Everyone was shocked by the power of the fuel-air explosive bomb.

It was the first time for them to see the power of fuel-air explosive bombs.

Many people suddenly realized that with fuel-air explosive bombs, it would be easy to fight positional battles in the future, and it could even be said that positional battles might not be fought in the future.

As for what Liu Tao said, everyone would just ignore it. Who would fight with oxygen tanks for everyone?

"The enemy is attacking from the air, please move, leaders!" At this time, Li Fuguo came to report.

The people who originally disliked the charred corpses here could not help but enter the fortifications, while the soldiers carried the corpses and threw them aside.

20 tanks were separated, with the self-propelled anti-aircraft guns in the middle. The soldiers in the tanks set up heavy machine guns and anti-aircraft machine guns, and the support troops set up anti-aircraft machine guns in hidden positions.

At the same time, the commanders of the two self-propelled anti-aircraft guns kept reporting the data of the air targets.

The vehicle-mounted radar of the self-propelled anti-aircraft guns was rotating, constantly collecting information about the air targets.

Commander Wang was contacting his superiors with the help of a walkie-talkie to request air support, and at the same time ordered the air defense forces to prepare for air defense.

"Fire!" Li Fuguo gave the order.

"Da Da Da~~"

Two self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and four 35mm anti-aircraft guns fired at the same time.

Heavy machine guns and anti-aircraft machine guns also spewed flames, and bullets kept shooting into the air.

Suddenly formed an air firepower network.

Fighter planes and helicopters in the air were constantly hit, or turned into a ball of fire, or smoked.

Commander Wang looked at it, stunned.

This anti-aircraft firepower is too strong.

Seeing the power of the two self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, Commander Wang finally understood why this 80-type self-propelled anti-aircraft gun is more expensive than the 80-type tank.

"How did you find the enemy aircraft?" Commander Wang couldn't help asking.

Liu Tao smiled and introduced: "The vehicle-mounted radar of our self-propelled anti-aircraft gun can search for targets within a range of 20 kilometers. We have already found the enemy aircraft 20 kilometers away."

Commander Wang was amazed, it was incredible.

Such a battalion is simply ridiculously strong.

The offensive firepower was fierce, and the anti-aircraft firepower was also extremely fierce.

With such dense anti-aircraft firepower, the enemy planes could not reach the battlefield at all.

Look at it now, the enemy air force obviously did not expect their air defense capabilities to be so strong, and was caught off guard.

Not only self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, heavy machine guns, and anti-aircraft machine guns, but also soldiers holding "Vanguard" anti-aircraft missiles.

Liu Tao's concept was perfectly implemented, and there was no need to be afraid of ammunition.

One plane after another was shot down, and as for how many planes were shot down, no one had the heart to count.

Finally, when there were no planes in the air strike range, Li Fuguo ordered to stop shooting.

Soon, the soldiers began to replenish ammunition.

"Director Liu, Comrade Li Fuguo, can you still fight now? If you can, please support the 1682.3 highland!" said Commander Wang.

Liu Tao looked at Li Fuguo. He didn't know how to march and fight, and Li Fuguo had to do the military command.

Li Fuguo nodded and said, "No problem, let's replenish ammunition and set off!"

The 1682.3 highland is the second highest peak of Koulin Mountain. There are many defensive fortifications with the highland as the center, and a battalion is stationed there.

Although it is not as strong as the main peak with a reinforced battalion, it is still a tough nut to crack for other attacking troops.

After all, the weapons and equipment of those troops are far inferior to those of the synthetic battalion.

To replenish weapons and ammunition, other troops will build fortifications here.

The current fortifications are all towards China. Now that the synthetic battalion has captured this place, the troops will naturally reconstruct fortifications, and this fortification is towards the monkey.

After the arrival of the engineering regiment, they quickly built fortifications, after all, they would face the enemy's counterattack at any time.

Pei Chi retreated with his guards, and his face was not good.

In less than an hour, the main peak position was lost.

This is equivalent to the defense system on Koulin Mountain being divided into two halves, and now only the 1682.3 highland and the 1574.4 highland at the northeast end of Koulin Mountain are left.

"Damn, what kind of army is this? It's even stronger than the US military!" Pei Chi couldn't help but curse.

He had also participated in the war and fought against the Americans, but at this moment he suffered a huge blow.

In less than an hour, he lost a reinforced battalion and even had to abandon the regiment headquarters.

No matter how this battle goes, he can't think of being the regiment commander anymore.

"Regiment commander, our planes have come to help, and we will definitely give the Chinese a heavy blow." The chief of staff comforted.

This battle was really a cowardly one.

According to their previous deductions, relying on the fortifications here, even if they faced an attack from a division, they could hold off for two months without any problem.

But the result was that within an hour of the start of the war, they lost the most important core of the defensive position, a reinforced battalion, and the regiment's artillery battalion.

This loss was really too heavy.

If they hadn't seen the bad situation and quickly retreated, I'm afraid their regiment headquarters wouldn't have been able to escape.

Now that the core of the defensive position has been lost, if there is no reinforcement, it is only a matter of time before the other two positions in Koulin Mountain fall.

"Damn it, it's all the fault of the intelligence department. How did they collect intelligence!" Pei Chi couldn't help but curse. At this time, he wanted to shirk responsibility.

With such a huge loss, unless he could create a miracle and inflict heavy casualties on the enemy, the losses on both sides could be close to 1:1. Otherwise, when the two defensive positions were captured and Koulin Mountain was lost, he would inevitably be sent to a military court or even dismissed.

He could only pray in his heart now, praying that the air force could hit the other side hard, kill the other side on a large scale, and cause heavy casualties to the other side.

But at this moment, they suddenly looked up at the sky and saw planes and helicopters being shot down and crashing to the ground.

"How is it possible?" Pei Chi and others were stunned, looking at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

"When did they build such a powerful anti-aircraft firepower?" Pei Chi couldn't figure out why his own air force was ambushed.

"Hide quickly!" Pei Chi shouted loudly.

Then he found a big rock and hid under it.

It was not suitable to rush at this time. Who knew if the planes or debris falling from the sky would fall on their heads.

The fragments falling from the sky were even more powerful than bullets.

At this time, they could only hide under the rocks and wait for time to pass.

For the first time, they felt that time was so long.

But when they saw the bullet shells falling on the ground, everyone couldn't help but swallow their saliva. If the bullet hit them, they would be injured if not killed.

No one dared to set out at this time.

Because that would be no different from seeking death.

The battlefield environment is so cruel. Maybe because of this harsh environment, they would die inexplicably at any time.

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