Tank troop base.

Haller looked at the three self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and tanks neatly arranged as if in a dream.

After watching the performances of self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and tanks, Haller felt like he was dying!

China, a poor and backward country, actually developed world-leading self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and tanks?

For such an advanced self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, the only one in the world is the 'Cheetah' self-propelled anti-aircraft gun recently developed by West Germany.

Tank, this is the third generation main battle tank. Currently, there are only two main battle tanks in the world, the Soviet T72 and the West German Leopard 2.

The Leopard 2 was developed not long ago and has not yet been officially commissioned into the army.

Strictly speaking, the only third-generation main battle tank currently in large-scale deployment in the world is the Soviet T72!

Now China has developed such advanced weapons and equipment!

Is this still the poor and backward China?

"Halle, my friend, how about these two weapons?" Liu Tao looked at Harle with a smile.

Haller swallowed and held out his thumb: "Very good!"

"Liu, I understand what you mean, and I will report it truthfully to the country!" Haller said.

Liu Tao heard this and nodded with a smile.

He also knew that such a big matter could not be decided by Haller alone.

Rather, it must be decided by Saudi military figures, and Haller can at best serve as a sounding board.

Haller is willing to report to Saudi Arabia, and Liu Tao is already very satisfied.

Cooperation is often the most difficult thing at the beginning, but as long as a relationship of mutual trust is established, there will be more and more cooperation in the future.

After sending Haller away, Liu Tao stayed at the base to teach a group of soldiers.

In terms of understanding of self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and tanks, Liu Tao knows the best in China.

After all, he is the developer and manufacturer of these two weapons.

Next, these weapons and equipment will stay here and are usually used for training.

The armored force of the army will use these three Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and Type 80 tanks as the basis to train a group of talents who will drive Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and Type 80 tanks in the future.

Liu Tao will only use these weapons and equipment when discussing cooperation.

In the next two days, Liu Tao devoted himself to giving lessons to the first batch of military talents.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye, and he had to return to Panshan Machinery Factory.

Panshan Machinery Factory, quality inspection workshop.

Boxes were piled full of firearms and ammunition that required Liu Tao's personal quality inspection.

Every time he returns from Beijing, he has to be busy with this matter.

Only after he completes the inspection and signs will the weapons and ammunition be placed in the warehouse.

"In the future, the Type 78 pistol no longer needs to go through my quality inspection!" Liu Tao said, "But your quality inspection department must also strictly control quality. If the pass rate or the excellent and good rate drops, I will settle the score with your department."

"Yes, factory director!" Several quality inspectors looked happy.

They only felt that Liu Tao was the greatest affirmation to them.

As the quality control center for Panshan Machinery Factory's products, the quality inspection department has a heavy responsibility.

They have always held themselves to the highest standards and tried their best to improve the production qualification rate and excellent quality rate of their products.

Rather than letting Liu Tao, the factory director, have to work hard to participate in quality inspection work.

The movers began to move the boxes of Type 78 pistols one by one. These will be transported to the warehouse, registered and placed in the warehouse.

Liu Tao then began to check the Type 78 automatic rifle. In the system's feedback, the condition of each box was clear.

It is clear which gun has problems, what is the pass rate, and what is the excellent rate.

Open the boxes with quality issues and pick out the automatic rifles with quality issues.

Liu Tao nodded slightly. Now it can finally be said that Panshan Machinery Factory has finally reached maturity in the production of Type 78 automatic rifles.

"The Type 78 automatic rifle does not need to be tested by me in the future." Liu Tao said: "You have done a good job in this area. I will praise your department throughout the factory and give your department rewards!"

The product qualification rate and excellent quality rate of Panshan Machinery Factory are increasing at a speed that can be discerned by the naked eye.

It can be said that the quality inspection department strictly abides by the rules and regulations and conscientiously implements the quality inspection procedures, which is why we have achieved the current results.

When everyone heard this, their faces suddenly became more excited and excited.

This is definitely a huge honor!

And the departmental rewards are real.

In addition to the bonus, those who have not been allocated a house may even be allocated a house next time.

After checking one by one, the intact boxes were constantly being moved away by the movers. By four o'clock in the morning, the entire quality inspection room seemed empty.

Liu Tao couldn't help but yawned and stretched.

After going to the canteen to eat a bowl of beef noodles, Liu Tao was sent home by the driver.

At this time, the whole villa was dark with no light. Liu Tao went upstairs quietly, fearing that the sound of his footsteps would disturb the sleeping people.

After taking a bath, I felt much more awake.

Liu Tao went to the study, where there were two computers.

It's just that it's completely different from the previous computers. Today's computers are very beautiful.

The screen is a 14-inch LCD screen, thin and very beautiful. The screen and the host are connected by a connecting cable. There is also a mouse and keyboard in front of the screen. Under the table is a host, a rectangular box. Two power cords are used to power the monitor and the host.

This is the computer he made in his spare time. Although it is far inferior to the computers thirty years later, it is far ahead of the computers of this era.

CPU2.80GHz, memory 512M working frequency 533MHz, hard disk 80G

Even the operating system and office software are all available.

And this is already upgraded to the limit, and it can no longer be upgraded.

Put it now, it is definitely a dimensionality reduction attack, and its performance even exceeds that of supercomputers.

Liu Tao turned on the computer very skillfully, and soon the computer screen lit up and entered the desktop.

"System, upload the design data of the 80-type self-propelled artillery and the 80-type tank to the computer." Liu Tao muttered.

He deliberately studied the computer when he was busy, just for convenience.

Otherwise, he would not have the energy to dismantle the computer, study the computer, and then make the computer, and upgrade it step by step to what it is now.

Suddenly, I saw folders created on the hard disk.

The design data in the virtual panel were being uploaded to these folders at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Liu Tao took a look and found that it would take eight hours to upload. He couldn't help but smile bitterly. It seemed that he could only sleep in the study at night.

Both computers were turned on, and the hard disk had a total of 160G, which should be enough.

If it was not enough, he could only build another computer.

Taking an A0 paper and spreading it on the table, Liu Tao took the drawing tool and drew about four lines according to the impression in his mind, which was the 10,000-acre plot.

He began to make a simple plane layout according to some of his own ideas.

He had not considered the design institute in Beijing yet, so it was difficult to say more.

But now, he can consider this matter!

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