The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 186 Combined Battalion! Can’t afford it!

Masupo, Mengdong.

This is the forward headquarters of the 42nd Division.

Everyone was holding telescopes and observing the battlefield. The "didi-dip" telegrams and "ring-ring-ring" telephone calls kept ringing. This was the continuous reporting of the latest situation by each unit.

The staff officer is working on the map based on the latest information.

Commander Wang sighed with emotion: "I didn't expect that your battalion, which was established less than a year ago, would have such strong combat effectiveness! Now among all the departments, your battalion is making the smoothest progress!"

The 42nd Division is not an old-style main division. It was only established in February 1949. It was formed based on one regiment each of the 11th and 22nd brigades of the 4th Central Column and the first part of the 110th Division of the insurgent force. It has jurisdiction over the 124th, 125th, and 125th Divisions. 126 regiment.

Before the "Red Dragon's Roar" military operation, the 42nd Division was the Army's B Division. Subsequently, in compliance with the orders of superiors, the 42nd Division was urgently expanded into the Army's Type A Division, supplemented and adjusted a large number of recruits and new cadres, and replenished firearms, ammunition, light and heavy artillery and other weapons and equipment.

However, due to the emergency expansion into the Army's Class A Division, the combat effectiveness of the 42nd Division was not as good as that of the 40th Division, the main division, and its battlefield performance was not as good as that of the 40th Division.

Of course, on the battlefield, the 14th Army's record was the most brilliant. Compared with the records of the 42nd Division's troops on other lines, the results were still brilliant.

Therefore, although unlike the leaders of the 40th and 41st Divisions who were directly promoted to the rank of full military, Commander Wang was still promoted one level due to his military exploits.

On the map, the synthetic camp has reached the main peak.

"Comrade Wang, Comrade Li Guofu led the troops well. I am just the director of Panshan Machinery Factory, and I don't know how to lead troops in war." Liu Tao said with a smile.

Commander Wang smiled and said: "How about this, this battalion will be included in our 42nd Division in the future, I will establish a main force regiment, and let Comrade Li Guofu resume his position as the leader of the main force regiment."

Commander Wang also knew Li Guofu. He was brave in combat, dared to fight hard, was able to adapt to the situation on the battlefield, and led the troops to achieve brilliant results in the "Roar of the Red Dragon".

Just because of the violation of discipline, Li Guofu took all the responsibility. Others in the regiment were promoted, but Li Guofu, the regiment leader, secretly wanted to be transferred to another place.

Commander Wang thought that Li Guofu would become the director of the Public Security Bureau, but he didn't expect that he would go to Panshan Machinery Factory and form such a strange force.

"Mr. Wang, how much is your division's annual funding?" Liu Tao did not answer directly, but asked.

Mr. Wang was a little confused, but he still said: "Less than 20 million."

A Category A infantry division's annual military expenditure is less than 20 million, which includes weapons and ammunition for the entire division as well as all kinds of food, drink, and food.

Liu Tao said: "20 tanks cost 20 million, and 2 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns cost 6 million. Cost price!"

"The salary is almost 1 million a year." Liu Tao counted on his fingers: "Other weapons and ammunition require at least 20 to 30 million a year."

Teacher Wang and others were stunned when they heard this.

The consumption of one battalion actually exceeded that of one of their Class A divisions.

This is too exaggerated!

Liu Tao smiled and said: "How about it? The 42nd Division also wants to form a similar battalion-level combat unit?"

The Synthetic Camp was funded by Liu Tao at all costs.

Although it is not yet complete and can only be regarded as a combined battalion in the preliminary stage, it is not something that other troops can afford.

The annual funding of an Army A-type division is not even enough for the weapons, ammunition and food expenses of the combined battalion.

Not to mention anything else.

Teacher Wang shook his head repeatedly.

Can't afford it!

If he builds such a battalion-level combat unit, the leader will have to shoot him.

Liu Tao chuckled, not surprised at all by the reaction of Mr. Wang and others.

Even if he uses the cost price most conscientiously, a synthetic camp cannot be built without investing 100 million at the beginning. Even if he invests 100 million to build a synthetic camp, he must continue to invest at least 20 to 30 million every year.

To put it bluntly, a synthetic battalion is simply not something China can build now. Without strong economic strength, it cannot support the integration of its troops.

Exporting a combined brigade in the future, even if it is just the basic configuration, will cost at least more than 1 billion U.S. dollars, and this only refers to weapons and equipment. If it is a high-end version of the synthetic brigade, it will cost 5 billion US dollars!

Even if China can produce its own weapons and equipment, the cost will be significantly reduced, but a standard combined brigade will still cost at least 2 billion U.S. dollars, and the annual maintenance and training costs will be about 1 billion U.S. dollars.

It can be imagined that the combined firepower and combat effectiveness of the synthetic camp are fierce, but it is also very expensive.

"You, Panshan Machinery Factory, are still rich!" Mr. Wang said with emotion.

As a military system, they naturally know that the weapons of Panshan Machinery Factory not only satisfy domestic procurement, but are also exported in large quantities to earn US dollars. In just two years of development, Panshan Machinery Factory has become the largest military factory in the four southwestern provinces. Ammunition production is astonishing.

Even among the entire army's defense objectives, Panshan Machinery Factory ranks among the top three in importance.

"With such a battalion, we can support two Class A divisions." Commander Wang couldn't help but said, "It's better to form two more Class A divisions."

Liu Tao smiled and said: "Commander Wang, although our battalion only has more than 800 people, it is an experimental unit, responsible for exploring the future development direction of the army, and its combat effectiveness, hasn't Commander Wang also seen it?"

This is still a primary combined battalion. When it reaches a fully formed combined battalion, the firepower will be more fierce and the combat effectiveness will be greatly improved.

At that time, it will be easy for a combined battalion to defeat a Type A division in this era.

Look at 20 tanks firing in one salvo, and the enemy's artillery position will be destroyed. If this artillery position exists, it will cause great losses to the troops.

Maybe in the eyes of some commanders, soldiers are worthless, not even as valuable as artillery shells, and there is not much pension.

But in Liu Tao's view, soldiers are the most valuable.

He simply can't fill it with human lives.

At this time on the battlefield, the surrounding bunkers and fortifications have basically been removed by the combined battalion.

Only the main peak of Koulin Mountain, 1705.2 Highland, is left, where a reinforced company is stationed.

The infantry company is attacking, about 250 meters away, the soldiers take off the rocket launchers on their backs one by one, and a platoon of soldiers, in a hidden position, aim at the main peak with a scope.

"Swish, swish, swish~~"

One after another, the fuel-air explosive bombs were fired, flying towards the fortifications on the main peak.

At such a large elevation angle, the tank is not suitable for firing. After all, the maximum elevation angle of the 80A tank is not large, and it is not used for such things.

At this time, using a rocket launcher is undoubtedly the most suitable.

And the rocket launcher firing fuel-air explosive bombs is simply the best choice to deal with the fortifications on the main peak.

The power is much stronger than using ordinary artillery shells.

The soldiers are very skilled. After firing the fuel-air explosive bomb, they throw away the rocket launcher.

Now everyone knows that this rocket launcher is disposable. It is thrown away after firing, and it cannot be used again.

Unlike at the beginning, everyone couldn't get the treasure.

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