The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 183 Emergency Camp Breakout (Subscription Request)

Ten days passed in a flash.

That night.

"Emergency assembly!"

Everyone was ready to go to the front line at any time.

In the past month, Liu Tao and others worked overtime.

These Type 80 tanks are not export versions, but self-use versions.

In addition to self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and tanks, there are transport vehicles.

In addition to transporting soldiers, transport vehicles also transport weapons, ammunition and various supplies.

In addition to Liu Tao, there is also a group of photographers who are taking pictures at this time. They are seconded by Liu Tao from the film studio.

Following Liu Tao, there are also logistics personnel from Panshan Machinery Factory. At this time, the logistics personnel gave each soldier a small bowl, and then opened the purchased Maotai liquor and filled the bowls in each soldier's hands with wine.

Liu Tao also took a bowl, picked it up, and said in a loud voice: "Comrades, for the motherland and the people, I wish you a successful start and immediate success. The motherland and the people are waiting for your triumphant return. The national prestige and military prestige are in our southwest!"

"Comrades, raise your glasses!"


Liu Tao toasted the officers and soldiers of the combined battalion. This was a swearing-in ceremony, and it was also his practice for the combined battalion.

"Use me in the first battle! I will win!" Li Fuguo roared.

"Use me in the first battle! I will win!" The soldiers roared one after another, and then drank the bowl of wine in their hands.

Li Fuguo said loudly: "Let's go!"

Immediately, the soldiers got on the car one after another.

Two tank companies had three people on a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun or tank, while others got on the transport vehicle, and Li Fuguo and others got on the jeep.

The military band played the music, which was the "March of the Iron Torrent" that Liu Tao hummed according to his memory and the military band composed according to its melody.

The momentum was very heroic, and the soldiers' eyes were firm and bright.

Zhao Guoping resolutely got on a jeep.

The vehicle started and drove to the front line in a mighty manner.

"Division Commander, this!" The chief of staff looked at it and swallowed his saliva: "Even the US military is not so luxurious."

He had been an instructor in Annan, had seen the US military with his own eyes, and had dealt with the US military.

But in his impression, even the US military was not so luxurious.

Division Commander Wang thought that he was just coming to see it.

Unexpectedly, they were really here.

Division Commander Wang was naturally familiar with Panshan Machinery Factory, after all, he had dealt with it many times.

"Director Liu, Comrade Li Fuguo" Division Commander Wang didn't know what to say.

Liu Tao said: "Division Commander Wang, I'm sorry to trouble you. If we can't capture it, let other troops go."

"Let the soldiers rest first, we will have a meeting." Division Commander Wang thought for a while and said.

Li Fuguo saluted Division Commander Wang, and then asked the soldiers to set up camp and rest.

Li Fuguo and Liu Tao followed Division Commander Wang and others into the command center.

"According to the reconnaissance troops and aerial reconnaissance information, the Vietnamese army's strength in Koulin Mountain has increased from one battalion to one regiment, that is, the 14th regiment. In addition, two regiments will come to support at any time." The chief of staff introduced the battlefield situation, with sand tables, maps, and aerial reconnaissance by aircraft.

At this time, all the cadres above the battalion level of the 42nd Division participated in the meeting. When they heard the chief of staff introduce the latest news, they couldn't help but frowned.

The terrain here in Koulin Mountain is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the opponent has the advantage of terrain.

Originally, we had an advantage in manpower, but now this advantage is gone.

"Director Liu, Comrade Li Fuguo, do you still want to participate in the first wave of attacks?" Commander Wang looked at Liu Tao and Li Fuguo.

Li Fuguo stood up and said, "Comrade Wang, we have been simulating the attack on the mountain for more than a month, and we have some experience in this. Please give us the main attack task!"

"Comrade Li Fuguo, there is a situation that you may not understand. That is, the mountain is not conducive to the advancement of tanks, and the Vietnamese army has also laid mines." The chief of staff said.

Li Fuguo smiled and said, "Our tanks can go on this terrain, and we have a mine-clearing vehicle, so we are not afraid of mines."

Liu Tao also smiled.

In order to deal with mines and ensure the safety of tanks and self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, he got a special vehicle. The vehicle has no main gun and no other weapons, but its mine-clearing ability is very good.

"Mine-clearing vehicle?" Commander Wang was a little confused.

A mine-clearing vehicle must be accompanied by a mine-clearing soldier to clear the mines one by one.

But here in Koulin Mountain, the various fortifications of the Vietnamese army will be constantly facing shooting, and the appearance of the mine-clearing soldier is like a living target.

"Commander Wang, you will know when the time comes!" Liu Tao also smiled.

"Okay, since you insist, your battalion will participate in the attack!" Commander Wang said.

Then he began to enter the combat command and deployment.

First, determine the assembly area of ​​each combat unit, then the attack starting position and the impact starting position, and at the same time determine the route of the interspersed units, including the establishment of command posts at all levels and the layout of artillery positions of various calibers.

Obviously, the preliminary preparations have been very sufficient.

Liu Tao did not understand the battle plan, as he was not a military commander, but he trusted the ability of these officers and soldiers, because they were different from two years ago. Now they had all experienced the baptism of war and their combat experience had been significantly improved.

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