The civilian factory arranged for Gui Province is a foundry, which specializes in casting and processing parts and supplies them to the entire group.

Gui Province is rich in mineral resources and is a famous province with rich mineral resources. There are 82 proven mineral species in the province, and many of them are among the top in the country in terms of reserves. Mercury, barite, sandstone for fertilizers, sandstone for metallurgy, diabase for facing, sandstone for bricks and tiles, etc. are all ranked first in the country. Phosphorus, bauxite, rare earth, etc. are also very rich.

The transportation in Gui Province is relatively limited. It is located on a plateau with an average altitude of 1,100 meters. There are many plateaus and mountains. It is known as "eight mountains, one water, and one field". The resources are rich, so it is more suitable to do some casting work.

As for Gui Province, the civilian factory is to build an electric fan factory in Qinzhou, which is convenient for sea transportation. It can be shipped to various parts of the country by sea and can also be exported.

In both Gui Province and Gui Province, Liu Tao only plans to build a military factory with about 10,000 employees. The rest of the personnel will be handed over to the civilian factory.

After thinking it over again and again, he changed the name of the civilian factory. Before he knew it, it was already past two in the morning.

Yawning, Liu Tao left the study and went to the bedroom to sleep.

The next day, he slept until noon and got up to eat.

In the afternoon, Liu Tao went to the Fifth Ministry of Machine Building.

And he also saw the intelligence sent by the relevant departments.

After reading the intelligence, Liu Tao finally understood why Hadi took the initiative to come to him to make friends.

The Ugandan-Tanzanian War broke out. Uganda had a total of 70,000 troops. Facing a powerful enemy, Tazania quickly mobilized all the forces of the National Defense Force. Within a few weeks, the number of troops increased from 40,000 before the war to 100,000 including police forces, prison guards, reservists and militia. At the end of the month, the Tanzanian army had completely blocked the enemy's attack and drove the Ugandan army out of Tazania the next month.

Just last January, more than 10,000 Tanzanian troops, supported by Type 59 tanks and J-6 and J-7B fighters, began a counterattack. The Ugandan army was demoralized and had no fighting spirit. They collapsed at the first blow and retreated completely.

Amin of Uganda was unwilling to fail, but he approached Gaddafi. Gaddafi agreed to Amin's request and sent a team of about 3,000 people, and also provided a large number of T-54 and T-55 tanks, BTR infantry fighting vehicles, BM-21 Katyusha rocket launchers, cannons, MiG-21 fighters, Tu-22 strategic bombers and other weapons.

However, in the Battle of Lukaya, the Tanzanian army won a great victory, and the Ugandan and Libyan coalition forces suffered a disastrous defeat and were completely defeated. The Libyan army suffered heavy losses and fell apart.

Those weapons and equipment, including the arms to assist Amin, are naturally gone.

And just this year, Gaddafi sent troops to Chad, wanting to occupy Chad.

Chad is a landlocked country in central Africa, bordering Libya to the north, Sudan to the east, Central Africa to the south, Cameroon and Nigeria to the southwest, and Niger to the west. It has a land area of ​​1.284 million square kilometers and a population of 4.4 million.

Since 1975, a civil war broke out in Chad.

The civil war in Chad lasted for five years, and both sides were exhausted.

Once Libya entered, it was crushed, and at most it even occupied four-fifths of Chad's area.

But recently, Libya suddenly suffered defeat after defeat, and the losses were quite heavy.

The 8,000 people who entered Chad before were equipped with 300 tanks and 60 fighter planes. Now one-third of them have been lost, and the tanks and planes have also suffered a lot of losses.

"Colonel Ka is worthy of being Colonel Ka. The army looks strong on paper, but it has never won a war." Liu Tao shook his head, but thinking that the other party was just a colonel, Liu Tao was relieved.

Having lost so many weapons and equipment in the past two years, Libya naturally needs to replenish its weapons and equipment.

Libya does not have any military industry, so it can only purchase from abroad. As a younger brother of the Soviet Union, it can only purchase from the Soviet Union.

It's just that Gaddafi has been jumping around recently, and West Germany and other European countries are very close, so this purchase is naturally not that easy.

It happened that during the Iran-Iraq War, Iraq's weapons and equipment had good performance and good record. After Libya got the intelligence, it decided to come to China to purchase.

As for why they found Syria, it was naturally because they were in the same small circle.

Libya, Algeria, South Yemen, and the PLO established the Arab "Rejection Front" on December 2, 1977. Now Libya is the leader of the Arab "Rejection Front".

The relationship between Syria and Libya is quite good.

Even some of the weapons and equipment purchased by Syria were paid by Libya.

After all, although Syria is also a Middle Eastern country, its oil reserves are average, which is not rich compared with neighboring countries such as Iraq and Persia. Although Syria has been producing oil since the late 1960s, the oil produced is not even enough for domestic use.

"Tastania?" Liu Tao looked at the information, tapping his hands on the table, and looked thoughtful. "It seems that I have to go to Shijiazhuang Advanced Army College!"

Tastania, known as one of the birthplaces of ancient humans, is located in eastern Africa, south of the equator, with a land area of ​​945,000 square kilometers and a population of nearly 20 million.

Tastania and China established diplomatic relations as early as 1964, and the relationship between the two sides is still quite friendly, and it can even be said that they are good friends.

Tastannia is poor, with annual foreign exchange income of about $500 million to $600 million, but it has to spend $1.1 billion to $2 billion every year to import necessities from abroad. The country's GDP last year was only about $4 billion. It can be said to be a poor and weak country.

Liu Tao knew that Tastannia was poor, but its resources were very rich. The main minerals that have been identified include gold, diamonds, iron, nickel, uranium, phosphates, coal, and various gemstones.

The proven gold reserves alone reached 18 million ounces, that is, 560 tons of gold reserves.

The diamond reserves are about 2.5 million tons, iron ore is 130 million tons, titanium reserves are 33.5 million tons, tin and tungsten reserves are 250,000 tons, and nickel reserves are 4.05 million tons.

It doesn't matter if there is no foreign exchange such as the US dollar, just take the minerals.

The Chinese are not only good at farming, but also good at mining!

Moreover, Tastannia is a good friend of China. Libya has purchased a batch of weapons from him, and he has to consider his friends.

As for why they didn't go to the embassy but went to the Shijiazhuang Advanced Army College, it was because there were more important people there.

In the past, China was very keen to help friends. This kind of help was not just free military aid, but also included training soldiers. Now, although due to some promises, they no longer provide free military aid, and helping friends is not high-profile.

But it doesn't mean that they will do nothing.

For example, the Shijiazhuang Advanced Army College accepts some good friends' international students, teaches them some Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought, and teaches them some tactics such as guerrilla warfare, as well as some military training for college students.

And those who can come here to study naturally have extraordinary identities and backgrounds.

The weight of these international students is even beyond imagination.

Liu Tao not only wants to talk about arms business, but also about cooperative development after getting the mine.

The strong dragon cannot suppress the local snake. After all, it is the long-term plan to find the local snake to cooperate in development.

Win-win has always been one of his philosophies.

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