There were few people when we arrived.

When we returned, it was a whole plane.

Almost everyone was flying for the first time and were very excited.

Obviously, even if some people have extraordinary family backgrounds, there are only a very small number of people who have ever flown on an airplane.

For your first time flying, just looking at the planes at the airport can be very exciting.

Although this year, civil aviation has been liberalized again, and you only need a letter of introduction from a department-level unit stating that it will be used for business, but the price of a ticket from Beijing to Kunming is more than 200, which is insulated from ordinary people. , ordinary people simply cannot afford to fly.

"Comrade Zhao Guoping, if you have any requirements or suggestions regarding work, you can tell me." Liu Tao specially arranged for Zhao Guoping to sit next to him and took the initiative to consult.

Zhao Guoping was 27 years old at this time. He had been an educated youth for six years and studied in college for four more years. In addition, he had an extraordinary background, so he was naturally not as nervous and reserved as ordinary young people.

"Director, I accept all the arrangements of the organization." Zhao Guoping said with a very correct attitude.

Liu Tao looked thoughtful. Zhao Guoping was previously a cadre at the department level, that is, the deputy battalion level, and the administrative level is 18th. It stands to reason that ministries and commissions will be promoted to at least one level at the local level, which means that even if they are all cadres at the department level , the administrative level will also be raised to at least level 17.

And because he is new to the company, he has not yet made any achievements, has no prestige, and is not suitable for promotion.

"In this way, I will introduce to you the situation of our Panshan Machinery Factory. Our Panshan Machinery Factory's general plant is currently built in about the same way. It mainly produces firearms and ammunition, and now produces a small amount of tanks and armored vehicles. In addition, there are three military factories under construction in Yun Province. There is also a tank manufacturing plant that is about to be built in the mountain city, and a computer manufacturing plant is being built in Pengcheng, Guangdong Province, which means there will be five military factories and a computer manufacturing plant in the civilian field." Liu Tao introduced, as the owner of Panshan Machinery Factory The factory director has a very good memory and knows the situation of Panshan Machinery Factory very well.

"The organizational structure consists of three major institutions, namely the party-mass institution, the party committee deliberative institution, and the operation and management institution.

The Party and mass organizations are divided into four departments, namely the Party Building Work Department, the Reform Office, the Trade Union, and the Youth League Committee; the Party Committee’s deliberative bodies are divided into the Inspection Office, the Letters and Calls Office, the National Security and Legal Affairs Office, and the Military-Civilian Integration Office; the operation and management organization has established offices, Human Resources Department, Development Strategy Department, Financial Management Department, Audit Department, Resources and Asset Management Department, Science and Technology Information Industry Department, Marketing Department, Input Supervision Department, Management Department, Production Department, Safety and Emergency Affairs Department, Social Affairs Department, and Armed Forces Department . "Liu Tao introduced.

Zhao Guoping listened very carefully and kept writing in his notebook with a pen.

The stewardess was reciting and singing for everyone, which did not affect Zhao Guoping at all.

Zhao Guoping asked with some confusion: "Director, why is the organizational structure of our factory different from other state-owned factories?"

"The current organizational structure of state-owned factories is relatively simple and is only suitable for a single state-owned factory. However, our Panshan Machinery Factory can now be said to be a super-large military factory. The original organizational structure can no longer adapt to Panshan Machinery Factory, let alone the future of Panshan Machinery Factory. "Development." Liu Tao explained, "For this reason, I have adjusted the organizational structure of Panshan Machinery Factory so that party and government work and business management are separated and each performs its own duties."

"You can also understand that this is to transform Panshan Machinery Factory into a modern enterprise. In the future, Panshan Machinery Factory will form a group." Liu Tao thought for a moment, "Do you know about West German Mercedes-Benz or Japan's Toyota Company?"

Zhao Guoping looked confused. This was something he had never been exposed to before.

"This is how you understand it. In the future, Panshan Machinery Factory will be a group, and the other factories will be branches," Liu Tao explained patiently.

However, this also made Liu Tao realize that now everyone is stuck in the impression and thinking of a state-owned factory, and they are ignorant of the operating model, philosophy, and management of modern enterprises. This is undoubtedly not conducive to the future development of Panshan Machinery Factory.

He couldn't help but think that in the future, he would have to send cadres out to gain more knowledge and learn on the way.

And Xiangjiang is a good springboard.

First I went to Xiangjiang to study and study, and then I went to Japan, Europe and the United States to study and change some of my own thinking and broaden my horizons.

Zhao Guoping was shocked. He did not expect that Liu Tao was two years younger than him, and the university he went to was not as good as his. They graduated in the same year. He went to the general office, and Liu Tao went to the third-tier factory in Yun Province. As a result, Liu Tao's knowledge and ability far surpassed him.

Is it possible to gain more experience in a state-owned factory?

Zhao Guoping couldn't help but think of this.

"Director, how do you know this?" Zhao Guoping couldn't help but ask.

Liu Tao said enigmatically: "Read more books, there will be a golden house in the book, and there will be beauty in the book! In the future, you can go to the library of the factory to read more and study more. Our Panshan Machinery Factory has purchased a lot of books." "

Since getting on the line with Huo Yingdong, Liu Tao naturally wanted to make good use of it.

Many magazines, books, etc. are purchased through Fok Yingdong and then shipped to the mainland.

As for him, it was naturally because he had more than forty years of experience. At that time, it was the Internet era, and he could receive a lot of information actively or passively.

"You have worked as a secretary in two general offices and dealt with the army. In the future, you will serve as the deputy army representative, and you will also serve as the deputy minister of the Ministry of Equipment." Liu Tao pondered for a moment: "The army representative and the minister of the Armed Forces Department are both deputy Director-level position, administrative level 16, work hard, I’m optimistic about you!”

Liu Tao patted Zhao Guoping on the shoulder.

Zhao Guoping's eyes flashed with joy and he nodded solemnly: "Thank you to the factory director for your cultivation. I will definitely study hard and live up to the factory director's expectations."

Then Zhao Guoping took the initiative to ask some questions to learn more about the situation of Panshan Machinery Factory.

When he learned that the salary system of Panshan Machinery Factory was also very different, Zhao Guoping was shocked. The salary in other government agencies or state-owned factories was only the basic salary in Panshan Machinery Factory.

The entire salary includes basic salary, seniority salary, position salary, and other wages.

In addition to salary, there are also benefits and bonuses!

In other words, as long as you are not a lazy person and work normally, your monthly income at the same level and position in Panshan Machinery Factory will be twice that of other government agencies and state-owned factories.

Not even twice, but three times or more if done well.

The more he understood, the more incredible and shocked Zhao Guoping felt.

He just felt that Panshan Machinery Factory was so unique, completely different from any state-owned factory he knew.

Could it be that this is what Liu Tao said about modern companies?

Zhao Guoping only felt that he still had a lot to learn, and his previous horizons were still too small.

He can't wait to get to Panshan Machinery Factory to truly understand Panshan Machinery Factory and see what a modern enterprise is like.

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