The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 137 Self-propelled anti-aircraft gun target practice (please vote for me)

Mohammed and others' eyes flashed.

The number of Persian fighters is not as good as that of Iraq, but the Persians have a large number of F-14 'Panda' fighters, which are the most advanced third-generation fighters in the world. Their advanced performance makes up for the difference in their numbers.

Back then, the Pahlavi Dynasty was a die-hard ally of the United States. In order to support its die-hard allies, the United States was even willing to export advanced third-generation fighter jets to the Persians.

Two batches of F-14 orders, totaling 80 aircraft!

Together with other fighter jets, the Persian Air Force has become the strongest air combat force in the Middle East.

But no one expected that the Pahlavi dynasty would collapse.

Although Iraq has a large number of SAM anti-aircraft missiles from the Soviet Union, they require fixed launch and pose no threat to the Persian F-14s.

Mohammed, the commander of the tank division, felt this very strongly.

"During armored vehicle combat, it will be very dangerous if there are no fighter planes to ensure air superiority. The only weapon on the tank that can deal with air targets is the heavy machine gun. The range of the heavy machine gun does not pose a great threat to jet fighters unless it can be effectively formed Dense firepower network! "Liu Tao said: "The self-propelled anti-aircraft guns can fight together with the tanks, and the anti-aircraft guns and portable anti-aircraft missiles will provide short-range air defense firepower for the tank troops, forming a dense firepower network!"

"Each self-propelled anti-aircraft gun has a base ammunition count of 640 rounds, and each carries two portable anti-aircraft missiles!" Liu Tao introduced, "Of course, self-propelled anti-aircraft guns can attack aircraft flying at medium and low altitudes, as well as light armored vehicles and other ground targets. Target, it can provide powerful firepower to ground troops at critical times.”

"How are the performance of anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft missiles?" Mohammed couldn't help but ask.

Liu Tao pointed to the antenna, "The vehicle radar system has a search range of 15 kilometers, an anti-aircraft gun attack range of 4,000 meters, the anti-aircraft missile weighs 18 kilograms, the missile is 1.59 meters long, the missile weighs 11.32 kilograms, the diameter of the projectile is 72 millimeters, and the warhead weighs 1.42 kilograms. The interception height is 10 to 4,000 meters, and the maximum combat slant range is 500 to 6,000 meters.”

"According to our calculations and tests, it can effectively deal with helicopters, ground attack aircraft, bombers, cruise missiles and other targets." Liu Tao is not afraid of leaking secrets.

Because this is originally the export version.

Mohammed and others looked shocked and horrified.

Such data is already very advanced!

They seemed to see the self-propelled anti-aircraft guns following the tank troops, forming a powerful mid- and low-altitude air defense network on the battlefield. Enemy helicopters, ground attack aircraft, bombers and cruise missiles did not dare to appear below 4,000 meters in the air!

Subsequently, self-propelled anti-aircraft guns began to demonstrate excellent maneuverability.

Mohammed and others couldn't help but nod their heads. With such excellent maneuverability, self-propelled anti-aircraft guns didn't have to worry about falling behind at all. They could follow the tank troops in combat.

Mohammed and others entered the inner space to experience it, and they all knew it by heart.

At this time, the soldiers began to fly target drones.

In order to show the powerful combat effectiveness of the self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, Liu Tao also spent a lot of money this time and used a target drone.

The target drone flew up and headed towards the shooting area.

"Target found~~" When the target drone entered the range of 15 kilometers, it was immediately discovered by the radar.

"Lock the target~~"



Two 35mm anti-aircraft guns fired shells.

The shell hit the target drone, and an orange-red fireball exploded in the sky. It took several seconds for the explosion to reach everyone's ears.

"Okay!" Everyone couldn't help but applaud excitedly.

Then another target drone took off and came this way.

A soldier came out of a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun and picked up a portable anti-aircraft missile. He listened to the other soldier constantly reporting data while he aimed at the air.


As the warrior launched, the missile flew out and flew towards the target drone in the sky.

Liu Tao, Mohammed and others were watching with telescopes.


The second target drone was hit by a missile and exploded.


Warm applause broke out, accompanied by bursts of cheers and exclamations.

"What was the flying speed of the drone just now?" Mohammed asked, applauding.

At this time, three soldiers had already walked over.

One of the soldiers replied: "850 kilometers per hour."

The translators on one side are translated at the same time.

"The air defense capabilities are indeed very strong, and this portable air defense missile is also very advanced!" Mohammed praised sincerely.

As for anti-aircraft machine guns, compared with the main meal of self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and tanks, they are not very good and can only be regarded as side dishes.

In the afternoon, the two sides held procurement negotiations.

By this time, it was already considered that the man was in love with the concubine, and the two parties hit it off immediately.

1,000 single anti-aircraft machine guns, 1,000 twin anti-aircraft machine guns, 4 million rounds of anti-aircraft machine gun bullets, 400,000 rounds of special anti-aircraft machine gun rounds, 120 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and 5 basic artillery shells, 200 tanks and 5 basic artillery shells, 800 Each 'Avangard' portable air defense missile is equipped with 5 missiles, barrels, engines and other spare parts as well as training fees, with a total order of US$3 billion.

In addition, as a supplement, US$500 million was purchased for other weapons, totaling an order of US$3.5 billion.

The two parties discussed everything in detail, including the delivery time.

Delivery will be in batches, and the first batch will be delivered in April next year!

The total order is US$3.5 billion, and the deposit alone is as high as US$1.75 billion.

The leaders were immediately shocked by such a large order.

Because this means that the Fifth Machinery Department has once again set a new record for China’s foreign arms exports.

The total order is US$3.5 billion, exceeding any previous order.

It is much more than the US$167 million for the J-7 export that the Third Machinery Department went to Egypt to negotiate in person last year, and is nearly 21 times that big order!

The key is that the Third Machinery Department has not made much money from that order so far, while the Fifth Machinery Department has made a lot of dollars in the past year or so, and it is easy to count a few dollars.

This time, half of the total order of US$3.5 billion will be paid within seven days, which is US$1.75 billion!

The deposit is something you can spend.

If the other party breaches the contract, the deposit is liquidated damages and belongs to China.

This is undoubtedly timely for China, which lacks foreign exchange.

By this year, China's desire for foreign exchange has reached a new stage. Countless government agencies and state-owned factories across the country are in urgent need of foreign exchange.

The country’s foreign exchange is not even earned as fast as it is spent.

1.75 billion US dollars, which is much more than the national foreign exchange reserves last year.

If the several orders brought by Liu Tao last year made some leaders realize that exporting military equipment can make money, then the total order of 3.5 billion US dollars this time has an even greater impact. It is no exaggeration to say that everyone who knows Everyone will be shocked.

Liu Tao's name appears more and more in the leaders' ears and minds.

The Fifth Machinery Department, on the other hand, has become a big star and has become the most beautiful kid in each ministry. Even the leaders can't help but praise the Fifth Machinery Department more.

I don’t know how jealous other ministries are, especially the Third Machinery Department. I finally got a large order of 167 million US dollars last year to open a new chapter in China’s military trade. It turns out that I have been in the shadow of the Fifth Machinery Department. under.

There are only two hundred votes away from one thousand votes!

Begging for a monthly ticket!

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