The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 178 Thinking (asking for monthly votes)

Zhu Xiongxin was stunned.

"No way, how could they not return home after studying abroad? It's not easy for the country to send them abroad to study! They are sent abroad to learn knowledge and skills, just to return with achievements and serve the country." Zhu Xiongxin frowned and said.

Liu Tao shook his head slightly.

Zhu Xiongxin is a typical scholar, too idealistic, and imagines everyone too well!

You must know that human hearts are the most difficult to guess and the most changeable. Even saints cannot control human hearts.

"We are too different from European and American countries in terms of material. The salary alone is dozens or even hundreds of times different. A month's income there is equivalent to several years in China, and you can use the money to buy cars, refrigerators, air conditioners, and TVs without industrial tickets." Liu Tao said, "Everyone is under such a huge impact. How many people can keep their original aspirations and remember their mission?"

For Liu Tao, he has experienced an era of abundant materials. Even the prosperity of the West in this era cannot attract him.

But for others, it is a huge shock.

The gap between the two sides is so big that it makes people despair.

Not everyone can work hard and move forward bravely in such a huge gap and great despair. Many people will lose faith and lose their direction.

Why are scientists like Qian Xuesen admired?

That is because they can give up the comfortable life in Europe and the United States and choose to return to the impoverished New China to build a new China. Such lofty patriotism is admirable, and such people are a minority.

There are so many overseas Chinese, and many of them are engaged in various fields, but I am afraid that not even one percent of them will choose to return to China to participate in national construction.

If Liu Tao is just an ordinary person, he can earn $400 a month in the United States, have a car and a villa, and can easily support a family of five by working alone. After returning to China, he can earn 100 yuan a month, which is equivalent to about 67 US dollars. He wants to buy a car, a refrigerator, etc., not to mention whether the money is enough, and he can't even buy it. Then it is very likely that Liu Tao will choose to stay in the United States instead of returning to China.

Liu Zhenbang drank a glass of wine and said, "This will definitely happen, and it is also a high probability thing that will happen. It should be considered carefully. After all, it is not easy for the country to organize students to study abroad. It costs precious foreign exchange, and the cost of studying abroad is not low!"

Not long ago, the Ministry of Education proposed a strategy to send 3,000 people to study abroad every year in the next five years, and 6,000 people to study abroad every year after five years. In the last decade of the 20th century, the number of people studying abroad reached 10,000 to 20,000 people every year.

This strategy is undoubtedly very grand.

Although the tuition fee is much less due to the national level, the country has to invest almost 10,000 US dollars in each international student. Sending 3,000 people to study abroad every year means an additional 30 million US dollars, and 6,000 people means 60 million US dollars!

For China, which is now short of foreign exchange, it is really not easy to come up with this amount of money every year.

You must know that this is just for international students. There will also be academic conferences and scholars visiting abroad organized by the education system, which will cost tens of millions of dollars or even hundreds of millions of dollars a year.

If international students go out and don't come back, it will definitely be a huge loss for the country.

It was late at night and the place was quiet.

The courtyard was wrapped in a layer of silver, with thick snow, and the roof was covered with snow. It snowed heavily tonight.

In the study, the lights were still on.

Liu Tao was holding a pen and writing on an A3 drawing.

This is a group structure chart.

Since he agreed to take over the hundreds of third-tier military factories, Liu Tao would not regret it and was also thinking about it.

At the top was the Huaxia Panshan Group Corporation.

This would be the top layer, and it was also derived from the current Panshan Machinery Factory.

Liu Tao had deep feelings for the Panshan Machinery Factory, and the group company unconsciously wanted to carry the word "Panshan".

Then in the second-level group were the Huaxia Southwest Ordnance Industry Group Corporation and the Huaxia Southwest Industrial Group Corporation.

Huaxia Southwest Ordnance Industry Group Corporation was responsible for military business, while Huaxia Southwest Industrial Group Corporation was responsible for civilian business.

Under the two major groups, production bases were used as units.

Military production bases: Sichuan production base (01 production base), Yunnan production base (02 production base), Guizhou production base (03 production base), Guangxi production base (04 production base).

Civilian production bases: Sichuan production base (05 production base), Yunnan production base (06 production base), Guizhou production base (07 production base), Guangxi production base (08 production base).

Next, there are factories under the production base.

Liu Tao rubbed his temples, feeling a headache. He didn't drink enough wine, and it was really uncomfortable to be neither up nor down. He couldn't sleep because his blood was too excited.

"Although it can exist in the form of a production base, each military production base must be able to produce weapons, and it can't be too concentrated." Liu Tao shook his head.

The military system is like this, and we must be prepared for danger in times of peace.

Although there is no need to continue to be isolated from the world in the deep mountains and old forests, it does not mean that all of them will be cancelled. Each province must be able to produce various types of weapons.

At present, this aspect is relatively well-formed in Yunnan Province. Including the 356 Factory under construction, there are a total of six factories, five of which are military factories and one civilian factory.

Except for Factory 356, the other five factories are all very large, almost equivalent to a town.

Of course, because the mountains occupy the majority, there is not much real usable land.

But it is still very amazing.

Panshan Machinery Factory (Factory 235), Yunnan Foundry Machinery Factory (Factory 991), Yunnan Furniture Processing Factory (Factory 9815), Yunnan Machinery Repair Factory (Factory 9807), Yunnan Xiyi Industrial Factory (Factory 356).

These are the five military factories under Panshan Machinery Factory, which retain the original military code.

As for some third-line military factories, they are naturally gone.

Yunnan Home Appliance Manufacturing Factory, this is a civilian factory, which is now under construction and will be used to manufacture air conditioners and refrigerators.

Liu Tao thought about it and changed the Yunnan Home Appliance Manufacturing Factory to Huaxia Gree Home Appliance Group, which will specialize in manufacturing air conditioners and refrigerators in the future.

Then he moved his eyes to the military production base in Sichuan Province. Liu Tao filled in the Sichuan Bashan Machinery Factory (Factory 565) and Shancheng Iron Horse Factory (Factory 256), and then wrote down the Huaxia Automobile Group and Huaxia Motorcycle Group on the civilian factory side. Military factories alone were not enough to absorb the employees of the huge third-line military factories in Sichuan and Shu. Liu Tao could only think of making cars and motorcycles.

It just so happened that cars and motorcycles were both technical reserves for him, and Factory 256 itself was making military cars.

As long as military technology is converted into civilian technology, it is not difficult to make motorcycles and cars.

Of course, the main consumer market for making motorcycles and cars is still in Europe and the United States. As for China, motorcycles and cars are still purchased by units, and the market is limited. Even if it is released, the number of people who can afford cars and motorcycles is always limited.

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