The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 134 Tank Performance (Subscribe Monthly Ticket)

A kilometer long dirt road.

Dust is flying.

The tank was moving at top speed.

An abandoned car was directly run over, unable to stop the tank in the slightest.

"What is the fastest speed this tank can reach?" Mohammed couldn't help but ask.

"70 kilometers per hour!" Liu Tao gave an astonishing number.

70km/h! ?

Mohammed and others couldn't help but be shocked. This number was very astonishing.

Because this tank is a big guy weighing 55 tons, this speed is very amazing.

You must know that Iraq is equipped with a large number of T62 tanks. It is just a light tank with a total weight of only 23 tons, not even half the weight of this tank.

And that's it, the maximum road speed of the T62 tank is only 50 kilometers/hour.

Subsequently, the tank entered the S-turn, which also represents an important manifestation of the tank's performance.

"Your Excellency Mohammed, this tank driver has only been exposed to this tank for three or four days!" Liu Tao said with a smile, "The cockpit of this tank is very modern. Even ordinary people can easily get started and drive it. tank."

"How is it possible? Only three or four days of contact?" Mohammed was shocked and full of disbelief.

The training of armored soldiers is much more difficult than that of infantry.

For an armored force to truly exert its combat effectiveness, it will take at least two years of training. This is because tank and armored forces are technical arms and are not easy to train.

As a tank driver, if you want to be able to drive a tank smoothly, you have to drive a tank for at least two years.

If what Liu Tao said is true, maybe it only takes a month or two for the driver to drive a tank smoothly.

"You can go up and experience it yourself later!" Liu Tao said with a smile.

Wang Baoguo didn't speak English. After the two sides shook hands, the initiative on their side gradually shifted to Liu Tao.

"Mohammed, I went up and drove for a while, and I thought I could drive a tank!" Al laughed, "It's much easier than driving a car, very simple."

Rashid also said: "I think it only takes ten days and a half, and any ordinary person can drive it."

Liu Tao secretly praised Al and Rashid in his heart. Al and Rashid were kind people. They had not given any kickbacks in vain before. They were indeed not the kind of people who only took money and did not work.

We can indeed have long-term cooperation in the future.

Mohammed said: "We will try it ourselves later."

Holding a telescope and watching the tank quickly pass through the S-turn, Mohammed secretly marveled at the excellent performance of this tank.

Then the tank entered a terrain that was relatively complex and had various trenches.

But even if it is a three-meter-wide trench, the tank can easily fly over it quickly.

Mohammed's eyes couldn't help but light up.


The tank stopped and opened fire.

The 120mm tank gun fired with such loud force that even though it was hundreds of meters away, it still made one's ears feel deafened.

A bunker 1,000 meters away was blown to pieces.

Then he aimed at the bunker 2,000 meters away and fired another bombardment.

"Does this tank use infrared aiming?" Mohammed couldn't help but ask. The accuracy was too high.

Liu Tao explained: "It is equipped with a laser rangefinder, a universal telescope, a panoramic observation scope, a turret observation scope, a low-altitude monitor and a thermal imager, and a gunner's thermal sight."

Mohammad was secretly shocked. Although he had never heard of some of the instruments, he felt superior when he heard them.

"The tank's observation and aiming system has definitely reached the world's first-class level." Liu Tao said: "The tank gun can easily hit the target accurately at a distance of 2,000 meters. First-generation tanks and second-generation tanks often fail to detect it and are caught by it. The gun was destroyed!"

The effective range of the first-generation tanks is between 700 and 1,000 meters, while the effective range of the second-generation tanks is often between 1,000 and 1,300 meters.

As for the maximum range, although it will be farther, the accuracy is not guaranteed.

When Muhammad thought about this situation on the battlefield, tanks met and a tank battle broke out. This kind of tank showed its power, destroying first-generation tanks and second-generation tanks one after another from a distance. tank.

This tank is fast and has strong maneuverability, making it impossible for other tanks to catch up.

Mohammed couldn't help but think of West Germany's Leopard 2 tank.

Now among the European and American main battle tanks, the most advanced one is the Leopard 2 tank. Now the Leopard 2 tank has begun mass production and will soon be installed in the West German army.

Compared with the second-generation tanks, the performance of the third-generation tanks has been significantly improved.

Stronger armor capabilities, stronger maneuverability, stronger firepower, and huge improvements in the fire control system.

Mobility capability is a very important indicator of tank performance.

The one shown just now is the static shooting of the tank, and the next one is the dynamic shooting.

In the past, tanks mostly stayed in one place and fired, fired one or two shots and then drove away. After stopping, they aimed and fired again, and then drove away, and so on.

But later, there were higher requirements for tank performance, and firing while walking became the focus of research.

Shooting while moving has also become one of the training subjects for tank and armor soldiers!

This method of combat can greatly reduce the probability of being hit by enemy tank artillery, and significantly improve the survival rate.

Shooting while moving sounds simple, but in fact it is not that simple. The requirements for tanks are very high.

It requires technologies such as sighting device stabilizers, automatic loaders, thermal imagers, various sensors, and moving data computers to make accurate shooting possible while the tank is moving.

"Boom~~" The tank kept firing as it moved forward.

Liu Tao secretly bleeds in his heart, what he is shooting is not shells, but money!

If the order was not negotiated, he would lose money.

This time, only two basic tank shells were transported to the capital along with the tanks.

Liu Tao could only pray secretly, but don't get excited and shoot out all the shells.

Shooting in the workshop, one shot after another, very smooth.

At this point, the tank show is over.

The tank began to drive back and soon stopped steadily not far from Liu Tao and the others.

After the dust cleared, Liu Tao and the others walked towards the tank.

At this time, the driver, gunner, and vehicle commander came out.

The three of them were very excited. Obviously, they were very excited to have a good experience today.

"Your Excellency Mohammed, how about you try it yourself?" Liu Tao looked at Mohammed.

If you want to let the other party truly experience the performance of the tank, there is no better way than to let the other party drive the tank and experience it for yourself.

Mohammed was not Al or Rashid, but a real tank soldier and a commander of an armored division.

A layman looks at the excitement, while an expert looks at the door.

Mohammed agreed without hesitation, then climbed onto the tank and began to enter the cockpit.

As soon as he entered the cockpit, Mohammed immediately noticed the difference. The cockpit was larger and more comfortable.

More importantly, the cockpit is actually air-conditioned, and the tank is actually equipped with a refrigeration system! ?

Mohammed was shocked.

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