The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 152 Two worlds inside and outside

After getting off the plane, there are already vehicles ready here.

Everyone got on the bus in an organized manner and set off for Panshan Machinery Factory.

After driving for more than an hour, we could see transport vehicles coming and going constantly along the way.

Finally, an outpost appeared in everyone's sight.

It is said to be an outpost, but in fact it can be said to be a section of city wall.

The entire outpost is made of reinforced concrete, making it an easy-to-defend but difficult-to-attack location.

On one side is the river blocked by the sluice, and on the other side is the outpost built of reinforced concrete, where there are fully armed guards.

Next to it are the words 'military important area, no entry', which is very conspicuous.

This is the southern portal of Panshan Machinery Factory, the only place to go from Kunming City to Panshan Machinery Factory.

Apart from this road, there is no other road for vehicles to travel on.

After passing the outpost, it felt like entering a new world.

This is not a factory, it is clearly a town, or a county seat.

Even if it is said to be a city, it is not a bad idea.

There are beautiful houses and many park-like leisure places along the river.

They saw hospitals, shopping malls, schools, and bus stations.

The car stopped at the office building and everyone got out.

I have received a call from Liu Tao in advance, and the welcome ceremony in the factory has been prepared to welcome these colleagues to join the big family of Panshan Machinery Factory.

Next, someone would naturally take them to their respective dormitories, and then to get familiar with Panshan Machinery Factory.

As for the welcome party, it was at seven o'clock in the evening, so there was still a lot of time before now.

And this is just right, otherwise everyone would have no appetite after sitting in the car for nearly two hours.

Liu Tao took advantage of this opportunity and went to the testing room first to finish the work that had been delayed during this period.

Now he only needs to test heavy machine guns, heavy sniper rifles, sniper rifles, rifle grenades, sniper grenade guns, anti-aircraft machine guns and corresponding ammunition, so even though he went to the capital for eight days, the testing room was not as full as before.

And because the pass rate and excellent and good rate have improved, Liu Tao’s inspection has become much easier.

"Rifle grenades and sniper grenade launchers do not need to be inspected by me in the future. After inspection by your quality department, they will be sent directly to the warehouse." Liu Tao said: "We will also strengthen the quality inspection of the scopes, and any unqualified ones will be returned."

As for the sights, we purchased them from a state-owned factory that specializes in this aspect.

The technology is still provided by Panshan Machinery Factory, and quality control is also carried out by Panshan Machinery Factory. All sights coming to Panshan Machinery Factory will be inspected by Panshan Machinery Factory.

But even now, after testing, the pass rate of the scope is still very low.

Whether a sniper rifle can kill a target at a long distance depends not on the naked eye, but on the scope.

No matter how powerful the gun is, it will not hit the target if there is a problem with the scope.

"If the other party can no longer improve the pass rate, we will make the sights ourselves at Panshan Machinery Factory in the future!" Liu Tao was also a little annoyed.

For such a long time, more than a year, the scopes sent to Panshan Machinery Factory had a very low pass rate.

Heavy sniper rifles, sniper rifles, etc. are not qualified. Many reasons are that the scope is not qualified.

I can’t even imagine how low the pass rate of the scope would have been if Panshan Machinery Factory had not inspected the quality of the scope before it entered the factory.

After checking the time, it was only an hour before the New Year's Eve party. Liu Tao left the testing room first, went home, took a shower, and changed into clean clothes.

In the auditorium, colorful ribbons were fluttering, flowers and lanterns could be seen everywhere.

People continued to come to the auditorium to participate in the welcome.

Not only the group of cadres who followed Liu Tao back to Panshan Machinery Factory today, but also the new employees who joined the Panshan Machinery Factory family in the past month.

When the time came to seven o'clock, two young hosts, a man and a woman, came on stage, and the welcome party began.

Amid warm applause, Liu Tao came to the stage to deliver a speech, welcoming everyone on behalf of all the employees of Panshan Machinery Factory.

The entire welcome party lasted for two hours, and Liu Tao left after his speech.

The next day, Liu Tao held a management meeting of Panshan Machinery Factory.

This batch of work was formally introduced to other factory leaders, and the appointment of each person was announced at the same time.

State-owned factories implement a factory director responsibility system, and the factory director has very great power, including the right to appoint personnel.

He does not need to ask his superiors for instructions to appoint or remove employees from their posts. He only needs to make a record.

The Fifth Ministry of Machinery did not interfere with his appointment of this batch of cadres, and the power of appointment was given to him.

Basically, every cadre has been promoted to at least one administrative level from his original level.

There was even one who was transferred from the No. 1 Machinery Factory and was responsible for confidentiality work. He was directly appointed by Liu Tao as the deputy director, second only to him in rank.

After the appointment, the corresponding person will naturally take them to the office.

Then another topic was about the arrangement of orders.

For both large orders, there is a clear delivery time, and they can only be delivered in advance but not delayed.

This involves mutual trust in cooperation between both parties.

And there are many related things here, such as the preparation of cargo ships, which must be arranged in advance.

"We must continue to work three shifts and carry forward our workers' fine tradition of hard work and hard work." Liu Tao did not lift the order of three shifts. Other military factories have already lifted three shifts of production and alerts.

However, Panshan Machinery Factory still adheres to the original method, and the entire factory production area and outposts are on guard.

"Logistics must also be ensured, and comrades cannot complain about food and drink." Liu Tao emphasized.

Others expressed their determination.

"How's the deal going with the warehouse at Yangcheng Port? Has it been rented?" Liu Tao asked.

In order to facilitate the future, Liu Tao specially appointed "Feng Defeng" to be responsible for leasing the warehouse last time.

Feng Defeng replied: "Director, the site has been negotiated, and we will build the warehouse ourselves."

"That's good, hurry up and arrange the construction of the warehouse!" Liu Tao said: "Concealment must be done well!"

Weapons and equipment are different from others. If they can be kept secret, try not to leak them.

The best way is to load the ship at night as soon as the ship arrives, instead of loading it during the day.

The warehouse is located close to the dock to facilitate transportation and reduce the risk of exposure.

"Understood!" Feng Defeng responded.

Later, Liu Tao learned about what happened at Panshan Machinery Factory during this period. In the past few days after he returned to Beijing, two work-related injuries occurred. One was that a worker's finger was cut off by a cutting machine, and the other was that his foot was hit by a box while carrying it. .

Liu Tao frowned slightly. Although he has emphasized production safety work many times and constantly instilled the importance of production safety work, workers' injuries still occur from time to time.

Although Liu Tao knew that this kind of thing was inevitable and that no matter how cautious he was, he still couldn't prevent it, but he still felt uncomfortable in his heart. These two cases meant that two people were disabled and were unable to perform their original jobs.

The most important thing is that disability means that even if a disabled person is reassigned to a new job, he will inevitably be gossiped about and left with psychological trauma.

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