The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 147 The most touching thing is the air conditioner

A foreign trade version of a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun and a foreign trade version of a tank were slowly driving towards them.

Then stopped in a clearing.

The crew came out.

Liu Tao and Prince Abdullah climbed onto the self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, and others followed.

Liu Tao introduced this self-propelled anti-aircraft gun.

With his own demonstration, if he introduces the self-propelled anti-aircraft gun now, no one will think that he is bragging, but will accept Liu Tao's introduction 100%.

After all, seeing is believing and hearing is believing.

Do you not believe what you have seen with your own eyes?

Computers, display panels, vehicle radar.

"Liu, you are such a genius. You actually thought of installing a refrigeration system." Prince Abdullah was most interested in nothing else but the installation of a refrigeration system.

According to Prince Abdullah, having a refrigeration system provides a good working environment for soldiers and is also an important way to improve combat effectiveness.

Prince Abdullah said with emotion: "These self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and tanks are simply specially built for us in Saudi Arabia! I believe the armored soldiers will like them very much."

Haller explained from the side, "Liu, you know that the Middle East is rich in oil resources, and ordinary citizens can enjoy a good life without working. Soldiers who join the army to serve their country and even sacrifice their lives should receive preferential treatment. In the logistics field, It is the most basic requirement for our soldiers to provide adequate protection. Otherwise, we cannot keep them combat effective, and many people will not be willing to join the army and serve the country.”

Others don't understand it and find it incredible.

But Liu Tao understood something and nodded understandingly.

Throughout the oil-producing countries in the Middle East, the state will provide living security to all citizens.

Since the first oil crisis broke out in 1973, oil prices have continued to rise. Previously, crude oil prices were artificially low by the seven major companies, averaging about US$1.80 per barrel, only about half the price of coal. In 1973, Europe and the United States actively fought for oil to rise to US$2.95 a barrel in January. When the 'Ramadan War' broke out, Arab countries decided to use oil weapons to teach Western powers a lesson, decided to raise oil prices, and decided to reduce oil production, and The imposition of an oil embargo on Europe and the United States caused the price of oil to reach US$11.651 per barrel in just two months, an increase of 3 to 4 times. This ultimately triggered the largest economic crisis in the postwar capitalist world from 1973 to 1975. .

Oil prices have continued to rise in recent years, and recently exceeded 30 US dollars per barrel. There is no doubt that this has made the major oil-producing countries a lot of money.

Even the Soviet Union, an oil-producing country, also relied on exporting oil to make a lot of money. The economy was unprecedentedly prosperous. Everyone in the Soviet Union had two houses, one in the city and one in the countryside. They lived in the city during the weekdays and on weekends. Go on holiday to the countryside.

As the world's largest oil producer, Saudi Arabia has naturally benefited greatly.

Oil revenue has soared. In addition to the luxurious life of the royal family, Saudi Arabia has also implemented high welfare domestically. Many welfare benefits even surpass those in Europe and the United States, making them the envy of countless countries.

The high welfare also means that everyone can live well even if they don't work. They can receive high subsidies from the government every day while lying at home.

As for who does the work?

Of course they are foreign workers!

Under such circumstances, not many Saudi citizens are willing to serve as soldiers, and the treatment of soldiers is naturally very good. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are unique in the world. After all, if the treatment is not good, no one will join the army.

As for national pride and fighting for the country, they don’t exist at all!

Prince Abdullah and others got on the bus to experience it themselves.

At noon, a cocktail reception was held at the Diaoyutai Hotel to entertain Prince Abdullah and others.

In the afternoon, the contract negotiations went very smoothly.

Prince Abdullah directly placed an unprecedented order.

The procurement of firearms is far inferior to that of Iraq, with 2,000 pistols, 50,000 rifles, 500 machine guns, 500 heavy machine guns and heavy sniper rifles, 500 twin anti-aircraft machine guns, 200 Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, 500 Type 80 tanks, and avant-garde air defense There are 2,000 missile launchers and 5 missiles each, plus bullets, artillery shells, parts, engines, training fees, etc., the total contract is as high as 5.5 billion US dollars.

Such a large contract is the largest single weapons and equipment order in China's history. It is also the largest arms purchase order in Saudi Arabia's history.

Liu Tao and others were all stunned by this unprecedented order.

There were relatively few firearms, and Liu Tao was mentally prepared. After all, Iraq has millions of lions with abundant military virtues, while Saudi Arabia's armed forces are not that large, only about one-tenth of Iraq's. Even if they replace all the infantry Even if we install it again, it will definitely not be as good as the procurement in Iraq.

However, the direct purchase of 200 Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and 500 Type 80 tanks was beyond Liu Tao's expectation. This was simply to replace all the tank units in the army.

"As expected of Prince Abdullah, who has the power to purchase Saudi weapons, he is so simple and crude!" Liu Tao's eyes flashed.

This is the advantage of being friends with rich people!

There is no need for fussing, but a lot of pride, and it can be easily negotiated.

Then comes the delivery time. For such a large quantity, it is naturally delivered in batches, and the delivery time must be negotiated.

What he is most concerned about is the delivery time of the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun and the Type 80 tank. As for the delivery time of the guns, as long as the time is not too short, there is no problem with timely delivery.

However, self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and tanks are not good. They must wait until the tank manufacturing plant is built before they can be mass-produced.

Like now, with so many people last month, only two self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and two tanks were produced.

At the current speed, only 24 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and 24 tanks can be produced in a year, and the orders are not enough to deliver to Iraq, let alone Saudi Arabia.

Even if the production efficiency will be improved with the upgrade of CNC machine tools, especially the completion of the five-axis machining center, the output will not be increased much.

Regarding the delivery time, the two sides quickly reached an agreement to deliver 10 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and 10 tanks before October next year.

Subsequently, the number of deliveries increased every year, and all self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and tanks were delivered within six years.

Liu Tao secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If Saudi Arabia took a tough attitude and demanded an average delivery every year and completed the delivery in a short period of time, it would be bad.

In the business of weapons and equipment trade, customers will have very strong stickiness, and it is impossible to be a one-time deal.

In the future, for example, replenishment of weapons or procurement of parts and components will continue, which is a long-term process.

In addition, when new weapons are developed, the original customers are most likely to be the first batch of buyers.

If it becomes a system in the future, it will not be easy for customers to change buyers.

Because if the system is incompatible or if it is a multinational brand, the pressure on logistics will be great, and it will also greatly affect the combat effectiveness of the troops.

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