After getting the relevant materials, learn about it.

Liu Tao took the guards and set off for Shijiazhuang.

Shijiazhuang Advanced Army Academy has a glorious history. It was born in the flames of the Anti-Japanese War, and many senior generals have served as leaders of the college.

At the guard office, Liu Tao's guard handed over a letter of introduction: "Hello, comrade, this is the leader of our unit. He comes to the college for business. This is a letter of introduction."

The guard looked at the letter of introduction and then at Liu Tao, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

The guard couldn't understand why he was a cadre at such a young age?

After carefully checking the letter of introduction and making sure there was nothing wrong with it, the guard said: "Please wait a moment!"

Later, the guard called to report the incident.

Liu Tao and the guards waited patiently. This is a military academy, an important military area, and is under militarized management. The guards at the school gate are all armed with live ammunition.

The guards have the right to shoot anyone who dares to break in.

After a while, I saw a jeep coming towards the school gate.

As soon as the guard at the door saw the person getting off the jeep, he immediately straightened his body and solemnly saluted: "Principal!"

"Hello, Chief!" Liu Tao and his guards looked surprised when they saw the person coming, and immediately saluted with a military salute.

There is no way. The current administrative level of Shijiazhuang Senior Army Command College is the deputy military region level. The principal is the senior commander and the deputy military region level. It has not restored its military rank yet. Otherwise, there will be at least two gold stars on the shoulders.

Principal Li smiled and said: "Comrade Liu Tao, I have heard about you for a long time, and today I finally meet you. As expected, a hero comes from a young age."

"The chief is so complimentary!" Liu Tao said quickly.

The guard at the door was secretly shocked. He didn't even expect the principal to come out in person.

Who is this young man? He is already the director of a factory at such a young age, and the principal even came out to pick him up personally.

Liu Tao got into the jeep and left with the principal.

In the principal's office, after some pleasantries.

Liu Tao finally understood why the principal greeted him in person. It was because a batch of firearms from Panshan Machinery Factory were donated to the school. Not long ago, a Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun and a Type 80 tank came to the school so that the school could Start teaching.

Although the school is still groping for this brand-new thing, it is still of great help to the school.

Liu Tao also explained his intention.

Principal Li was surprised. He did not expect that Liu Tao came here to find international students from Tanzania.

"It's a simple matter. I'll ask someone to come over." Principal Li said, and then called the secretary, who went out.

About ten minutes later, Liu Tao saw the person he wanted to see.

Sulu Nyerere, a young military officer, was a person with a great background.

After some pleasantries, Liu Tao explained his intention.

Sulu frowned. He had studied in China for three years and naturally knew how to speak Chinese.

Sulu was naturally eager to be able to purchase weapons and ammunition, but he knew that China no longer provided free military aid to foreign countries, and Tazania was too poor to have money to purchase weapons and ammunition.

"Liu, I think you are going to be disappointed. We can't afford weapons and ammunition." Sulu shook his head and said, "We have to spend a lot of foreign exchange to import supplies every year, and we don't have any foreign exchange to purchase weapons and ammunition."

Liu Tao smiled and said: "Captain Sulu, we are good friends. It doesn't matter if we don't have foreign exchange. We can cooperate to develop minerals, coal, iron ore, gold, etc. As long as these resources are mined, they can be sold for money."

Sulu hesitated and said: "But we don't have mining technology, manual mining is very slow, we don't have smelting technology, and we don't even have good roads."

Now China is poor and backward, but it is still better than many countries.

Because China has established preliminary industrialization and has a preliminary transportation network.

The situation in Tanzania is very bad.

Although it defeated the Ugandan and Libyan coalition forces last year, Tazania also suffered heavy losses.

"If there is no technology, we can create technology! If there is no road, we can build roads!" Liu Tao said with a smile, "There may be many difficulties at the beginning, but as long as you do it, you can continue to generate profits in the future."

"And you can exchange this for a batch of weapons and ammunition, and you can also share dividends in the future, and your country can also collect taxes." Liu Tao said with a smile, "Even at critical times, our security guards can accept your employment and help you defeat the enemy. enemy."

Sulu looked thoughtful.

He knew that Liu Tao was an arms dealer in China, and he could also be understood to be a mercenary.

There are not many mercenaries on the African continent, there are so many.

Many tribes even hire mercenaries to fight.

It's just that he is a little confused. China's change is too fast. You must know that both sides used to talk about revolutionary friendship.

"Liu, this is not in line with the usual practice of you Chinese people." Sulu looked at Liu Tao.

Liu Tao smiled and said: "We are just a company, an arms company, and have nothing to do with the country. As for the security company, it is not here, but in China."

What does what Panshan Machinery Factory does have anything to do with China?

"We are a very pure company and have nothing to do with any doctrine." Liu Tao said, "I believe that our cooperation will definitely be a win-win situation."

"You know, if resources are not mined, they are worthless. Only the resources that are mined can be said to be wealth." Liu Tao smiled lightly.

There is no doubt that Africa is rich in resources.

But Africa is very poor because they have no industrialization.

"I don't think I have any reason not to agree." Sulu said.

Sulu also knew that the previous war consumed a lot of domestic weapons and ammunition, and for Tasmania, which had no arms production capacity, it could only purchase arms or get arms assistance from other major countries.

But that was too difficult.

And what Liu Tao said was not to take it for himself, but to cooperate with him, or the forces behind him.

There is no doubt that this is also a huge benefit for them.

Minerals can be sold for money after they are mined, and more importantly, it can also provide jobs. Other things, including road construction, are also national construction for Tasmania.

"Captain Sulu, I don't think you will regret it. We Chinese are the most trustworthy. We are not like those greedy Westerners who only exploit. We emphasize win-win and work together to make money." Liu Tao laughed when he heard Sulu say this.

He is not afraid that the other party has no money, as long as the other party has resources and is willing to cooperate together.

As for resources, as long as they can be mined, they are wealth. Whether they are sold to Europe or directly transported back to be refined into steel, they will be sold without any worries.

Even if it is gold, it is the real hard currency, but everyone likes gold.

As for diamonds, as long as a jewelry company is opened in Hong Kong, they can be processed. Whether it is diamonds or gold, they can be processed into jewelry, which can be converted into money continuously.

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