The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 140 Planning of the Tank Manufacturing Factory (Double Monthly Tickets Please Ask for Monthl

In the blink of an eye, nearly a month has passed.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and the midsummer heat has begun!

Here at Panshan Machinery Factory, you can feel the heat at about 8:30 or 9 o'clock during the day, and the heat will not dissipate until the evening.

It rains every once in a while, and sometimes it pours.

In the production workshop, a tank stopped in front of Liu Tao. This tank looked majestic.

It is very similar to the previous Type 80 tank, but there are actually some differences.

This is the personal version of the Type 80 tank.

The appearance dimensions of the tanks are similar, and from the appearance, there is almost no difference.

There are three main differences between the two. The first is the main gun. The foreign trade version uses a 120 mm caliber tank gun, while the self-use version has a caliber of 125 mm.

The second is the armor protection capability. The armor protection capability of the personal version has been greatly enhanced, exceeding 1000 mm! It is no exaggeration to say that it is the tank with the strongest armor protection in the world today.

Finally, there is the engine power, which can reach a peak of 1,800 horsepower.

In addition, such as computer performance, etc., are obviously much better than the foreign trade version.

"System, analysis!" Liu Tao muttered silently.

Suddenly, design drawings were formed one by one on the virtual panel.

In almost an instant, the analysis was completed.

After Liu Tao left the production workshop, his secretary came over: "Director, the design team of Factory 256 has arrived in the conference room."

The design team arrived at Panshan Machinery Factory yesterday afternoon.

Liu Tao did not discuss it with them immediately, but let them take a rest first.

After all, they took the train from the mountain city to Kunming City, and then took the bus from Kunming City to Panshan Machinery Factory. They were also very tired from the long journey.

"Okay, let's go to the conference room." Liu Tao nodded, then got in the jeep and headed to the office building.

The office building has now been opened. The office building is seven stories high.

The jeep parked on the first floor near the conference room. Liu Tao got off the car and walked to the conference room.

In the conference room, in addition to the design team, there were also people from Factory 256.

Although Factory 256 is currently classified as Panshan Machinery Factory, the overall situation has not changed.

It no longer produces tanks, but produces some vehicles to supply to Panshan Machinery Factory, as well as some parts that can be produced.

In addition, they are coordinating with Shancheng to handle the relevant procedures for the new factory, including preparing for the construction of the factory in the near future.

On the table, an A0 paper has been placed, which contains the main elevation points, range lines, topographic lines, and the layout of geological boreholes.

This is what the design team completed in the past month, including a rough plan.

The design person in charge is a sixty-year-old designer with rich design experience. He has participated in the planning, design, and construction of many large-scale military factories such as the First Machinery Factory!

Liu Tao was secretly relieved when he heard that according to preliminary geological drilling, there were no adverse geological conditions within the factory area.

This means that the initially selected address is suitable for building a large tank manufacturing plant.

If the geological conditions there do not allow construction, then it will be useless.

"I have considered the tank factory. After all, this factory is different from other tank factories!" Liu Tao said slowly. He took out the drawings from the bag he brought, and there were six drawings in it.

The first thing to take out is the general floor plan. The office area, residential area, and production area are scattered in a well-organized manner. The office area and residential area only occupy one-fifth of the area, and the other four-fifths are production areas.

The production area is divided into production workshops, which either produce various parts or are testing workshops.

There are two huge workshops, which are the final assembly workshops.

Although the general plan is a little rough, Liu Tao's basic ideas are reflected in the general plan.

The person in charge of the design project was very surprised because Liu Tao's planning ideas were hugely different from theirs.

Immediately following is the general layout of the two assembly workshops. The assembly workshop is very large, with a length of several hundred meters and a width of dozens of meters. The parts of the tank are transported to the assembly workshop for final assembly of the tank.

Normally, when assembling a tank in a general assembly plant, the first step is to assemble the tracked chassis. Secondly, after the engine system is fully equipped, a crane will hoist the engine into place for installation. Then, the main gun is installed into the turret, followed by the fire control system. Installation requires the precise assembly of more than ten kilometers of wires in place, and then the turret is connected to the chassis. The tank is basically installed.

The last step is to test the entire tank to ensure that all systems are installed without problems.

After the whole vehicle test is completed, the tracks are installed, the entire tank is assembled, and the tank is ready for use.

It can be said that in the assembly workshop, it is a direct flow operation.

A very important thing here is the crane, which is the most important equipment for hoisting the tank body, engine, turret, and tracks.

If we talk about the process, after the raw materials are delivered to the factory, the first process is undertaken by the cutting workshop, which uses different types of cutting machines to jointly complete the cutting of the raw materials. After all the panels are cut and stamped according to standards, Relevant components will be sent to the welding workshop, where welders will complete the welding work. After completing the welding, the tank frame will be sprayed with coating and then sent to the final assembly workshop.

Similarly, the turret, main gun, engine, etc. are also completed in their respective production workshops and finally sent to the final assembly workshop.

Of these two general assembly workshops, one is specialized in the final assembly of self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, and the other is specialized in the final assembly of tanks.

In addition to the two assembly workshops, other production workshops are scattered in an orderly manner, each with their own functions.

For example, a workshop specializing in the production of gears, such as a workshop specializing in the production of tank armor, such as a workshop specializing in the production of tank guns

For example, the production of tank guns is definitely a technically difficult job.

There are many types of artillery nowadays, including howitzers, mortars, rocket launchers, etc., but when it comes to the most powerful artillery, it must be the tank main gun.

Because the armor-piercing projectile needs to be accelerated to a speed of 1,800 meters/second to achieve the powerful kinetic energy to penetrate more than half a meter of armor, the gun barrel must withstand a pressure of 600MPa and a high temperature of more than 3,000 degrees at the moment of launch. Therefore, tank gun steel Also known as the King of Steel.

The main gun of the Type 80 main battle tank uses alloy steel, with rare earth elements added to greatly improve the strength, stiffness and toughness of the alloy steel.

To make a tank gun, the first step is to pour molten alloy steel that has been fused into a liquid state into the mold. This process must be very careful. If you are not careful, cavitation will occur and it will be scrapped. After the steel is poured and formed, the next step is forging. It is repeatedly forged at multiple angles through an ultra-high-pressure forging machine. The high-temperature gun steel is forged and shaped like dough under ultra-high pressure. This process is to remove the cannon. The holes in the steel increase density. After the barrel is forged and formed, the next step is to self-tighten the barrel. Generally speaking, a spherical tool slightly larger than the caliber of the barrel is used to travel inside the barrel using ultra-high external force. Under this action, the inner wall of the barrel is tightened. Being compressed, the strength is greatly increased.

Then the barrel is bored, and the outer contour and inner bore of the gun are accurately turned. The reason why it is called a smoothbore gun is because the machined bore must be as smooth as a mirror. The error in the inner wall of the barrel directly affects the shooting accuracy. This The maximum error does not exceed 0.05mm, which is equivalent to a hair.

The next step is to drill a hole in the barrel. This is because the tank will produce a large amount of exhaust gas when it fires. If it enters the internal space of the tank, it will affect the tank crew. Therefore, an oblique hole is drilled in the barrel to discharge the exhaust gas.

At this step, a tank gun is considered complete.

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