The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 185: I have never fought such a rich battle

Koulin Mountain.

The Vietnamese artillery position was covered with tree branches and was well hidden without being discovered.

The artillery force has 12 Soviet-made 85mm recoilless guns, 6 82mm mortars, 4 rocket launchers, and 5 14.5mm anti-aircraft machine guns.

After receiving the order, the artilleryman quickly removed the branches and adjusted the angle.

"Prepare to fire!" the artillery commander directly ordered the firing.

Bang bang bang.

Boo hoo hoo.

One after another, artillery shells rose into the air and headed towards the tank troops three kilometers away.

Boom boom boom! !

There were constant explosions. Some shells hit farther, some hit closer, and some shells fell on the road.

Naturally, some shells also hit the tanks.

But the shells hit the tank, but the tank was unscathed.

"Discover the target. Lock on the target enemy artillery position and fire a salvo!"

I saw 20 Type 80 tanks turning their muzzles, aiming at the target, and then firing in unison.

Boo hoo hoo~~~

The tank's main guns fired in unison, the shells roared out, and the sound of breaking through the air could even be heard.

The speed of the artillery shell was very fast, and it quickly landed on the artillery position.

Now that the artillery position is exposed, it will be exposed.

Cannonballs landed on the artillery position one after another, exploded, and set off bursts of fire.

Countless shrapnel shattered, sending pieces of soil flying.

The power of the 125mm smoothbore cannon cannot be ignored.

Its power is extremely powerful.

When a cannonball hit, the whole ground felt like it was shaking.

"I have never fought such a rich battle in my life!" Li Fuguo was always paying attention to the battlefield. He felt so happy when he saw 20 tanks firing a salvo and destroying the enemy's artillery position.

At this moment, he felt that Liu Tao was right, the truth was always within the range of the cannon.

"The Type 80 tank is really powerful. The enemy's guns and artillery can do no harm to the Type 80 tank at all!" Li Fuguo looked at the two tank companies that continued to advance, and was shocked in his heart.

Because such an invincible tank is simply a killer weapon on the battlefield.

This is equivalent to 20 125mm cannons, and it can still maneuver quickly without fear of being attacked by the enemy.

With two tank companies attacking, it would be much easier for the infantry company to attack.

As soon as the enemy appears, they will be destroyed.

Fortresses and fortifications were destroyed and pulled out one after another.

The soldiers are all fully armed, wearing bullet-proof helmets and body-proof vests. Unless they are unlucky, their battlefield survivability is greatly enhanced.

So far, Li Fuguo has not received any reports of casualties on his side.

Climbing a 30-degree slope is not difficult at all for the Type 80 tank.

Even if the road is originally narrow, as long as there are trees on both sides, the tanks will directly run over it.

The attack speed is very fast, and the tank will advance and fire as soon as it finds the target.

The shelling continued.

Li Fuguo suddenly felt that the battle had become easier. The troops were deploying according to the drill in Tianzhu Mountain, and the offensive was going smoothly.

At this time, on the battlefield, the two sides were fighting fiercely.

In addition to the combined battalion of Panshan Machinery Factory, the 42nd Division also invested two battalions of troops, and another battalion circled back from the side to cut off the enemy's rear route and snipe the enemy's reinforcements.

Pei Chi, the commander of the 14th Regiment, saw that the artillery position was destroyed, but no news has been received until now. He knew that the artillery was in danger, and his heart was bleeding.

Without the artillery support, their regiment's firepower would drop significantly.

"Division Commander, the enemy's offensive is fierce, please request air support!" Pei Chi called the division headquarters to ask for help.

The entire 313th Division has built a complete defense system with the help of the terrain.

On the Kulin Mountain side, a full regiment was invested, and 14 regiments were sent to garrison.

After receiving Pei Chi's call for help, Du Qingchi, the commander of the enemy's 313th Division, yelled, "Pei Chi, you are a waste of money. The whole regiment has been using the help of the entire fortification. If you can't hold it, I will remove you from your post!"

You must know that Koolin Mountain is an important location, and the terrain is conducive to the defenders. It can be said that it is an easy-to-defend but difficult-to-attack place.

A regiment can completely block it with the help of perfect fortifications. After all, the terrain is there, and even if it wants to invest more troops in the attack, it can't get out of the way.

After all, if you want to attack, you have to find a way.

We had just received a report of the start of the war, but only about twenty minutes had passed when Pei Chi had already called for help, requesting air support.

"Commander, the enemy's tanks are too powerful," Pei Chi wanted to explain.

But Du Qingchi was already furious, "Give up, you horse-riding Pei Chi, their tanks are not as powerful as our tanks, do you think I don't know!"

In Du Qingchi's view, Pei Chi's statement was a complete shirk of responsibility.

Don't say that he knows the performance of the Type 59 tank, just say that he doesn't know, and he also knows that in that kind of terrain, the role that the Type 59 tank can play is limited.

Defense is from a high position, while offense is from the top, which is naturally beneficial to the defender and not beneficial to the attacker.

Du Qingchi was burning with anger at this time, but he also felt troubled.

The 313th Division is a young unit. After the Chinese "Red Dragon Roar", the Vietnamese army hastily formed it in March. It was composed of some personnel drawn from the 344th Production Division and the Second Military Region. At the beginning of its formation, it was under the jurisdiction of the 247th and 266th Infantry Regiments. Because it was deployed in the Xikunling Mountain area in the Hejiang area, it was nicknamed the "Xikunling Division". Later, the 14th Infantry Regiment and the 191st Infantry Regiment were transferred in succession, and the 457th Artillery Regiment was newly established. In just a few months, the 122nd Regiment was incorporated into the 313th Division.

Although there are five infantry regiments and one artillery regiment, Du Qingchi knows that this unit is not as good as his original infantry division.

It's just that he lost the battle before, and it's lucky to be able to lead another division.

If he loses the battle again this time, he will never be able to lead the troops again, or he will be sent to a military court.

So although he was angry, Du Qingchi still called the military command of Hexuan Province.

The 313th Division is an infantry division. If it wants air support, it must go through the superior command. Otherwise, he would call them and they would not respond.

Fortunately, he had a good relationship with his superiors, and the request for air support was quickly approved.

"Damn it, damn Pei Chi, I will dismiss you after this battle is over!" Du Qingchi was quite annoyed.

But no matter how annoyed he was, Du Qingchi knew that he had to fight this battle well, otherwise he would not have a good ending.

After all, he was leading this newly formed division, which meant making up for his crime.

If he lost this battle, even if he had someone behind him, he could not be saved.

Looking at the fortifications on the map, Du Qingchi felt a little relieved.

Relying on the fortifications built in the past two years, although the 313th Division was not an ace division and its combat effectiveness was slightly lacking, he believed that even if he faced the attack of five divisions, he could at least hold out for three months. With such a long time, the troops in the rear had already arrived continuously.

Relying on defensive fortifications, at least a large number of attackers can be killed, thereby gaining military merit and having the opportunity to move up.

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