"Boom boom boom~~"

One after another, the fuel-air bombs exploded. The sound was not as loud as that of tank guns, but only a very small mushroom cloud rose up and continued to expand outward.

The soldiers who were close suddenly felt a burst of heat, and the air seemed to stop for a moment.

At this time, the photographer following the synthetic battalion took pictures of this spectacular scene.

Commander Wang and others who were watching with telescopes were so scared that they couldn't hold the telescopes and dropped them to the ground.

Commander Wang said in horror: "Director Liu, you... you actually have tactical nuclear bombs? You dare to use tactical nuclear bombs?"

Since Hiroshima and Nagasaki welcomed the two naughty children "Little Boy" and "Fat Man", the whole world knows that the power of atomic bombs is the ultimate weapon on the battlefield.

Major military powers have invested in the research of atomic bombs at all costs. So far, five countries have nuclear weapons, which are now the five permanent members of the UN Security Council.

With the development of nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons are divided into strategic nuclear weapons and tactical nuclear weapons according to their uses.

But nuclear weapons are always in deterrence. Many scholars believe that the greatest role of nuclear weapons is deterrence. As for the use on the battlefield, it has not been used once since World War II.

In the world, only the United States and the Soviet Union have mastered tactical nuclear weapons. Other countries, Britain and France, do not have tactical nuclear weapons. China is also studying the miniaturization of nuclear weapons and developing tactical nuclear weapons, but at present, Commander Wang has not heard of it and has overcome technical difficulties.

"No, it's not a nuclear bomb!" Liu Tao hurriedly denied.

Commander Wang said: "The mushroom cloud has come out, and you still say it's not!"

The mushroom cloud formed by the explosion of nuclear weapons is a consensus of the world.

"I have little education, don't lie to me!" Commander Wang didn't believe it at all, "Wait until this battle is over, you wait to be punished!"

Commander Wang wanted to die at this time.

Liu Tao would be punished, but he was the commander of this battle and had an unshirkable responsibility.

"This bomb is called a cloud-explosive bomb, a conventional bomb, which was put into use on the southern battlefield as early as 1975," Liu Tao explained.

Commander Wang was stunned, and then seemed to remember something.

"It seems to be the case." Commander Wang was thoughtful.

"This fuel-air bomb does not have any radiation. Its damage to the target is mainly due to the overpressure and temperature field effect generated by the explosion, as well as the flushing effect of the high-temperature and high-pressure explosion products." Liu Tao explained, "If you don't believe it, we will know when we go over there."

Commander Wang nodded, and everyone left Mengdong and headed for the main peak of Koulin Mountain under the protection of the guards.

There was no more gunfire on the battlefield.

But there was some barbecue aroma in the air.

"Can your battalion still have barbecue on the battlefield?" Commander Wang frowned.

You know, on the front-line battlefield, even if it is only the 42nd Division, it is a great pressure on logistics supply. Most of the front-line food is canned luncheon meat and field rations. Even the living standards of these commanders are not very high.

Some people swallowed their saliva, "Your battalion's food standards are really high! You can even have barbecue on the battlefield!"

"Everyone, how about I treat everyone to barbecue? Don't worry, if everyone likes it, you will definitely be able to eat enough!" Liu Tao heard this and a smirk appeared on his face.

"This is what you said, Director Liu. You can't go back on your word!" someone said.

Liu Tao smiled and said, "I will never go back on my word!"

The closer we got, the stronger the smell of meat became, and the air was mixed with the smell of burning.

It had been a while since then, and the air in the enemy's position on the main peak had recovered. Although there was still fire, the temperature was not that high.

When Commander Wang and others arrived at the main peak position, everyone's faces began to change. The closer they went to the position, the more intense their reactions became.

It was really miserable!

Even those who had experienced life and death on the battlefield and were used to seeing life and death would find it difficult to look normal when seeing the tragic scene in front of them.

Even many people couldn't help vomiting when they saw this scene.

What a bullshit invitation to barbecue. If anyone said barbecue again, they would get angry with him.

Many people looked at Liu Tao with strange eyes. They all wanted to split Liu Tao's head to see what Liu Tao was thinking.

And how did Liu Tao develop this weapon!

This weapon is really a bit unethical!

Aren't you afraid of cutting off your descendants?

"With this weapon, we don't have to fight positional battles anymore!" Commander Wang said after calming down.

Liu Tao smiled faintly: "The fuel-air explosive bomb is not without its shortcomings, and it is not applicable at all times."

"In the case of strong winds, the effect is not good. The area of ​​action will be quickly filled with air brought by the strong wind due to the problem of air pressure. In this way, if the enemy does not die under the high temperature, there is still a great chance of survival. Or prepare oxygen cylinders in advance, as long as they survive the initial lack of oxygen, they can be safe and sound!" Liu Tao said: "But if it is like today's situation, the fuel-air explosive bomb is indeed a killer."

There is no wind today, and this situation is simply too friendly to fuel-air explosive bombs.

"Now I finally know why your battalion attacked so quickly. It took only half an hour to destroy the defenders." Commander Wang sighed, "The soldiers are armed to the teeth, and there are so many advanced weapons. No matter how brave and brave the enemy soldiers are, they can only passively take the beating."

"By the way, I saw some abandoned rocket launchers on the road. You are so wasteful. Why do you throw them away after using them?" Commander Wang was puzzled.

Liu Tao explained: "Commander Wang, this rocket launcher is the latest weapon developed by our Panshan Machinery Factory. It is a disposable rocket launcher. It can only be used once and discarded after use."

"Disposable rocket launcher? Discarded after use? You are too extravagant. Why don't you use the Type 69 rocket launcher?" Commander Wang was puzzled.

Liu Tao said: "Our Type 80 rocket launcher, the launcher and shells weigh only about 7.5 kilograms. Soldiers can carry them forward and throw them away after launching. It will not cause drag and burden the soldiers."

"This is an 80mm rocket launcher. The total weight of the launcher and shells is only 7.5 kilograms. It can be said to be an infantry artillery, which greatly improves firepower." Liu Tao smiled lightly and said: "The most important thing is that the Type 80 rocket launcher is very cheap, much cheaper than the Type 69 rocket launcher."

In this attack, the soldiers of the synthetic battalion can be said to have a set of Type 80 rocket launchers in their hands. The Type 80 rocket launcher was fully demonstrated in this war.

At a distance of two or three hundred meters, the Type 80 rocket launcher was used to destroy the fortifications one by one. If there were any missed ones and the distance was relatively close, the flamethrower was used directly.

Not to mention, snipers were constantly hunting down the enemies that showed up on the battlefield.

In addition, there was a Type 80 tank in front to attract firepower, and the enemy always hit the tank with bullets and shells, which would expose the target and become a target.

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