The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 136 Make money without being shabby!

"Liu, my friend, what do you think of the Persians?"

Mohammed toasted Liu Tao with a wine glass.

"Saddam is a hero in Iraq and a hero in the Islamic world. Like Nasser, he is an outstanding leader." Liu Tao did not directly answer Muhammad's words, but severely exaggerated Saddam.

Nasser was undoubtedly a hero of the Islamic world and had a huge influence in the Islamic world.

After the death of Nasser, the Arab nation was leaderless!

As Sadat's Egypt was expelled by the Arab League for abandoning its policy of confrontation with Israel, an 'earthquake' occurred in the political center of the Arab nation formed after the war, and a political vacuum emerged in the Arab world.

This provided Saddam with a rare historical opportunity.

At the Arab League summit held in Baghdad at the end of 1978, Iraq's leading role was highlighted. It is not difficult to see from this that Saddam, who is eager to try, can't wait to replace Egypt.

Today's Iraq can be said to have the right time, place and people. It is undoubtedly the most powerful country in the entire Middle East.

From the perspective of military strength, Iraq has millions of troops, nearly 6,000 tanks, 7,500 armored vehicles, more than 3,700 artillery pieces, and more than 700 fighter jets.

From the perspective of economic strength, Iraq has huge oil wealth. Iraq's proven oil reserves rank second in the world. It has unique wealth and can earn a lot of wealth every year by relying on oil exports. This can be seen from the fact that Iraq has nearly 40 billion US dollars in foreign exchange reserves.

From an environmental point of view, Iraq was on good terms with the Soviet Union and the United States at the same time, and it also had the support of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. This environment was simply unique.

Thinking about the past, China was subjected to various kinds of siege and interception. Even now, the situation is only better.

The outbreak of the Iran-Iraq war seemed accidental, but in fact it was a historical necessity.

Liu Tao is not worried at all that the Iran-Iraq war will not break out.

At most, it was because of his little butterfly that it affected the time of the outbreak.

Knowing that Mohammed was Saddam's confidant, Liu Tao naturally wanted to praise Saddam.

Times create heroes, heroes create times!

Liu Tao held Saddam in high esteem.

Fortunately, Wang Baoguo and Liu Zhenbang did not understand English, otherwise they would have blushed.

Liu Tao, on the other hand, keeps pumping out all kinds of flattering words, just to get orders and make money, he’s not shabby!

Mohammed and others had happy smiles on their faces, and they felt that Liu Tao was really their good friend and a good friend of Iraq!

No wonder it is willing to export such advanced weapons and equipment to Iraq.

"If a war breaks out, I think you will be able to achieve a hearty victory." Liu Tao said: "You are the fourth most powerful country in the world, you can even say the third most powerful military country, and you have no rivals in the Middle East!"

As soon as Liu Tao said these words, Mohammed and others laughed even more happily.

Because they also believe that Iraq is a big and powerful country in the Middle East!

In the Middle East, no country can compare to Iraq!

Seeing the reaction of Mohammed and others, Liu Tao was amused.

He remembered that the Iran-Iraq war was later called "the most unskilled war fought with the most advanced weapons"!

Although this statement has the meaning of overgeneralization, it is not without reason why it is so widely circulated.

For example, in the Iran-Iraq War, there were "trench warfare", "gas warfare" and the phenomenon of infantry's open swarm charge!

He does not think that the weapons he exported to Iraq will change the Iran-Iraq war.

In the final analysis, the firearms exported before were not considered powerful weapons and could play a role on local battlefields, but it was impossible to change the entire war.

For example, the heavy sniper rifle can at best hunt more Persian commanders.

For example, heavy machine guns can only kill more soldiers and destroy more armored vehicles.

It will only cause more deaths among the Persians.

As for the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and Type 80 tanks, it is impossible to deliver them to Iraq at least before the war breaks out.

At the very least, the first batch of deliveries will not be possible until the end of next year, or even early next year.

Exporting large quantities of Type 59 tanks is not enough to change the Iran-Iraq war.

The next afternoon, everyone came to the military camp again.

The garage was opened, and the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun drove out of the garage.

"Is this an anti-aircraft missile?"

Mohammed's eyes lit up when he looked at the portable anti-aircraft missile of the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun.

Compared with the Iraqi Army, the Air Force is undoubtedly weaker.

The current Iraqi Air Force equipment, the backbone of the fighter jets is the MiG-21, the most advanced is the 18 MiG-23MS fighter jets purchased in 1974, and the largest number of equipment is the Su-7'Assembler A' fighter-bomber, with a total of 50 , the entire MiG-23 series of fighter jets has a total of 90 aircraft. In addition, the Iraqi Air Force’s bomber force is not large, mainly equipped with 10 Il-28 ‘Beagle’ light bombers and 7 Tu-16 ‘Badger’ medium bombers.

Others include hundreds of first-generation jet fighters that are on the verge of obsolescence.

If the fighter jets are not advanced and the air force is not strong, the air defense missiles must be equipped with more, and they must be advanced enough!

For this reason, Iraq imported a large number of SAM missiles.

For example, Sam 6 missiles and Sam 7 missiles.

Three self-propelled anti-aircraft guns were placed in a row, showing extraordinary momentum.

Liu Tao introduced these three self-propelled anti-aircraft guns one by one.

These three self-propelled anti-aircraft guns are all foreign trade versions of self-propelled anti-aircraft guns. The only difference is the caliber of the anti-aircraft guns.

The 35mm and 70mm anti-aircraft guns are both mounted in two gangs, while the 25mm anti-aircraft guns are mounted in four gangs.

The eyes of Muhammad and others were shining, and they were obviously very interested in the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun.

"Tank operations mainly deal with ground targets. Without advanced fighter jets, air superiority cannot be achieved, and even the most advanced armored vehicles can only be used as targets!" Liu Tao said with a smile: "This self-propelled anti-aircraft gun is An air defense weapon that can accompany tank troops in combat and provide air defense for tank troops! ”

"Currently in the world, there is only the West German 'Cheetah' self-propelled anti-aircraft gun from a few years ago, which is barely comparable in performance. According to the intelligence we have collected, the West German Army only equips dozens of 'Cheetah' self-propelled anti-aircraft guns. !" Liu Tao introduced the self-propelled anti-aircraft gun.

His words were full of confidence.

Even though this is just an export version of a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, it is still among the world's advanced levels.

The powerful armor protection capability, powerful maneuverability, and advanced fire control system will make it a "low-altitude air defense weapon" on the battlefield, making the low altitude of the battlefield a forbidden area for aircraft.

Coupled with two portable air defense missiles, it is no exaggeration to say that neither helicopters nor fighter jets will dare to enter the airspace within 4,000 meters without destroying the self-propelled anti-aircraft guns.

From this aspect, there is no doubt that the safety of tank troops will be greatly improved.

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