du Qingchi took the phone, he was greeted with a barrage of scolding.

"What!? How is it possible?" Du Qingchi was full of disbelief: "The air force support was ambushed, and ten helicopters and twelve fighters were lost?"

This loss is huge.

You know, in the battle two years ago, the air forces of both sides had a tacit understanding. Except for the initial contact test, the air forces of both sides did not directly participate in the battle.

First, the Chinese Air Force had several times the advantage, and the Vietnamese Air Force did not dare to go out.

Second, there were big problems with the Chinese Air Force at that time, and the combat effectiveness of the air force was very weak.

Before that, the training intensity of the air force was very low. From 1968 to 1971, tens of thousands of flight cadets were selected. During the selection, the standards were arbitrarily lowered. After entering the aviation school, the theoretical education and basic training time were arbitrarily reduced. In 1968 and 1969, the flight cadets trained in the aviation school only learned aviation theory for one week before flying on the plane. They only flew the primary trainer and fighter for half a year each, and were added to the troops after the foundation was laid.

The pilots flew too little in the aviation school, and the flying time after joining the troops was also very little. On average, each person only flies 23 hours a year, which makes the pilots' skills rusty, the flight quality declines, and even some basic skills cannot be maintained.

In addition, the quality of the aircraft. The causes of the accidents in those years also include the quality problems of the aircraft and equipment, such as some aircraft lost rivets, some aircraft engine shafts broke, some turbine disks broke, some aircraft shells exploded, some engine blades flew out and penetrated the casing, the aircraft caught fire and exploded in the air, and even the strange thing of the helicopter rotor flying off during flight.

As a result, now, the 14th Regiment requested air support, and the aircraft sent by the superiors to support were ambushed.

Ten helicopters and twelve fighters, this loss is absolutely huge.

Du Qingchi looked dead and angry.

If Pei Chi was in front of him, Du Qingchi would not hesitate to take out his pistol and shoot Pei Chi.

As the superior of the 14th Regiment, Du Qingchi is to blame for such a huge loss, and he must bear part of the responsibility.

"Fuck, what the hell is Pei Chi, this bastard, doing?" Du Qingchi couldn't help cursing.

He couldn't understand. The fortifications were so perfect. There were so many fortifications built in the entire Koulin Mountain area. There was also a reinforced regiment. Even if they faced an attack by a division, without any reinforcements, they could at least hold out for two or three months and inflict heavy casualties on the attacking troops.

But now, they were clearly in an advantageous position, but suffered heavy losses.

But Pei Chi couldn't be contacted now!

"What's going on in Koulin Mountain now!" Du Qingchi was furious. But now he didn't know the situation in Koulin Mountain.

Now the 313th Infantry Division has five infantry regiments, namely the 14th, 122nd, 191st, 247th, and 266th Infantry Regiments, as well as the 457th Artillery Regiment, a tank battalion, an anti-aircraft artillery battalion and other support units. It can be said to be a reinforced division.

In terms of manpower, a reinforced regiment of the 14th Regiment was deployed in Koulin Mountain, two reinforced regiments were deployed in the direction of Laoshan, and two regiments, the 457th Artillery Regiment and other troops were left as support forces.

It can be said that the manpower is very sufficient.

Du Qingchi called the 457th Artillery Regiment and asked it to provide artillery support to the 14th Regiment. He also ordered the 191st Regiment to support the 14th Regiment and dispatched the tank battalion.

Now he had to fight hard. If he didn't, he would definitely not have a good result.

"Be alert!"

A command was whispered with a suppressed throat.

The special operations teams stopped one after another, and everyone hid in the woods on the side of the road.

Each of the 24 special operations teams was fully armed, wearing camouflage uniforms and camouflage oil painted on their faces.

"Tiger, the target is 500 meters ahead." The scout took out a topographic map with various targets marked on it.

"Rest in place for 10 minutes!" Liang Zhan gave the order, made a gesture, and hid in the small woods next to him.

The two team leaders quickly surrounded him.

The four of them squatted on the ground, looking at the topographic map and talking in a low voice.

"This bridge is a must-pass road. If we set up a position here, we can cover the traffic with firepower and destroy the bridge at a critical moment." Liang Zhan pointed to a bridge and a high ground.

"But if we are here, the monkeys above will find us." The team leader Zhou Zhenguo frowned.

Once we are found by the monkeys above, we will be suppressed and unable to raise our heads when the seven-level firepower is shooting down from a high position.

After all, this place is still within the coverage of heavy firepower.

This is the advantage of being condescending, the attack range is wider.

If it is a vertical attack, the attack range will be smaller.

And being condescending, it is easy to see clearly where the target is, and the field of vision is much wider.

Although the fortifications above are aimed at the other side.

But you must know that once something is wrong, the heavy firepower can be transferred and the muzzle will be turned to their side of the mountain.

"Our mission is to cut off the enemy's retreat and snipe the reinforcements at the same time." Liang Zhan said solemnly, "We will hide here first and deliver a fatal blow to the enemy at the critical moment. At the same time, we will report the situation to the battalion commander at any time."

Their camouflage uniforms and the camouflage oil painted on their faces have strong concealment. In addition, this is a tropical rainforest with dense jungle and good concealment. Liang Zhan is confident that the enemy will not be able to detect them.

The weapons and equipment they carry are extremely powerful and can deliver a fatal blow to the enemy at critical moments.

"Tiger, I suggest strengthening the reconnaissance force. Maybe we can conduct a beheading operation to take away the enemy's important headquarters or arsenal." Another team leader, 'Lei Ming', said in a deep voice: "We are a special operations force, so we have to Do something special.”

Liang Zhan's eyes lit up, this was a good idea.

They are actually quite familiar with the terrain in this area because they have been here before.

Topographic maps like theirs were drawn by them personally before, and combined with military topographic maps and topographic maps captured by the enemy.

If special operations can be achieved, whether it is decapitation operations or blowing up enemy arsenals, they are high-value targets.

Even if exposed, they can be like a sharp dagger, stabbing into the enemy's heart.

The other two chapters will be updated in the evening, so the updates will have to be staggered.

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