The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 148 Arms trade is an important part of international trade

It is also in this era, information transmission is very slow, and China is still relatively closed.

If it were the Internet era, this order would definitely cause a huge sensation immediately.

At this time, after the two parties signed the contract agreement, there was a tacit understanding that there was no fanfare, not even a press conference.

Television news and radio did not report relevant news.

Just like previous arms sales.

Liu Tao can only attribute it to the fact that Chinese people do understand the principle of making a fortune quietly. Even in the past thirty years of socialist construction, the golden mean is still engraved in everyone's bones.

As this matter came to a successful conclusion, all his serious affairs in the capital came to an end.

On this day, Liu Tao invited him to a conference room.

Looking at the leaders one by one, Liu Tao swallowed, his heart beating rapidly.

The last time I saw these leaders was at the National Science and Technology Work Conference last year.

"Our God of Wealth, there are no tigers here, so don't be nervous." An old man in his seventies spoke with a thick Bashu accent and said with a smile.

He is not tall, but he has an extraordinary air of looking down on the world.

"Our God of Wealth has established a deep friendship with Prince Abdullah these days. Prince Abdullah even praised him when he boarded the plane." The leader who accompanied Prince Abdullah to the military base also laughed and said, " Comrade Liu Tao, you have made great achievements this time, are there any difficulties that the country needs to solve now?"

"Are there any problems completing the order?" the leader asked.

The old man fully affirmed: "Last year, we proposed to change the free military aid into paid military aid. After more than a year of practice, it shows that this path is feasible."

Changing free military aid was a decision reached after many discussions.

China is really too poor, and the free assistance of weapons and equipment is too expensive, and China cannot afford it.

Unexpectedly, as soon as this resolution was issued, Liu Tao followed suit and got the first order. It was a good start. Last year's military trade orders could be said to be a bumper harvest.

This year, it has reached another level.

The two orders from Iraq and Saudi Arabia amounted to US$9 billion, which was almost equivalent to China's total exports for the entire year the year before last.

The most important thing is that this is settled directly in US dollars, rather than calculating the total exports, which are exported to each country and finally converted.

9 billion US dollars, the deposit is as high as 4.5 billion US dollars!

This deposit can be used by Huaxia, and it will undoubtedly give Huaxia a timely rain.

Although an order of US$9 billion will take five or six years to be completed, on average it means completion of about US$1.8 billion.

The profits of weapons and equipment are much higher than those of other industries.

After all, the arms trade has always been one of the most profitable industries in the world. Not only is the profit huge, it also generates long-term and sustainable benefits, and is accompanied by various economic and political benefits!

As for the reason for huge profits, it is naturally its high degree of monopoly and high technology!

There are only a few countries in this world that can produce advanced weapons!

"The leader is right. Arms trade has always been an important part of international trade. Now we are just doing business, but the goods are just arms." Liu Tao said with some restraint.

"What difficulties does your Panshan Machinery Factory have? Can you complete the order in time? Do you need factory 617 to help with production?" the leader asked.

617 Factory, the full name of the state-owned 617 Factory, is the Inner Mongolia No. 1 Machinery Factory, referred to as the "No. 1 Machinery Factory". It is located in Baotou, Inner Mongolia and is the largest tank production base in my country.

"The Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun and Type 80 tank cannot be produced by a machine factory." Liu Tao said.

The leader was confused: "Can't the first machine factory produce it?"

"Yes! The first machine factory can't produce it!" Liu Tao said with certainty: "The Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, the Type 80 tank and the Type 59 tank are different. They have a large number of parts and components, and the production and processing precision requirements are very high. They need to use A large number of precision machine tools, especially high-precision machine tools, require a production and processing accuracy of 0.05 mm, and the error is even smaller than a hair.”

Factory 617 is naturally much larger than Factory 256 and has much more equipment.

But when it comes to industrial level, the two are actually the same!

The role of Factory 256 is that after the fall of the prairie and 617 can no longer produce tanks and armored vehicles for the country, Factory 256 and other tanks can take on the important task of producing tanks for the country.

Their instruments and equipment are the same.

Even the technical level of the workers is at the same level.

"The machining accuracy requirements are so high?" Some leaders were surprised.

Liu Tao nodded: "The more sophisticated the weapon, the higher the processing accuracy requirements, and the harder it is to produce. We now have thousands of people, many of whom are eighth-level workers. We can survive a month of exhaustion." , now we can barely produce two self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and two tanks.”

This is the result of his constant cheating.

Otherwise, just the tank's main gun wouldn't be able to do it.

"What difficulties are there in the construction of the tank manufacturing plant?" asked another leader.

The leaders all know that Panshan Machinery Factory is building a large tank manufacturing plant with an investment of more than one billion.

This is the largest investment in the country this year, and it is not an investment from the state, but an investment from a state-owned factory in Panshan Machinery Factory.

"There are still difficulties, mainly in terms of building materials." Liu Tao said.

The old man said categorically: "Telegraph Bashu to ensure that the construction of Factory 256 is completed smoothly."

Liu Tao secretly breathed a sigh of relief. This meant that there would be no shortage of materials or local difficulties in the construction of Factory 256.

After all, this is the will of the country.

Although the dual-track system is now being implemented, after all, for now, the planned economy occupies an absolutely dominant position.

No matter how big a state-owned factory is, it cannot resist the will of the superiors. If any state-owned factory dares to neglect, the director or even the entire factory leadership will be replaced.

Then the leader paid more attention to Liu Tao and Panshan Machinery Factory and learned more about Panshan Machinery Factory.

Although they all knew the information about Panshan Machinery Factory, it was not as detailed as Liu Tao, the factory director himself.

Many leaders actually find it incredible that Panshan Machinery Factory, a third-tier factory located deep in the mountains and old forests, has completed earth-shaking changes in two years.

Not only was a modern factory built, but the economic development of surrounding areas was also stimulated.

And all these changes were brought about by this young man who was less than thirty years old.

God of Wealth! ?

Liu Tao's name as the "God of Wealth" is not only resounding in the Fifth Machinery Department, but also leaders have heard Liu Tao's name as "The God of Wealth". This is why some leaders joked that Liu Tao is the "God of Wealth" from the beginning.

From a certain perspective, Liu Tao is truly the God of Wealth. After all, he has created countless wealth in just two years.

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