The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 177 The rich man likes to spend money

"Of course there is no problem. We all understand Mr. Liu's rules!" Hardy said.

Liu Tao secretly guessed that Hardy seemed to have done a lot of work in advance.

"I wonder which weapons you want to purchase? How much will you purchase?" Liu Tao asked.

"10,000 Type 78 pistols, 50,000 Type 78 rifles, 2,000 Type 78 general machine guns, 500 Type 78 heavy machine guns, 500 heavy sniper rifles, and 200 anti-aircraft machine guns." Hardy took out a list, " If possible, we would like to purchase your self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, tanks and that 'avant-garde' anti-aircraft missile."

Liu Tao was secretly surprised. It seemed that Iraq attracted quite a lot of attention on the battlefield.

Neither the self-propelled anti-aircraft guns nor the tanks have been delivered yet, and not even a single one is available abroad except at home.

However, two batches of 'avant-garde' air defense missiles were delivered and used on the battlefield.

"The Iraqi army, or Iraq as a whole, is probably just a sieve in front of the intelligence system. There are no secrets at all." Liu Tao was also mentally prepared for this.

Since it is exported, there will be no secrets at all.

This is the same for any weapon.

"Avangard" anti-aircraft missiles are used on the Iran-Iraq battlefield, so anyone who is interested will know about it.

Even Liu Tao doubted whether the launchers and missiles of the "Avangard" anti-aircraft missiles had appeared in Soviet and American laboratories, and a series of studies were ongoing.

It might have been captured by Persia on the battlefield, or it might have been sold by the Iraqis.

It seems unbelievable, but it is entirely possible.

"Mr. Hardy, my friend, as a friend I have to tell you the truth, if you place an order now, you won't be able to get self-propelled anti-aircraft guns or tanks next year. Our orders for next year are fully booked, but if you place an order now, you won't be able to get self-propelled anti-aircraft guns or tanks next year. You can get the first batch in the year," Liu Tao said, "You have to know that these two weapons are very popular internationally and we have received many orders."

"Of course, you don't need to wait that long for the 'Avangard' air defense missile." Liu Tao is not afraid that the other party will not place an order.

It's best to place an order, but it's okay not to place an order.

With these two orders from Iraq and Saudi Arabia, self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and tanks will have no worries in recent years.

It would be best if he could place an order, as he could get the deposit in advance.

The U.S. dollar will depreciate rapidly. The U.S. dollars you get now and the U.S. dollars you get in one or two years are completely different concepts.

Next, he will build three production bases, and to be honest, he is quite short of money.

"50 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, 300 tanks, and 1,200 'avant-garde' anti-aircraft missile launchers, each equipped with 5 anti-aircraft missiles," Hadi said.

The two sides checked the list and calculated it carefully. Including various bullets, shells, etc., as well as some accessories, it amounted to 2 billion US dollars.

Liu Tao cursed in his heart: "These big dogs just like to throw money at them!"

You can really do whatever you want with money!

Although Libya has a population of only 3 million, its annual oil revenue has exceeded tens of billions in the past few years. Oil prices have soared this year. I am afraid that this year's oil revenue alone will exceed 20 billion US dollars. The Central Bank of Libya has foreign exchange reserves of US$12.8 billion. In addition, the Central Bank of Libya is said to have 138 tons of gold.

Today's Libya is rich and willful. In order to achieve the goal of "every family should have a suitable house", Libya has built 250,000 houses through direct investment and the granting of housing loans. The government encourages citizens to buy houses with a monthly salary of less than 500 dinars. Those with a monthly salary of 500 dinars or more can apply for interest-free loans. Not long ago, Libya announced to the world that it had completely eliminated slums in the country. At the same time, free education and free medical care are implemented across the country. Patients can go abroad for treatment with the consent of the hospital, and all costs are borne by the state.

Moreover, every farmer in Libya receives a house, a tractor, a cow and 30 sheep from the government for free.

Such a big dog owner is really inhumane.

However, Liu Tao likes to make friends with such big dogs!

The next day, both parties signed a contract agreement.

Both parties seemed low-key and did not make any noise.

After signing this big order, Liu Tao was in a great mood, humming while holding his son.

In the evening, heavy snow fell from the sky, and soon the entire courtyard was covered with a layer of silver.

Everyone set up pots in the hall, washed vegetables, cut meat, and started making beef hot pot.

As for Zhu Lin's confinement period, she could only hold her baby in the room, and could not come out to have a shower, nor could she eat hot pot.

Liu Tao was in a good mood and took out two bottles of Maotai.

Everyone was drinking and chatting.

"The country is really getting better now. Now they are the fifth batch to study in the United States. The first batch of 52 people only had fifty dollars in hand, and the average was less than one dollar per person. Now it is better, each person is given five dollars! "Zhu Xiongxin said with emotion, "And this group contains 500 people. After all, the country has organized more than 1,000 people to study in the United States, 500 people to study in Europe, and more than 100 people to study in Japan."

At this time, studying abroad does not mean you can go if you have good academic performance, but requires the country to organize and select.

The first batch of students to study abroad were 52 selected from 14,717 scholars and students who participated in the selection.

Each batch of students studying abroad is selected through organizational selection.

A smile appeared on Liu Zhenbang's face. Thanks to the large amount of foreign exchange earned from the arms trade, the country can also organize more students to study abroad.

If the first batch of students studying abroad tends to be young scholars, then the latter tends to be college students.

The younger, the easier it is to accept new things.

"In fact, studying abroad should be institutionalized, and domestic universities should establish channels with top universities in Europe and the United States, so that students can study abroad." Liu Tao said: "Studying abroad is a long process, ten, twenty, thirty, forty or even fifty years, and it is not appropriate to organize selection now."

Studying abroad to learn advanced technology and advanced concepts from others is encouraged by the country.

However, it is currently in the exploratory stage, and everyone is groping as they go.

For overseas, most people always have an instinctive vigilance.

"And it can also be divided into public-funded study abroad and self-funded study abroad. If you study abroad at a public expense, you also need to sign a contract agreement, stipulating how many years you need to return to work after completing your studies. If you study abroad at a self-funded expense, there is no restriction." Liu Tao said, "If students studying abroad at a public expense do not want to come back after graduation, what measures should be taken to prevent this kind of thing, which also needs to be discussed carefully."

It is a good thing that the country organizes students to study abroad, which allows students to learn advanced technology and advanced concepts, so that they can better serve the motherland and build this country after returning home.

However, many people are blinded by the rich material life in Europe and the United States, and are unwilling to return to China. They openly tear up contracts and often actively curse the country. They are ungrateful and repay kindness with enmity.

All these should be planned in advance to minimize losses as much as possible.

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