The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 121 Air-conditioned? (First order required)

Production workshop.

Liu Tao came here with a team of experts.

When they saw the self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, everyone couldn't help but look shocked.

Just by looking at it, you will be attracted.

The appearance is really too good!

"Comrade Liu Tao, what's this painting?" an expert couldn't help but ask.

"Experts, the coating on the turret and body of this self-propelled anti-aircraft gun is frosted!" Liu Tao introduced.

"Matte paint?"

The experts couldn't help but look at Liu Tao.

Liu Tao smiled and began to explain the unique coating of frosted coating.

The frosted textured coating not only makes its appearance more refined, but also contains deep-seated military design wisdom.

It is not meant to add beauty, but rather a wise move based on multiple considerations.

This frosted texture design can not only effectively increase surface friction and improve the self-propelled anti-aircraft gun's ability to pass through complex terrain, but more importantly, it can reduce reflection and reduce the tank's risk of being discovered by enemy infrared, optical and other detection methods. possibility, thereby improving the concealment and survivability of self-propelled anti-aircraft guns.

He has always believed that appearance equals fighting power!

Everyone couldn't help but marveled when they heard Liu Tao's explanation.

This seems to have opened a window for everyone to see a new world.

At the same time, he secretly admired Liu Tao's innovative ability.

"Comrade Liu Tao, with the two 35mm anti-aircraft guns installed now, can larger anti-aircraft guns be installed in the future?" an expert asked.

The power of artillery is directly proportional to its caliber.

"Now I am developing a 70mm anti-aircraft gun. After the 70mm anti-aircraft gun is successfully developed, the installation performance will not change!" Liu Tao said with a smile: "This big guy is not only a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, but also a third-party anti-aircraft gun." Modern tanks, thickened armor and equipped with a 120mm smoothbore gun, or even a 140mm smoothbore gun.”

For current self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, the engine power does not need to reach 1,500 horsepower, only 850 to 900 horsepower is enough!

A flash of enthusiasm flashed in the hearts of many experts.

The third generation main battle tank is what everyone dreams of owning.

However, at the seminar a few years ago, a consensus has been reached that it is unrealistic to directly develop a third-generation main battle tank. The span is too large and there are not enough talents and technical reserves. What is more achievable is the development of a second-generation main battle tank. , and even developing a second-generation main battle tank will take ten or even twenty years.

And now, from this self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, they see hope!

Some people began to enter the cockpit and found that the cockpit space seemed much larger.

The steering wheel is an oval-shaped steering wheel, about as wide as a human forearm. The gear lever is also much smaller, making it much easier to operate.

The parking bar is also small.

The cockpit of this self-propelled anti-aircraft gun is already very modern, almost the same as the automatic transmission of a small car thirty or forty years later. Even a novice who has never driven a tank can still drive a tank with someone guiding him.

Experts who have tried it themselves have marveled at the amazing automation of this self-propelled anti-aircraft gun. The steering wheel and automatic transmission make it more flexible to operate, and it is easy to learn and use. This is of great benefit to training commanders, and in combat It can also exert greater power.

Wang Baoguo was also very excited. He tried it himself and had a good time.

And when Liu Tao personally drove the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, facing a 3-meter-wide trench in front, and flew directly over the trench at a speed of 70 kilometers per hour, many experts exclaimed.

When other experts opened it, they were cautious because it was their first time.

But when Liu Tao opened it, it was completely different. Liu Tao was too familiar with it.

The superior performance of the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun was fully demonstrated in Liu Tao's hands.

Then there were all the experts who couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Before they came, they were doubtful, and most of them were even skeptical.

But when they saw the prototype car, everyone was excited and smiled bitterly.

Does this still require acceptance? Do you still need a review?

Facts speak louder than words!

The skills Liu Tao displayed overwhelmed them in every aspect. Are they qualified to judge?

The "trinity" self-propelled anti-aircraft gun of firepower, fire command and control, and power supply, apart from the "Cheetah" self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, there is only the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun!

"Director Liu, I would like to ask why we need to install air conditioning?" Mr. Zhu asked.

He discovered that the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun actually had a refrigeration system.

This is simply outrageous!

Liu Tao explained: "In the summer, the cabin is too hot. Air conditioning can improve the cabin environment, making the armored soldiers more comfortable and able to exert their combat effectiveness better."

"And the first export target of this self-propelled anti-aircraft gun is the Middle East, where the temperature is high, the oil-producing countries are extremely rich, and only if there is air conditioning in the cabin, people are willing to buy it." Liu Tao said.

Why did he steal customers from Europe, the United States, and the Soviet Union? In addition to high quality and low prices, he was also considerate and provided good service.

Don't think it's just an air conditioner, but in this era, it is definitely a groundbreaking feat.

All the experts looked at each other.

An expert frowned and said: "Armored soldiers didn't need it before. Now we need to install a refrigeration system. Isn't it superfluous? What a waste!"

"It's not that we didn't need it before, but we didn't have the conditions and the technology, so we had to suffer as armored soldiers." Liu Tao retorted, "Now that we have the conditions and the technology, why do we have to let the armored soldiers suffer that much?"

"Technology is used to benefit mankind!" Liu Tao emphasized.

Liu Tao spent a lot of effort to conquer the on-board air conditioning technology of armored vehicles. Air conditioning technology is not only for armored vehicles, but also for the development of Panshan Machinery Factory in the civilian field.

Producing air conditioners is definitely a very good business.

"But if there is air conditioning, it is equivalent to an additional hidden danger." The expert frowned.

"Where is the hidden danger!" Liu Tao shook his head.

It’s nothing more than a matter of choice!

The reason why tanks and armored vehicles are not equipped with air conditioners now is mainly due to four factors.

The first factor is due to space. The tank cockpit is already small. If air conditioning is installed, there may be no place for tank soldiers to put their feet.

The second factor is that it is easy to expose yourself. The air conditioner produces heat in addition to the cold air, so it will increase the infrared signature of the tank. You must know that this is an era in which infrared weapons are very popular, so tanks equipped with air conditioners are easily discovered by enemy infrared detection equipment, with disastrous consequences.

The third factor is increased consumption. As long as the air conditioner is working, there will be consumption. If it uses the "dongfeng" of the tank engine to work, it will increase the burden on the tank. If an independent engine is installed for the air conditioner, it will further occupy the space of the tank. , making the tank cockpit more crowded and in a dilemma.

The third factor is the limitation of vehicle-mounted air-conditioning technology. Currently, vehicle-mounted air-conditioning technology is limited and highly unstable. It will be like a time bomb. The environment of tanks and armored vehicles is relatively harsh, even in the wild. An explosion will occur accidentally, which is undoubtedly fatal to tanks and armored vehicles.

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