God of Wealth!

More and more people regard Liu Tao as the ‘God of Wealth’!

Especially in the Fifth Machinery Department, the leaders called him the ‘God of Wealth’.

From last year to now, Liu Tao has brought in a total of US$6.2778 billion in orders!

You know, China's export volume in the past two years was only 9.75 billion US dollars!

The orders brought by Liu Tao exceeded more than half of China's previous export volume.

As for profits, this is an arms business, and the profits are huge!

The profits brought by these orders far exceed the total profits generated by exports in the civilian field last year.

"My God of Wealth, if it's so expensive, will there be no orders in the future?" Wang Baoguo didn't sleep well. When he saw Liu Tao, he couldn't help but worry: "The cost of this portable anti-aircraft missile is less than 30,000 yuan. In batches, After production, the price of each one should not exceed 20,000 yuan. Your price is 80,000 US dollars, which is almost 120,000 yuan. This is five times the profit. Isn’t it too dark?”

"Why are the anti-aircraft missiles and launch systems sold separately?" Wang Baoguo was even frightened by Liu Tao.

Liu Tao rolled his eyes: "Leader, this is a truly honest and sincere price, not a bad one!"

Is it okay to sell weapons if the profit is low?

In the international arms market, weapons from Europe, the United States, and the Soviet Union are extremely expensive and come with many additional conditions.

As for the black market, the weapons on the black market will only be higher, not lower, and most of them are light weapons!

"How is it possible! With such a high profit, it's not a bad idea? Instead, it's a conscience price?" Wang Baoguo didn't believe it at all.

It's okay if he didn't know before.

But when he inadvertently asked Liu Tao the price of portable anti-aircraft missiles, he was shocked and couldn't sleep well last night.

Whenever he closes his eyes, he will always see the great man asking him, does it hurt to be a capitalist? Is the heart black?

Wang Baoguo covered his heart, feeling that his heart hurt and he hated himself.

Liu Tao analyzed Wang Baoguo: "Leader, do you know how much the American Stinger missiles cost?"

"How much?" Wang Baoguo was a little confused. He didn't know much about this aspect.

"According to my chat with Al and others, the American Stinger missile costs 120,000 US dollars each!" Liu Tao said with a smile, "The performance of the Stinger is not as good as our Avantgarde. If it were an American, it would be A vanguard missile costs at least 150,000 US dollars.”

"Boss, do you think we are very conscientious when we sell one piece for 80,000 US dollars?" Liu Tao did not feel ashamed at all.

"The Americans sell a Stinger missile for US$120,000!?" Wang Baoguo was shocked.

"Yes, the US military purchases them for almost 40,000 U.S. dollars each, and selling them to other countries costs 120,000 U.S. dollars!" Liu Tao nodded, "That's what arms are like. It's definitely cheaper to purchase them yourself, and it's definitely more expensive to export. Only then can we make money to subsidize the country.”

"As for tanks, how much do you think a Leopard 2 tank costs?" Liu Tao asked with a smile.

"1.5 million US dollars?" Wang Baoguo hesitated.

"The West German army order is almost US$2 million per vehicle at the current exchange rate." Liu Tao said, "Mohammed and the others were just consulting, and West Germany didn't even talk about it, and they didn't even have a chance to make a bid!"

"Their delegation went to Moscow three times and offered the price of each T72 tank to 2 million US dollars. Moscow did not agree. The additional conditions must be amazing." Liu Tao shook his head: "Our Type 80 tank only costs 150 US dollars. Ten thousand U.S. dollars, an absolutely reasonable price, even if we ask for 2 million U.S. dollars per vehicle, Mohammed will agree.”

Wang Baoguo was shocked.

After a long time, he sighed with emotion: "Iraq is really rich and deserves to be a developed country!"

Liu Tao smiled.

Iraq in this era is definitely an enviable country. For China, it is simply like paradise.

The per capita GDP has reached 4,000 US dollars, the foreign exchange reserves are close to 40 billion US dollars, the society is prosperous, and the social welfare is very high. It is simply the advanced stage of a socialist country in everyone's mind, reaching common prosperity.

"Leader, do you know how much money Iraq has spent on purchasing various weapons over the years?" Liu Tao smiled lightly.

Wang Baoguo was at a loss, he didn't dare to guess.

This time, the Iraqi delegation handed over the US$3.5 billion order from China without blinking an eye.

"Over the years, the Iraqi army has spent US$75 billion on various types of weapons! US$75 billion, how much of our orders do we account for!?" Liu Tao said an astronomical figure.

Wang Baoguo was so shocked that his eyes could not help but open wide.

In a few years, US$75 billion was spent on purchasing various weapons?

Almost US$20 billion is spent on weapons and equipment a year! ?

Seeing Wang Baoguo extremely shocked, Liu Tao also sighed secretly.

Iraq is known as the fourth largest military power in the world, or even the third largest military power. Could it be that all its weapons and equipment are made by itself?


All purchased!

Since the oil crisis caused a sharp increase in oil prices, Iraq can earn thirty to forty billion U.S. dollars every year by relying on oil production and exporting oil.

The money earned for so many years, in addition to implementing high social welfare, is to purchase various weapons and equipment for the military.

Liu Tao had to admit that poverty really limits people's imagination.

Wang Baoguo is an absolute senior cadre, but his imagination is still limited by poverty.

It can only be said that poor people cannot imagine it, and they don’t have the imagination to do so.

"So damn rich!" Wang Baoguo couldn't help but say in admiration after a long time.

Later, Wang Baoguo asked: "When do you plan to go back?"

"Don't worry, we have just contacted the Iraqi family and Saudi Arabia! Saudi Arabia is also a big customer!" Liu Tao said with a smile.

Wang Baoguo's eyes widened: "Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to complete such a big order? You still want to talk about getting the order again? Are you afraid of being squeezed to death?"

"What are you afraid of? The order is in our hands. Just negotiate on the delivery time!" Liu Tao said with a smile: "When the tank manufacturing plant is built, the production capacity increases, and we produce at full capacity, we don't have to worry about not being able to complete the order."

The real troubles were related to orders for self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and tanks. As for orders for firearms and ammunition, he was not worried at all.

At the Panshan Machinery Factory headquarters alone, the production capacity is still in the climbing stage, not to mention that there are still two factories that are about to be put into use. The military factory is in the stage of exploding troops, and the production capacity climbing is very scary.

Now, on normal working days, production is implemented in three shifts.

Even at critical times, when wartime production enters, the production capacity will be even more terrifying!

"Before, my leader, you were worried about the huge investment in the tank manufacturing plant. Don't worry about it now. Let alone building one tank manufacturing plant, just building two tank manufacturing plants of the same size is enough!" Liu Tao joked.

Wang Baoguo shook his head and smiled bitterly, "As long as you dare to think about it, I don't even know how you grew up!"

In the past, who would have dared to imagine that Panshan Machinery Factory would dare to invest one billion yuan to build a large tank manufacturing plant without relying on state funding.

If you tell me, you will only be ridiculed for talking in your sleep and having wild whims.

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