The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 182 Don’t worry about wasting ammunition

During the three-day New Year's Day holiday, many people took a holiday.

But some people did not take a holiday.

For example, the tank assembly workshop, the tank engine production workshop and the canteen near here.

The output of Type 80 tanks and Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns is low, and there are many orders. Everyone is working hard to make Type 80 tanks and Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns.

Other parts are easy to produce, but the engine is the most difficult.

Liu Tao came to the quality inspection workshop, where four Type 80 tanks and four Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns were parked, all of which were foreign trade versions.

Liu Tao stretched out his hand and placed it on a Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, and the virtual panel emerged.

These Type 80 tanks and Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns all have some problems, and these problems must be solved by Liu Tao.

Looking at the virtual panel, Liu Tao knew very well what problems this Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun had.

"System, repair!" Liu Tao muttered in his heart.


A faint light flashed.

Liu Tao saw that the red real areas on the virtual panel disappeared.

This also means that there is no problem with this Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun.

Using the same method, Liu Tao repaired other self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and tanks one by one.

He is still involved in tank manufacturing and earning upgrade points, which means that he needs to use a large number of upgrade points to repair the defects of these self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and tanks.

Otherwise, although these Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and Type 80 tanks seem to have no problems, various problems will occur frequently after delivery.

After all, a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun and tank have so many parts. It is nonsense to say that everyone is very skilled now. It is impossible that there are no problems at all.

What makes Liu Tao quite gratified is that he obviously finds that the problems of self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and tanks are rapidly decreasing.

"Next, we have to produce a few self-use versions of Type 80 tanks for the combined battalion to use, so that we will not be familiar with tanks when we go to the battlefield." Liu Tao said secretly.

Liu Tao naturally attaches great importance to the combined battalion.

He plans to fully equip the two tank companies of the combined battalion in the next period of time.

"But next, we have to speed up the manufacturing of engines. Only when the manufacturing speed of engines is improved can the production speed of tanks and self-propelled anti-aircraft guns be improved." Liu Tao knew that the production speed of other parts was getting faster and faster, and the production speed of tanks and self-propelled anti-aircraft guns was limited by two aspects.

On the one hand, it is the processing of engine bodies. In this regard, a five-axis machining center can only process one in three days, which means that a five-axis machining center can process ten engine bodies in a month. If this problem is not solved, the engine production speed will be limited.

To solve the engine production speed, the simplest way is to increase the number of five-axis machining centers. With more five-axis machining centers, the production speed of engine bodies will naturally be faster.

On the other hand, it is the final assembly of tanks and self-propelled anti-aircraft guns. The main thing here is the proficiency of engineers. Everything depends on proficiency.

Tianzhu Mountain.

Synthetic battalion training base.

There is a temporary military camp built with military tents.

In the command center, Li Fuguo was pointing at the map of Tianzhu Mountain and introducing Liu Tao to the defensive fortifications of Tianzhu Mountain during this period.

With the special operations team constantly going to Koulin Mountain, Laoshan Mountain, and Zheyin Mountain to scout the terrain, Li Fuguo and others also have an understanding of the Vietnamese army's defensive fortifications.

During this period, the combined battalion formed similar defensive fortifications in Tianzhu Mountain.

Trenches, bunkers, and blockhouses.

Quite complete.

"According to our intelligence, the Vietnamese army has stationed a reinforced battalion in Koulin Mountain, which belongs to the 9th Battalion of the 14th Regiment of the 313th Division of the Vietnamese Army. A total of more than 500 fortifications and more than 600 anti-artillery holes have been built," Li Fuguo introduced.

This is the intelligence obtained by the special operations team from a command post on the other side of Koulin Mountain.

"Now the troops are moving. If the combined battalion attacks Koulin Mountain, how can you capture Koulin Mountain at the lowest cost?" Liu Tao asked.

Li Fuguo introduced the tactical deployment.

Liu Tao frowned slightly, "Why don't you use the rocket launchers?"

"There are also fuel-air bombs, why don't you use them?" Liu Tao said: "Comrade Li Fuguo, you are the commander of the combined battalion, you need to consider taking Koulin Mountain at the lowest cost."

Liu Tao received the news just two days ago.

He called the leader as soon as possible and finally got the opportunity for the combined battalion.

Li Fuguo showed shame.

"Comrade Li Fuguo, now everyone in the combined battalion is equipped with a set of rocket launchers, which are for you to use, and more will be equipped in time." Liu Tao said: "There are also self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and tanks, and you are equipped with at least two bases of ammunition."

"There will be more ammunition for you later, you don't need to save it." Liu Tao said in a deep voice: "You will set off to the front line in a month, I hope you can bring everyone back to celebrate the New Year."

"Understood, Director!" Li Fuguo saluted Liu Tao.

Afterwards, Li Fuguo organized a mountain attack drill.

Liu Tao immediately understood that Li Fuguo had considered this before. On the contrary, he had drawn up several drill plans, but he only introduced the one that saved the most shells.

Liu Tao laughed in his heart. The shells seemed very expensive, but because they were produced by Panshan Machinery Factory, the actual consumption was only about one-third of what Li Fuguo thought.

The soldiers practiced using rocket launchers and infantry-tank coordinated operations.

Although the rocket launcher is disposable and thrown away after use, Liu Tao doesn't feel bad at all, because this thing is now in mass production. He arranged people to work overtime to produce it, and in two days, everyone can be equipped with a set of rocket launchers.

Liu Tao plans to prepare three sets of rocket launchers for each person, equipped with various rockets.

As for tanks and self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, even if the consumption is large now, Liu Tao will at least prepare two bases of ammunition for tanks and self-propelled anti-aircraft guns when the combined battalion sets out.

It is no exaggeration to say that the firepower Liu Tao prepared for the combined battalion is more fierce than that of a division.

Liu Tao looked at it with a telescope. Although it was just a drill, it seemed to make him feel the shock of real artillery fire. After all, the shells are real, and the soldiers shoot with guns, and they shoot real bullets.

"Is this the three-three system? It is really engraved in the bones of the soldiers." Liu Tao said in his heart.

Liu Tao held the telescope and said, "Comrade Zhao Guoping, do you think that with the current combat power of the combined battalion, we can take Koulin Mountain?"

Zhao Guoping was wearing camouflage uniforms and a bulletproof helmet at this time, no different from other soldiers.

"Yes, we can definitely take Koulin Mountain!" Zhao Guoping said in a deep voice, "Director, you have prepared enough for our combined battalion. If we still can't take Koulin Mountain, we might as well go home and sell sweet potatoes!"

During this period of time in the military camp, Zhao Guoping's military aura has become stronger.

Liu Tao nodded, and he also believed that the combined battalion would not let him down.

After all, he had prepared a lot of powerful weapons such as cloud-burst bombs for the combined battalion.

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