The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 151 Breaking the Big Pot (please vote for me)

"Director, will there be any problems with such a big adjustment?" Zhao Guoping couldn't help but ask.

Even through Liu Tao's introduction, he could feel the huge differences between Panshan Machinery Factory and other state-owned factories in all aspects.

To be honest, this is quite risky.

"The leaders have said that if a black cat or a white cat can catch mice, it is a good cat. As a reform pilot unit, our Panshan Machinery Factory cannot be timid and must be brave to try and bravely break through." Liu Tao glanced at Zhao Guoping and said, "Yes The problem is not terrible. Discover it in time, solve it in time, and sum up the experience to provide reference for the reform of other state-owned factories. "

When Zhao Guoping heard this, he looked thoughtful.

Zhao Guoping was a little confused, "Then why do we need to adjust the salary system? Is the original salary system bad?"

"You know about the distribution of farmland to households in Xiaogang Village a few years ago, right?" Liu Tao said slowly.

"I know. A few months ago, the leader publicly affirmed Xiaogang Village's 'big contract' practice in an important conversation." Zhao Guoping nodded. He was in the general office and was well-informed.

On the evening of November 24, 1978, 18 farmers were crowded into the low and dilapidated thatched house of Yan Lihua's family in the west end of Xiaogang Village. A secret meeting related to the fate of the whole village was held there. The direct result of this meeting was the birth of a A guarantee letter of less than 100 words. Among them, there are three most important contents: first, allocate farmland to each household; second, no longer ask for money or food from the state; third, if cadres are imprisoned, commune members promise to raise their children until they are 18 years old.

This move is undoubtedly a brave and even a great feat.

In just one year, the total grain output of Xiaogang Village was 66 tons, which was equivalent to the total grain output of the entire team from 1966 to 1970.

Even though Xiaogang Village had a bumper harvest this year, there were still voices criticizing the household-based system.

"The household responsibility system in Xiaogang Village is a break from the past big-pot meal, which can greatly improve farmers' production enthusiasm and increase productivity." Liu Tao slowly explained, "For the same reason, Panshan Machinery Factory's salary adjustment is also In breaking the big pot, it embodies the principle of 'more work, more gain, less work, less gain', thereby improving workers' enthusiasm for production, instead of everyone being the same, whether they do well or not, this will undoubtedly dampen the enthusiasm of those who work hard. ”

"Even those who do not do well and refuse to change despite repeated talks will have their staffing or employment contracts cancelled, and they will be fired."

Liu Tao's words shocked Zhao Guoping greatly.

Many of what Liu Tao said were things he had never heard before.

Breaking the pot?

Workers fired?

If anyone hears this, they will definitely be sprayed to death. It is simply something that an evil capitalist would do.

They called the stewardess and poured some Maotai. Liu Tao and Zhao Guoping chatted while drinking.

In this era, you can get this kind of treatment when flying, and you can also drink Moutai for free when flying.

And as long as you drink well enough, you can drink a bottle of Maotai.

If you smoke, you can also smoke Huazi for free.

Liu Tao also occasionally writes down in his notebook things that he had ignored before, such as sending management out to inspect and study.

Now Panshan Machinery Factory is in the early stage of rapid development, and many problems are not yet obvious, but later, these problems will continue to become prominent.

He never thought that the current Panshan Machinery Factory would continue to expand the factory and increase production capacity.

Firstly, it is because the land currently belonging to Panshan Machinery Factory can only be used to build residential houses, and there is no intact land for building production workshops. Secondly, from a safety perspective, the military factory needs Pay attention to safety. Logically speaking, Panshan Machinery Factory should not be built as big as it is now. It can easily become the enemy's first target.

Of course, another point is that the bigger the factory, the more people there are, and the higher the requirements for management capabilities.

No matter how conceited Liu Tao is, he doesn't think he can manage tens of thousands of people, or even more than 100,000 people!

The more people there are, the more problems there are.

So early on, he took steps to delegate power.

And in his mind, he believed that it was more important for him to develop more weapons.

As for managing people, you can naturally let others do it.

"Will the state-owned factory really reform? Will there be a big change?" Zhao Guoping drank several glasses of Moutai without changing his face at all. It was obvious that he had a good drinking capacity.

"The reform of state-owned factories is imperative. The country must continue to develop, and state-owned factories must also adapt to the ever-evolving market competition. Now that the country's reform and opening up must focus on economic construction, more and more people will inevitably join the shopping mall and become self-employed , and even when setting up companies like foreign countries, we call state-owned factories and other government-led enterprises as state-owned enterprises, and private-owned enterprises are called private enterprises or private enterprises," Liu Tao said, "Private enterprises will continue to grow. It will naturally compete with state-owned enterprises.”

"Healthy competition is conducive to the development of enterprises and industries, and is beneficial to society. In this process, many state-owned enterprises will be eliminated because their business policies cannot keep up with the times." Liu Tao said, "Not to mention "When we open the country to do business, state-owned enterprises will not only face competition from private enterprises, but also international competition."

"In order for state-owned enterprises to maintain sufficient competitiveness in the market, state-owned enterprises will inevitably implement reforms actively or passively." Liu Tao said, "In fact, at the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China the year before last, it was established to expand enterprise autonomy. The reform policy of state-owned enterprises takes power as the main form, adjusts the interest relationship between the state and enterprises, establishes various forms of economic responsibility systems within enterprises, and implements the factory director responsibility system in the enterprise leadership system. This is the signal for the reform of state-owned enterprises. ”

Liu Tao said: "Through exploration and experimentation, maybe in ten years or so, we will clearly establish the direction of establishing a modern enterprise system, continue to deepen reforms and improve the new system."

This can be said to be a historical necessity.

The state-owned factory system is suitable for a highly planned economy. Anyway, the whole country is playing a game of chess.

The outstanding example of planned economy is the planned economy of the Soviet Union. China learned from the Soviet model and established a planned economy.

The Soviet Union was able to develop to be as powerful as it is now, even surpassing the United States. It can be said that the planned economic model was indispensable.

Liu Tao also knows the advantages of the planned economic model, which is that it can highly effectively concentrate manpower, material resources, and financial resources for key construction, and concentrate limited funds to develop key industries. Furthermore, the directive plan is easy to implement due to the leadership of the centralized system, ensuring that the overall strategy of national economic development is achieved in accordance with the expected plan goals and a relatively reasonable national system is established. Finally, it is conducive to rationalizing the major proportions of the national economy, especially ensuring the balance of total supply and demand through planned income distribution, avoiding the waste of resources caused by violent fluctuations in economic development, and improving macroeconomic benefits.

But in the future, China will be suitable for the joint development of the planned economy and the market economy, so as to achieve a wonderful balance and find its own path.

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