The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 149 Try boldly, and venture boldly

At this time, the atmosphere in the conference room was quite relaxed.

Liu Tao was not as nervous or reserved as he was at the beginning.

"Some comrades believe that the advanced weapons produced by your factory are not suitable for export. What do you think about this?" The old man spoke with a strong Bashu accent.

It is difficult to change the local accent. For many people, as soon as they speak it, others know where they are from.

The old man left home at a young age and rarely returned to Bashu, but his Bashu accent has never changed.

Liu Tao said helplessly: "If the country's annual military expenditure could be dozens or a hundred times as high as it is now, it would naturally be inappropriate for the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and Type 80 tanks to be exported and instead be installed in the army."

"Even if the performance of these export versions is not as good as that of the personal use versions, they are still very advanced in the world and definitely reach the world-class level." Liu Tao said helplessly: "If the army can be like West Germany and provide Panshan Machinery Factory with With an order of 1,000 vehicles, we are reluctant to export such high-priced weapons and equipment.”

The other leaders were stunned.

The old man laughed and said, "You comrade."

Reform and opening up and economic construction as the center are the general trend.

Therefore, after several rounds of discussions this year, a plan to streamline the troops was finally formed, which will reduce the number of troops by almost one million.

In the next few years, military expenditures will be about the same and there will not be much increase. The number of troops will decrease. Instead, the proportion of technical arms will be strengthened and weapons and equipment will be updated to improve the combat effectiveness of the troops.

The old man has learned that the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and Type 80 tanks are expensive, but the more expensive thing is actually the shells.

You can't buy weapons and end up with no shells, then it just becomes a decoration.

The money spent on artillery shells even exceeds the money spent on equipment.

If the army purchases thousands of self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and tanks, the army will not even be able to afford steamed buns.

"Look at the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and Type 80 tanks we have developed. The total orders given by the army so far are 5 Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and 10 Type 80 tanks. Plus training bombs, artillery shells, etc., the total 40 million yuan, this money is not even enough for the development of the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, let alone the development funding for the Type 80 tank." Liu Tao couldn't help but vomit, "As for the production line, look at how we can produce the Type 80 in order to build it. The total investment in self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and Type 80 tanks exceeds one billion!”

"This is just the money for factory construction, not including the investment in equipment, training of workers!"

"If we don't make money by exporting, we won't even have the money to do research, let alone build a production line!" Liu Tao told the cruel truth, saying that China is too poor now: "We can build modern factories. , isn’t it just the profits created by export trade?”

"It doesn't matter if the cat is white or black, as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat!" Liu Tao concluded.

The old man showed admiration and said, "This is a good saying. It doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat! The same is true for economic construction. Whether it is a planned economy or a market economy, it is just a means of resource allocation and has nothing to do with the political system. Capitalism can have plans, and socialism can have markets, as long as it can develop productive forces, both can be used in practice.”

Liu Tao was stunned.

Could it be that the ‘cat theory’ already existed at this time?

"Since Panshan Machinery Factory is a reform pilot unit, we should try boldly and break through boldly." The old man encouraged, "I think the worries of some comrades are unnecessary. Even if Panshan Machinery Factory fails the reform pilot, no matter how bad it is, will it be better?" Can it be worse than just a third-tier factory two years ago?”

With the current situation of Panshan Machinery Factory, even if the reform fails, it will be a huge profit. After all, the fixed assets are there, not to mention there are so many advanced technologies!

Some people have strong opinions on Panshan Machinery Factory's investment in building new factories. They believe that the money should be turned over and allocated uniformly by the state. After all, money is needed everywhere now.

But in the end, these were blocked.

As a reform pilot unit, Panshan Machinery Factory has great autonomy.

The investment in building a new factory is just for the development of Panshan Machinery Factory. The money is paid by Panshan Machinery Factory itself and does not require any money from the state. Building the factory can also stimulate local economic development and create jobs.

Yun Province has lost a large amount of funds for third-line construction, and its economic construction has not slowed down, but has accelerated. Isn't it because the investment of Panshan Machinery Factory has stimulated local economic development.

Originally, Panshan Machinery Factory was just a small and medium-sized munitions factory with not many employees. Among third-tier munitions factories, they were only ranked in the middle and lower reaches. However, now Panshan Machinery Factory has tens of thousands of employees, and including their families, the number exceeds 200,000. It has developed into a super large military factory.

Moreover, this kind of development is still developing at a high speed. In the foreseeable future, Panshan Machinery Factory will develop at a high speed.

"Some of our comrades are afraid that young people will make mistakes. Young people are full of energy and vigor. We should let young people bravely go out and try boldly instead of being restrained." The old man said, this is an encouragement to Liu Tao and also A knock on some people.

Liu Tao left in a daze, with shock in his heart.

From what he heard in the conference room today, he knew that some leaders had objections to him.

I don’t know since when, I became a pawn.

After calming down his heart, Liu Tao's eyes were filled with determination.

Being reduced to a chess piece shows that he has value as a chess piece. He has no value and is not even qualified to be a chess piece.

As the return journey approaches, Liu Tao spends time with his family.

When they returned to Beijing this time, in addition to Liu Tao, his second sister's family also returned to Beijing and lived in the courtyard.

At this time in September, the sun is no longer as scorching as the summer heat, and there are more and more people in Shichahai, especially on weekends.

On this day, Liu Tao came to the Fifth Machinery Department and saw the cadres of the Fifth Machinery Department supporting Panshan Machinery Factory.

As Panshan Machinery Factory develops and grows, it needs various types of talents, not only technical talents, but also management talents!

Liu Tao was surprised and shocked when he saw a slightly familiar young face.

"This is Comrade Zhao Guoping, who previously worked as a secretary in the General Office. He studied basic organic synthesis in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Tsinghua University for the past four years and graduated last year!" Wang Baoguo introduced.

At the same time, he introduced other people. Some of these people, like Zhao Guoping, already had jobs and were going to be transferred to Panshan Machinery Factory; some were originally employed in scientific research institutes or universities and were going to the newly established Ordnance Science Academy of Panshan Machinery Factory; some were working in Panshan Machinery Factory. There are already cadres in various ministries and commissions, and this time they will be transferred to Panshan Machinery Factory.

This is the era where state-owned factories, local governments, ministries, universities, etc. can all be transferred here and there.

All kinds of talents can be centrally deployed through superiors.

Even after the college entrance examination was resumed, college students after graduation were assigned to various units through packages, and talents were highly planned.

As for private enterprises, there are no formal private enterprises in the country at this time. Even if someone is actually self-employed, they still have no formal legal status.

Today's self-employed business is a very risky industry, and you may eat peanuts if you are not careful.

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