At night.

Temporary station of the combined battalion.

As a formation outside the 42nd Division, the combined battalion is also experimental and highly confidential, so the combined battalion did not set up barracks with other troops of the 42nd Division, but set up a separate barracks.

In the temporary command tent, Li Fuguo and others were holding a meeting, and all company and platoon cadres attended the meeting.

Arrangements are being made according to the attack route of the combined battalion.

The forward route of the tank company, the forward route of the infantry, the setting of the artillery position, etc., as well as the operations of the special operations team.

"Two tank companies will advance along this route, the mine clearance vehicle will be in front, the self-propelled anti-aircraft gun will be responsible for air defense, and provide fire support when necessary." Li Fuguo made combat deployment.

This time, the two tank companies are the main offensive force.

Those places with rugged and dangerous mountains, steep slopes and narrow roads, and crisscrossing valleys, the tank company naturally has no way, but it does not mean that the entire Koulin Mountain is this kind of terrain. Those relatively flat terrains can still be attacked with tanks.

The protection level of the Type 80 main battle tank is more than 1000mm. It can be said that even if the Vietnamese army uses artillery, it is not a threat to tanks.

Even most of the mines cannot threaten tanks. Only a few mines with particularly strong power can threaten tanks.

In addition to these relatively flat areas, tanks can also provide artillery support. After all, the bombardment distance of the Type 80 tank is quite far.

"The special operations team will scout the battlefield situation and destroy those hidden fortifications in time." Li Fuguo also assigned tasks to the special operations team.

Li Fuguo looked at Liu Tao, "Director, is there anything you need to add?"

"I only want to add one thing, that is, you don't need to save bullets and shells. I have prepared enough bullets and shells for you. Let's go! I'm waiting for everyone to return victoriously and celebrate your success!" Liu Tao said in a deep voice.


Everyone laughed.

Everyone took the time to rest.

December 25th of the lunar calendar, Friday.

If it were in the countryside, they would have started cleaning the house and preparing for the Spring Festival.

But here in Masuluo, it was already cloudy, the air seemed oppressive, and the war was about to break out.

The border defense forces and militia had been mobilized long ago.

The first thing that started was that the 42nd Division's mixed artillery group bombarded the Vietnamese army's defensive positions on the Guolin Mountain Heights for 15 minutes, and then all the troops immediately launched an attack.

Here in the synthetic battalion, a vehicle with a very special shape walked in front of the tanks. It was a mine-clearing vehicle.

This mine-clearing vehicle integrates mechanical mine-clearing, blasting mine-clearing, and magnetic simulation mine-clearing. It can be used alone or in combination. It has strong armor protection capabilities, excellent mobility, and strong off-road capabilities.

"Boom!" The moving tanks were already firing.

There was a fortress on a high ground. This fortress was garrisoned by a squad of soldiers and equipped with two machine guns.

A tank shell directly blew up the fortress.

One fortress and fortification after another were blasted into slag by tanks.

At the front-line command post, everyone was watching with binoculars.

Division Commander Wang said: "Director Liu, aren't you afraid that the tanks in your battalion will be destroyed by enemy artillery fire?"

"This is a new type of tank with extremely strong armor protection. The Vietnamese artillery shells cannot break the tank's armor protection." Liu Tao seemed very confident.

Just kidding, in all the information intelligence so far, none of the Vietnamese artillery on the battlefield has the ability to break the armor protection of the Type 80 tank.

"I haven't seen how good the tank's armor protection is, but this tank gun is quite powerful!" Division Commander Wang said.

Liu Tao smiled. The 125mm smoothbore gun is the main gun, so its power is naturally very strong.

Suddenly, Liu Tao saw a Vietnamese tank, which was a T-34 tank. This type of tank is still easy to identify.

Then Liu Tao saw that the T-34 tank was cupped by a shot.

A ball of flame rose directly.

The T-34 tank is a medium tank, the main tank of the Soviet army during World War II. More than 50,000 were produced during World War II, far exceeding the total of all German tanks.

This type of tank was often destroyed during World War II, and its armored defense is even more thin now.

As long as it is hit by a Type 80 tank, it can be destroyed with one shot.

"Even tanks appear. It seems that the intelligence collected before the war is not all accurate." Liu Tao thought to himself.

Because no matter whether it is the intelligence collected by the special operations team of the combined battalion or the battlefield intelligence collected by the reconnaissance troops of the 42nd Division, it is found that the Vietnamese army has tanks in the Koulin Mountain area.

On the battlefield, the fierce battle between the two sides has already started.

Bullets continue to hit the Type 80 tank, sparking sparks.

And every time the gunshots are heard, the hidden fortifications will be discovered, and then they will attract a rain of bullets.

"Boom~~" In the infantry company, a soldier noticed that a hole was constantly spewing flames. He picked up the rocket launcher on his shoulder, aimed and fired, all in one go.

The rocket hit the hole and flew into it, and then there was an explosion, and it was already a sea of ​​fire.

The special operations team, the sniper, was in a hidden corner. He clamped the bracket and was looking for the target through the telescope.

"1500 meters away, a fortress!" The sniper took aim and shot.

The incendiary bomb was fired, drawing a beautiful trajectory and shooting into the machine gun hole of the fortress.

"Boom~~" An explosion was heard.

The entire fortress was directly scrapped.

In the fierce battle, fortresses and fortifications were destroyed one by one.

On the mountain, the headquarters of the 14th Regiment.

News from all parties was constantly gathered at the headquarters.

"What the hell, what's going on? Building so many fortifications can't slow down the enemy and kill the enemy on a large scale?" Pei Chi cursed.

For this battle, they were actually fully prepared, otherwise they would not have built a large number of fortifications and seized favorable terrain, and he even led troops to reinforce.

However, the enemy's artillery firepower and fierce offensive were beyond his expectations.

"Captain, they used tanks!" The subordinate said aggrievedly.

Pei Chi said angrily: "Didn't they bury mines? All the mines were duds?"

"Captain, they have a mine clearance vehicle and detonated the mines."

"If the mines are detonated, can't their tanks be blocked by blowing up the mine clearance vehicle?" Pei Chi was puzzled.

"Captain, the mines were detonated, but the mine-clearing vehicle could not be blown up." The subordinates looked frustrated.

"What?" Pei Chi was shocked, "What mine-clearing vehicle is so powerful? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Then Pei Chi took a telescope. Although it was far away and the view was not very clear, he could still see that an armored vehicle was in front and mines were constantly being detonated, but the armored vehicle was still moving forward. The tanks behind were separated by a distance and were not threatened by mines at all.

The mines they had laid before were equivalent to being laid in vain.

This made Pei Chi very depressed, "Mobilize the artillery for me to bombard this tank armored unit!"

Pei Chi gave an order.

Without artillery, it is impossible to destroy tanks with infantry machine guns and rifles alone.

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