The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 122 Future Direction (Please subscribe)

"Put aside the controversy and focus on the discussion later if you have any questions!"

Wang Baoguo stood up in time and put the controversy aside.

Otherwise, if you are stuck here, you may not need to do anything else today.

Subsequently, other experts continued to learn more about the Type 80 automatic anti-aircraft gun.

Each expert has his own area of ​​expertise. For example, the artillery expert only knows about 35mm anti-aircraft guns, while the computer expert only knows about the computer field.

Different experts only know aspects of their own fields.

In order to truly understand the Type 80 automatic anti-aircraft gun, Wang Baoguo personally coordinated with the military to dispatch fighter jets and helicopters to cooperate.

Sure enough, when fighter jets and helicopters reach a range of 20 kilometers, they are captured by radar, and when they enter the air defense range, they can even be clearly seen through a periscope optical sight.

Of course, under the current conditions, it is impossible to actually fire artillery shells. You must know that they are fighter jets and helicopters. If they are really shot down, the losses will be huge.

But even through these simple tests, we can clearly feel the power of the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun.

After a full week, a series of work was finally completed.

In the evening of this day, Liu Tao and Wang Baoguo were walking.

"I handed over Panshan Machinery Factory to you, and now it proves that this decision was right." Wang Baoguo said with emotion: "In just over a year, Panshan Machinery Factory can be said to be a super-large military factory."

When Wang Baoguo was about to be transferred to the Fifth Machinery Department, he recommended Wang Tiezhu to take over as director of the Yun Provincial Defense Management Office, while Liu Tao served as the director of Panshan Machinery Factory.

At that time, Panshan Machinery Factory was only a small and medium-sized military factory. Although Liu Tao's age was quite controversial, Liu Tao had already developed several firearms and was a rare college student. With Wang Baoguo's strong recommendation, Liu Tao was appointed. Director of Panshan Machinery Factory.

To be honest, this decision was a big risk.

Because Liu Tao is too young, only 24 years old!

As the saying goes, if you have a hairless mouth, you will not be able to do things well. When you are a factory director at such a young age, it is easy to mess up.

But facts have proven that this decision is very correct.

Liu Tao has been the factory director for more than a year. Panshan Machinery Factory has developed rapidly. Whether it is in terms of the scale of the factory, the number of employees, or production capacity, it is no exaggeration to say that it is a super-large military factory.

There are also military factories that can produce Type 78 pistols and Type 78 automatic rifles, but the production pass rate is still far behind Panshan Machinery Factory.

More importantly, Panshan Machinery Factory can be said to be a modern factory.

The division of different functional areas is clear, the entire Panshan Machinery Factory is clean, and the entire system operates very smoothly.

And this is even more valuable for reference!

Panshan Machinery Factory, as a reform pilot plant, is responsible for the reform of military factories.

Now the experience of Panshan Machinery Factory is of great reference significance.

"It is all because of your strong support from the leaders that Panshan Machinery Factory is what it is today!" Liu Tao said humbly: "To be honest, I can do research well, but it is difficult for me to manage such a large factory!"

"Panshan Machinery Factory is still running well!" Wang Baoguo said noncommittally: "After returning to Beijing, we will hold a meeting and Factory 256 will allocate it to you Panshan Machinery Factory. However, the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun can be used for personal use or export. It can’t be the same.”

Liu Tao looked happy and said, "That's natural. Leader, please rest assured!"

Liu Tao is well aware of the issue of personal use and export versions.

The Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, for real mass production, naturally does not need that much power, only 900 horsepower, and the size also does not need to be that large. In addition to the twin 35mm self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, there will also be twin 70mm self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and four 25mm anti-aircraft guns in different styles.

For the export version, the engine power will be reduced to 750~800 horsepower, the armor performance will be reduced, the radar search performance will also be reduced, and the computer performance will be slightly reduced.

The main reason why the prototype vehicle was so advanced in the first place was that it was heading towards the third-generation main battle tank.

"As long as you understand!" Wang Baoguo nodded: "Someone will come to collect the information on the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun. Just keep a backup copy in your factory!"

"Understood!" Liu Tao was not surprised by this.

Eggs cannot be put in the same basket, lest when the war breaks out and the Panshan Machinery Factory is bombed and destroyed, China will not be able to build self-propelled anti-aircraft guns.

Similarly, the design data of the firearms developed by Liu Tao before were taken from the above, and other factories were arranged to produce them.

In this era, there are no patents.

It does not mean that a certain weapon is developed by this factory and cannot be produced by other factories.

A game of chess across the country!

"In terms of self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, you have to seize the time to produce a few more prototypes. There is also a third-generation main battle tank that you have to seize the time to produce." Wang Baoguo said: "After returning to Beijing this time, we will coordinate a I’ll give you the technical staff.”

"After reporting to the leadership, I will celebrate your success in person!" Wang Baoguo said.

The significance of the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun far exceeds the firearms previously developed by Liu Tao.

Because this is a heavy weapon and a big killer!

The birth of the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun can be said to have opened a new chapter in China's mid- and low-altitude defense and greatly improved China's ability to defend at mid- and low-altitudes.

This kind of scientific research results are enough to be promoted to the national level, and the scientific research results are enough to win numerous awards.

If Liu Tao hadn't been too young, if he had been another sixty-year-old man and developed the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, he would have received the Lifetime Achievement Award!

Even if I can't get the Lifetime Achievement Award now, I'm definitely indispensable for other awards.

Even during various conferences, I will be received by leaders.

It is no exaggeration to say that Liu Tao is now a national scholar!

Even Liu Tao's original bodyguards are no longer qualified to serve as his bodyguards.

In other words, Liu Tao has no complicated activities, and his exposure is not high now. Otherwise, he would have to prevent assassination.

Once Liu Tao successfully develops the third generation tank, his status and influence will be raised to another level.

It is completely possible to reach the level of a technical leader with two bombs and one satellite.

This time when he saw the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun in person, Wang Baoguo realized that the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun was much more important than he had previously imagined.

Through Zhu Lao and others' technical evaluation, Wang Baoguo deeply realized how earth-shattering the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun was, with more than a thousand important technological breakthroughs.

It is no exaggeration to say that just such a Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun has saved the country at least tens of billions of scientific research funds.

Many technologies can be applied to the military and civilian fields.

The wealth that these technologies can create is simply difficult to estimate.

Therefore, the security department of Panshan Machinery Factory will be reassigned from the Fifth Machinery Department to achieve the strictest confidentiality.

After all, the current security department of Panshan Machinery Factory is based on the original foundation, and it is inevitable that there are deficiencies in confidentiality work.

If the average subscription can reach 2,000, I will add another chapter!

Brothers, sisters and readers, don’t be afraid that the dog author didn’t save the manuscript, rush, rush!

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