The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 135 Air conditioning? Creative genius! (Please subscribe and get a monthly pass)

Tanks actually have a cooling system! ?

Mohammed's mind was working quickly. No matter whether it was a Soviet tank or a European and American tank, no tank had a cooling system.

Because the space in the tank was too limited, there was no extra space for the cooling system.

But you have to know that the climate in the Middle East is a desert climate, and the temperature during the day is very high.

For example, in Iraq, the highest temperature in summer can reach over 50 degrees Celsius.

During the daytime in summer, it is impossible to stay inside the tank because it is too hot!

This makes it impossible for soldiers to train in summer, and it is difficult to improve their combat effectiveness.

He did not expect that this tank was equipped with a cooling system, which was tailor-made for Iraq.

With such a tank, Iraq's armored forces will definitely be able to greatly improve their combat effectiveness.

"Liu, your tank is very GOOD!" Mohammed could not help but give Liu Tao a thumbs up: "The tank is equipped with a cooling system, which is a genius idea!"

Liu Tao smiled brightly when he heard this.

He had some impression that it was Saudi soldiers who were unwilling to enter the tank in summer, let alone train and fight.

Therefore, the tanks ordered by Saudi Arabia all hope to have a refrigeration system, and even a refrigerator!

To be honest, he understands this requirement very well.

The oil-producing countries in the Middle East can earn a lot of foreign exchange every year due to the rise in oil prices. Soldiers naturally have higher requirements and want better treatment and a better environment.

The summer in the Middle East is very hot. In the hot summer, the tank is like a steamer, and an egg will be cooked quickly.

In this environment, tank armored soldiers are not willing to enter the tank in the summer, let alone training and combat.

And night training and combat are not suitable for all tanks.

Mohammed then experienced this tank well.

After experiencing the driver driving the tank, Mohammed came out of the tank and said excitedly: "It's a great tank, too advanced, and it's really much easier than driving a car."

"When the throttle is maxed out, I just feel like the tank is about to fly. It's so cool!" Mohammed praised the driver's experience this time.

"Mr. Mohammed, you can experience the role of a gunner next and try firing a few rounds!" Liu Tao said with a smile.

Mohammed changed to the gunner position, the tank drove to the shooting training ground, and then fired three rounds.

Mohammed was shocked by the automatic loader.

You know, their tanks don't have automatic loaders, they have to have special loaders, and the job of loaders is not easy. A 120mm tank shell weighs 20 to 30 kilograms. It is very tiring to carry and load a few shells. Even for people who have been training for many years, if they fire 20 to 30 rounds, the loader will feel that his hands are not his own.

However, the automatic loader replaces the physical burden and time delay of loading shells.

It's nothing more than waiting until the shells stored in the loader itself are used up, and then loading manually.

He finally understood why this tank only needs 3 members, instead of 4 like the previous tanks.

Because this automatic loader reduces the staffing of loaders.

Liu Tao naturally boasted.

The technology of automatic loading machine is a very advanced technology. Since its birth, the research and application in the military field has never stopped.

Whether it is Europe, the United States or the Soviet Union, research in this area has never been suspended, but has achieved a very great impact.

For example, the Swedish Strv103 tank, which is a very distinctive tank that appeared in the 1960s, is equipped with an automatic loading machine.

The T72, the only third-generation main battle tank in the world that is now equipped with troops on a large scale, is also equipped with an automatic loading machine.

The advantages of automatic loading machines are obvious, of course, there are also disadvantages. The disadvantages are mainly reflected in two points. One is that the automatic loading machine has many moving parts, and it is not easy to replace parts and troubleshoot on the battlefield, and the reliability is questionable; one is that the space inside the tank is limited, and the loading machine takes up a lot of space.

Liu Tao's automatic loading machine is definitely at the world's advanced level.

This is also one of his selling points.

The automatic loading machine undoubtedly makes the tank look more tall and majestic.

The tall and majestic tank will be more attractive.

For such advanced weapons and equipment, whether the price is higher or lower is not the main factor. Whether the customer can make up his mind to buy is the most important factor.

As long as you capture the customer's heart and fascinate the customer, he will be willing to pay for it.

Then, Mohammed went to the position of the tank commander.

After experiencing it, Mohammed was even more shocked.

In the past, the tank gunner was the eyes, the driver was the feet, and the tank commander was the brain.

But now, the tank commander is the three in one, the "soul" of the whole vehicle, and needs to operate multiple systems such as communication and firepower at the same time. There are one or two hundred densely packed optical switch knobs and buttons, and there are fifty or sixty various connectors.

"The commander of the third-generation tank must not only be able to command the vehicle to fight, but also have the joint consciousness to cooperate with the superiors!" Liu Tao introduced.

It can be said that among the three members of the Type 80 main battle tank, the requirements for the commander are the highest.

Just for the tank commander, the optical theory takes at least one month!

In a month, the driver can drive the tank in various ways, and the gunner can also operate it skillfully.

"This tank of yours is amazing!" Mohammed couldn't help but admire.

After experiencing it personally, Mohammed was shocked.

He even felt that even the T72 and Leopard 2 main battle tanks might not be as good as this main battle tank.

And this also strengthened his determination to purchase this tank.

As a commander, Mohammed has his own judgment on whether this tank is good or not.

Later, others also experienced it one by one.

As long as someone has experienced it personally, there is no one who can say anything bad about it.

It was getting dark by now, and everyone left the military camp and headed to the hotel.

The two parties got along very harmoniously. They drank a glass of wine and talked and laughed happily. After drinking for thirty years, they got down to business.

"Your Excellency Mohammed, tomorrow we will take a look at the self-propelled anti-aircraft gun. Its performance is very good, even surpassing West Germany's 'Cheetah' self-propelled anti-aircraft gun!" Liu Tao blushed, "That is now, if we wait until later , it’s difficult to even buy it!”

Mohammed was so convinced that he personally went to Moscow three times and drank vodka until he almost vomited blood every time, but he failed to buy a T72 tank.

He fully understands the difficulty involved.

"Liu, you are our friend, and we will remember your friendship deeply!" Mohammed said.

He now knows that the person in charge of China is actually the young man Liu Tao.

It was Liu Tao who pushed hard to export such advanced weapons and equipment.

Others talked about money as if they were ashamed to talk about it, but Liu Tao was different, as if it was natural.

Mohammed has learned from Al and Rashid that Liu Tao is the person in charge of a large military factory in China, and previous cooperation was with Liu Tao.

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