The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 153 First visit to the mountain city

In the blink of an eye, three days flew by.

The mountain city exudes unique charm.

Liu Tao looked at the Jialing River. There were boats parked there. He didn't know whether they were fishermen or ferrymen.

About two or three kilometers further down is the confluence of the Jialing River and the Yangtze River.

As the temporary capital and permanent capital of the Republic of China government during the period of resistance, and also the seat of the Southwest Region in the early days of the founding of the Republic, Shancheng can be said to be an important town in the central and western regions, with a population of 2.6 million, of which the urban population alone is as high as 1.9 million.

It is also an industrial base, with a large number of factories gathered here!

During the period of the uprising, as the temporary capital and permanent companion capital, more than 400 industrial, commercial and financial enterprises moved inland to the mountain city, which promoted the mountain city's first leap development, forming a city centered on the production of weapons and military supplies, with machinery, light textiles, etc. , metallurgy, mining, electric power, etc. as the main body, including both light and heavy, and a comprehensive industrial structure.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, based on national defense and security considerations, mountain cities further received state investment. During the "First Five-Year Plan", the state deployed a number of energy and machinery construction projects in mountain cities. During the 'Second Five-Year Plan' period, metallurgy and coal in mountain cities received key development. During the "third-line construction" period that lasted for more than ten years, this place was an industrial production base for weapons and civilian machinery, medicine, chemicals, and instrumentation. It formed large and medium-sized enterprises with obvious structural characteristics of heavy-duty secondary industries and supporting scientific research and development institutions. The mountain city has become an important industrial system in the country.

It is precisely because of the large number of factories that the urbanization of the mountain city reached an astonishing 73.1% at this time!

In comparison, the total population of Kunming City is only 1.4 million, and the urban population barely reaches one million, which is almost half of the mountain city.

In terms of various conditions, Shancheng is far better than Kunshi.

When the tank manufacturing plant was being built, there were actually other internal opinions. Yun Province also expressed its own suggestions and wanted Liu Tao to place the tank manufacturing plant in Kunming.

After all, it was a large investment of over one billion, and the state's total investment in Yun Province was less than one billion a year.

And that's not a one-time total investment of more than one billion. After the factory is built, it will require continuous production, and coupled with the workers' livelihood, the driving effect will be much greater.

However, after several discussions and communications, we finally chose to place the tank manufacturing plant in the mountain city.

First of all, no matter how good Yun Province is, it still belongs to the front line. Polar Bear has been supporting Annan. Annan is not reconciled to last year's failure and is preparing for war. But Shancheng is different, Shancheng belongs to the real rear area.

Secondly, mountain cities are national industrial bases with a large number of skilled workers and university scientific research sites.

Finally, the mountain city can form strong supporting facilities. Whether it is a steel factory or other factories, it is very convenient, which is unmatched by Kunming City.

You know, whether it is a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun or a tank, there are hundreds of thousands of parts involved, and many of the materials used are new materials.

If we rely on ourselves to produce everything, the efficiency will be too low.

It's okay in the short term, but in the long term it's definitely about supporting supporting factories.

Mountain city, suburbs.

Next to the Yangtze River, a large area of ​​land has been cleared.

The original villages have been relocated, and the woodlands and fields have been cleared.

More than 10,000 acres of fields and woodland have been leveled.

The tank manufacturing plant is going to be built here.

Sand, gravel, steel, etc., a lot of them have been piled up.

In addition to the tank manufacturing plant, a wharf will be built here at the same time. In the future, water transportation will become an important mode of transportation for the tank manufacturing plant.

The tanks and armored vehicles produced will be directly shipped at the dock and transported directly through the Yangtze River.

At this time, Liu Tao and other leaders of the Panshan Machinery Factory, the leaders of Shancheng, the leaders of Sichuan Province, and the leaders of the Fifth Machinery Department gathered here to attend the groundbreaking ceremony of the tank manufacturing plant.

As the largest single investment project this year, the construction of a tank manufacturing plant has attracted much attention.

The leaders above even called the local government to ensure that the project was successfully completed.

To this end, in addition to organizing a large number of construction workers, Shancheng and Sichuan Province also deployed rare engineering vehicles.

In a simple room with a map hanging on the wall, a middle-aged man in a green military uniform, ‘Pang Yong’, was introducing military security facilities.

This place is easy to defend but difficult to attack. The width of the Yangtze River is about 1.5 kilometers. The plot of land runs east-west and is roughly equivalent to a rectangle. The terrain becomes narrower in the east and west, only about 50 meters wide. It is connected to a mountain to the north. .

As a military factory, military security facilities are a top priority. For example, it is necessary to consider setting up some bunkers along the river, setting up post-style gates at the east and west ends, and setting up posts and fortresses on the mountains.

These military defense facilities need to ensure that they face enemy attacks. The factory's armed forces can rely on these military defense facilities to resist the enemy and persist until reinforcements arrive.

In terms of military protection in this area, the military is naturally responsible. After all, they are the professionals when it comes to marching and fighting.

They are not only responsible for guiding the construction of military defense buildings, but the factory armed forces behind them will also receive their training. Even at critical moments, the factory armed forces will accept the leadership of the troops.

About fifteen minutes later, everyone walked out of the house because the groundbreaking ceremony was about to begin.

Looking at the people with bright eyes, Liu Tao secretly sighed in his heart. Although he lacked construction equipment and the construction efficiency was poor, man can conquer nature. This group of people with faith can burst out with unimaginable power.

China's initial realization of industrialization and third-line construction was a miracle created by this group of people fighting against heaven and earth.

The construction of a tank manufacturing plant is very difficult, especially the assembly workshop, which has very high requirements. They all use steel structures and were determined through calculations by a large number of technicians. After all, the largest lifting equipment can reach 70 tons, which can lift a tank factory. The fully manufactured Type 80 tank was hoisted.

A lot of steel has to be specially cast in steel plants.

And they need to complete the construction in one and a half years, two years at most.

In this era, this is a key project, no matter the cost.

Otherwise, given the current conditions, I am afraid that even if it takes ten years, we will not be able to build a tank manufacturing plant.

Moreover, this is still the early stage of land acquisition and resettlement, and it was completed in less than three months. If it were to be done thirty or forty years later, it would probably take three years to complete the land acquisition and resettlement of so much land, and it may not be possible to complete it.

In this era, as long as the government is determined to do something, it can concentrate its efforts on big things. People also support the party and the government, and there are no deadlocks at all.

In this era, land is collective, and ordinary people think that land belongs to the government.

What Liu Tao said was very simple, that is, he promised on behalf of Panshan Machinery Factory that during the construction period, workers' wages here would be three times the previous ones, that is, 1.5 yuan a day outside, and 4.5 yuan a day here.

It was this promise that made the workers applaud excitedly.

It’s 4.5 yuan a day. Even if you work for a full month with no days off, it’s actually only 135 yuan a month.

But that's it, it's already very exciting.

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