Seeing the look in Prince Abdullah's eyes, Liu Tao felt funny.

Where did we end up?

Relying on firearms, no matter how big the purchase order can be?

Then the other firearms were displayed in turn.

Soon, the main event came.

First up were the balloons, these were used to demonstrate the power of anti-aircraft machine guns.

Hundreds of balloons flew up.

"Da da da~~" The soldiers operated anti-aircraft machine guns and aimed at the balloons in the sky in the distance.

Anti-aircraft machine guns spit out tongues of fire, and there were balls of flames.

Bullets flew out one after another, flying towards the balloon in the air.

Everyone looked at the balloons in the sky with binoculars. Whenever a balloon burst, it meant that it was hit by an anti-aircraft machine gun.

After breaking all the anti-aircraft machine guns in the air, ten soldiers operating the anti-aircraft machine guns, in cooperation with other soldiers, can carry one anti-aircraft machine gun.

After walking a hundred meters, they began to put wheels on the anti-aircraft machine gun. This was to show that the anti-aircraft machine gun could have strong maneuverability. An anti-aircraft machine gun equipped with wheels could be towed directly by a vehicle for long-distance movement. The distance is that two soldiers cooperate with each other and carry anti-aircraft machine guns.

Next, there were ten anti-aircraft machine guns firing flatly, and there were concrete walls in front of them.

"Da da da~~" Anti-aircraft machine guns fired.

Everyone held binoculars and could see that the concrete wall was penetrated by bullets.

The powerful power is vividly displayed.

Later, like the heavy machine guns and heavy sniper rifles, they were replaced with armor-piercing bullets.

The target is the abandoned car.

After the anti-aircraft machine guns are displayed, it's time for the main event.

I saw eight self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and five tanks lined up in order, heading this way in an overwhelming force.

The dust was billowing and the momentum was astonishing.

The eyes of Prince Abdullah and others could not help but light up. This was the original intention of their trip and the biggest goal of their visit to China.

Advanced self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, advanced third-generation main battle tanks!

At this time, they were all shocked by this powerful momentum.

There were obviously only eight self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and five tanks, but there seemed to be hundreds of tanks forming a torrent of steel.

As we were about to arrive, the speed of the self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and tanks began to slow down, and the dust also subsided.

When they arrived, eight self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and five tanks all stopped.

Then the first thing to start is the performance display of self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and tanks. The first display is naturally the speed, and then the adaptability to terrain, such as the ability to climb hills and cross trenches.

"Liu, their performance is really outstanding!" Prince Abdullah looked at the telescope and couldn't help but said.

His blood is burning and boiling!

At present, the world's proven oil reserves are 682.6 billion barrels, and Saudi Arabia's proven oil reserves are 166 billion barrels, accounting for 24.32% of the world's proven oil reserves. Oil production also ranks first in the world, more than the same major oil-producing countries. Iraq and Iran have much more.

Now through gentle means, the Saudi government continues to increase its stake in Aramco. Now the two parties have reached an agreement that starting next month, the Saudi government will hold 100% of Aramco's shares.

Saudi Arabia is very rich, earning nearly 100 billion U.S. dollars every year from its oil exports!

But what is embarrassing is that Saudi Arabia’s armed forces are not strong, far inferior to its two neighbors, Iraq and Iran.

Even in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia's military strength is not even among the top five.

The Middle East has been in a state of war since the end of World War II. The Middle East is rich in oil. Oil is a very important strategic material in contemporary times. This has attracted the prying eyes of many people. It is a wrestling field for great powers. Therefore, countries in the Middle East frequently launch wars, and the wars have never subsided.

There is no doubt that this makes Saudi Arabia very insecure.

As the Minister of Defense of Saudi Arabia and having joined the military very early, Prince Abdullah is eager to build a strong armed force to protect Saudi Arabia's oil and wealth.

It is not that Saudi Arabia has never sought to purchase weapons from the United States, but because the United States wants to support it in order to become the "little bully in the Middle East", Saudi Arabia is an Arab country, and the two countries are very close to each other. The United States does not want to sell advanced weapons to Saudi Arabia at all.

Now, Saudi Arabia finally sees an opportunity to purchase advanced weapons and equipment.

"Prince Abdullah, what is going to be carried out next is an air defense drill. Targets will appear in the sky later!" Liu Tao introduced: "The self-propelled anti-aircraft gun combines firepower, firepower command and control, and power supply into a 'trinity'. The vehicle-mounted radar is It is the most advanced in the world, with a search range of an astonishing 15 kilometers.”

"The self-propelled anti-aircraft gun has a computer, and the calculation speed is very fast."

Under Liu Tao's introduction, the drones had already taken off, a total of ten drones, and the speed was quite fast.

"Boom, boom, boom~" The eight self-propelled anti-aircraft guns quickly locked onto the target drone.

The anti-aircraft gun fires very quickly.

The eight self-propelled anti-aircraft guns are located in different locations, and tanks are among them.

In an instant, eight self-propelled anti-aircraft guns formed a powerful air defense network, and a target drone was shot down.

Prince Abdul could not help but clenched his hands tightly. With the powerful firepower, all the target drones were soon shot down.

He could already imagine the powerful role these self-propelled anti-aircraft guns could play on the battlefield.

That would be a nightmare for helicopters and ground-attack fighters.

With such powerful firepower, without air superiority, helicopters and fighter jets would not dare to appear on the battlefield. Once they appear, they will be living targets.

Even these self-propelled anti-aircraft guns can intercept missiles flying at low altitudes.

"Good! Good! Good!" Prince Abdul couldn't help cheering and applauded.

He felt that his visit to China was the right one!

With such advanced weapons, who else but the poor and crazy China would sell such sophisticated weapons?

If you miss this village, you won’t have this store!

"Prince Abdul, this self-propelled anti-aircraft gun not only has 640 rounds of artillery shells, but is also equipped with two 'avant-garde' air defense missiles." Liu Tao introduced, and then a soldier held an 'avant-garde' air defense missile, and then directed Quasi-air.

At this time, another target drone flew up.

"Boom~~" As the anti-aircraft missile was aimed and launched, the missile flew out and flew into the air, drawing a beautiful arc.


The target drone was hit by the missile and turned into a ball of flame.

"Prince Abdullah, think about it. On the battlefield, if the opponent's helicopter appears unscrupulously without understanding the situation, then this anti-aircraft missile will destroy it and turn the helicopter into a ball of flames." Liu Tao introduced: "This portable air defense missile called 'Avangard' has a very strong anti-jamming ability. Even if the aircraft releases jamming bombs, it is often difficult to avoid its attack!"

He was most aware of the performance of the 'Avangard' portable air defense missile. Even the internationally famous 'Stinger' air defense missile was inferior to it.

Despite the fact that the Stinger missile has a great reputation, the Americans boasted about it and boasted it to the extreme, but in fact they did not shoot down many aircraft or missiles.

Moreover, the Stinger anti-aircraft missile is not strong in terms of anti-interference ability.

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