The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 123 Good news! good news! (Please subscribe)

Wang Baoguo and the expert team left.

Liu Tao also started to get busy.

"Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, this one will be regarded as the 80A self-propelled anti-aircraft gun." Liu Tao retained the original design for this one.

After all, this model is very suitable for fighting in the north. There are many plains in the north and there are not so many restrictions.

"Suitable for most parts of the country, especially the southern region, the most suitable weight is about 30 tons!" Liu Tao also gained a lot this time.

Before, he had ignored the special characteristics of the southern multi-water network, which was not suitable for such a heavy weight!

It's so heavy that crossing the bridge is troublesome.

Then Liu Tao began to improve the work.

With the 80A self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, subsequent improvement work will be much easier.

Before I knew it, two months had passed.

Liu Tao developed several self-propelled anti-aircraft guns.

In addition to the 80A self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, there are also the 80B self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, 80C self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, 80D self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, 80E self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, 80F self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, and 80G self-propelled anti-aircraft gun.

80A, 80B, 80C, and 80D are self-use versions. Among them, 80B is a new design, one size smaller than 80A, the overall weight is only 30 tons, and the power system is 900 horsepower. The 80C is generally the same as the 80B, but is equipped with two 70mm anti-aircraft guns; the 80D self-propelled anti-aircraft gun is equipped with four 25mm anti-aircraft guns!

80E, 80F, and 80G are foreign trade versions. The power system is 800 horsepower, the radar search range is 15 kilometers, and the attack range is reduced to 4,000 meters. The only difference is the caliber of the anti-aircraft guns. 80E has two 35mm caliber anti-aircraft guns, and 80F has two 70mm anti-aircraft guns. caliber anti-aircraft guns, the 80G is four 25mm caliber anti-aircraft guns.

Seven different self-propelled anti-aircraft guns were placed side by side.

Liu Tao felt full of accomplishment.

Liu Tao entrusted the military to transport three foreign trade versions of self-propelled anti-aircraft guns to the capital. Now that it was done, he had to start getting orders.

Otherwise, there will be trouble at Factory 256 if there are no orders.

Since Factory 256 was transferred to Panshan Machinery Factory, it began to debug the production line. The original Type 59 tanks and even the later Type 69 tanks are no longer produced and are preparing to produce self-propelled anti-aircraft guns.

Now Liu Tao needs to win orders for self-propelled anti-aircraft guns.

If you want to get an order, it's better to let customers see the real thing and experience it for themselves.

Few countries can afford the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, even if it is an export version.

Because it is marked as a "Cheetah" self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, the export price is as high as 4.4 million US dollars per vehicle. If it is a 75mm anti-aircraft gun, the export price is as high as 4.6 million US dollars per vehicle.

At such a high price, most countries cannot afford it.

Iraq and Saudi Arabia are his top-quality customers. These two oil-producing countries are extremely rich, with tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign exchange reserves.

As long as they can win their hearts, they are willing to pay for it.

Self-propelled anti-aircraft guns are only one of the targets, and the third-generation main battle tank is also a big target!

In order to get the order, Liu Tao even deliberately produced a third-generation main battle tank in advance.

It can be said that a lot of money was spent!

Liu Tao even wanted to take this opportunity to sell firearms and ammunition.

By now, the anger between Iran and Iran has become so intense that even Renren Daily reports on it from time to time.

This powder keg will be ignited at any time.

Like a macho man descended from heaven, Saddam dominated the international scene and was able to win the support of the two hegemons, the United States and the Soviet Union.

I have to say, this is a miracle.

In today's world, the boundary between the two camps is very clear. Either the east wind prevails over the west wind, or the west wind overpowers the east wind. All countries have to choose which side to go. If they don't, they will not be better off.

Even China has been preparing for the S3 season for twenty years, and is also prepared for the fall of major cities.

Not to mention other countries.

With the support of two major hegemons at the same time, there is only one Iraq in the world.

Liu Tao knew that if nothing unexpected happened, the Iran-Iraq war would break out soon!

As a result, Liu Tao had just arrived in Beijing the day after and when he went to No. 25 Xiushui North Street to visit an old friend, he could already smell the smoke of the Iran-Iraq war.

Following the last 1,000 Type 59 tanks and 200 Type 59 tanks, Iraq wants to purchase a large number of armored vehicles.

1,000 anti-aircraft machine guns, 2 million rounds of anti-aircraft machine gun bullets, 200 anti-aircraft guns, 20,000 rounds of anti-aircraft gun shells, 200 Type 69 tanks, and 2,000 Type 59 tanks, with a total value of US$724 million.

In addition, 100,000 Type 78 automatic rifles, 2,000 machine guns, 2,000 heavy machine guns, 1,000 heavy sniper rifles, 101 million rounds of rifle bullets, 9 million rounds of heavy machine gun bullets, 100,000 rounds of sniper rifle bullets, 20 Ten thousand rounds of special bullets for heavy machine guns, 10,000 rounds of special bullets for sniper rifles, and various firearm parts, with a total value of US$250 million.

For such a large order, Liu Tao knew without thinking that it was preparing for war.

After all, Iraq has received a lot of orders in the past year, and now it is actively placing large orders.

"Mr. Al, Mr. Rashid, my good friends, thank you for your trust and recognition of me as a friend." Liu Tao said with a smile.

Al smiled and said: "Liu, my friend, we have established a deep friendship and our cooperation is very pleasant."

Since we met, the cooperation between the two parties has been very pleasant.

Huaxia's delivery time is very punctual, and orders are delivered with guaranteed quality and quantity, and there are indeed no additional conditions.

The rebates reached by both parties will be deposited into the Swiss bank account immediately by Huaxia.

So far, no news has been released, and Al and the others are very satisfied.

You can not only contribute to the country, but also benefit your family and let your family live a good life. It is a win-win situation.

"Liu, there will definitely be no shortage of orders in the future. Believe me, the orders in the future will only get bigger and bigger." Rashid grinned.

If nothing else happens, he will be able to raise his military rank after some time.

Once you have made meritorious service and have money to operate, your military rank will rise quickly.

"You two, you are both my good friends. I will give you a surprise in three days. Believe me, you will like the surprise I have prepared for you." Liu Tao smiled.

"Oh? What surprise?" Rashid was very curious.

Liu Tao smiled and said nothing.

The other party has just placed such a large order, so they have to sign the contract agreement quickly and get the deposit.

Lest you see the Type 80 main battle tank, you will immediately feel that the Type 59 tank and the Type 69 tank are not good.

Liu Tao hopes that all domestic Type 59 tanks will be sold out quickly, and then more Type 80 main battle tanks will be equipped.

It has to be said that the third-generation main battle tanks are simply crushing against the first-generation main battle tanks. It is purely a dimensionality reduction attack.

The two sides are simply not on the same dimension.

The Type 50 and Type 69 tanks are indestructible due to the armor protection capability of the third-generation main battle tank alone. However, the third-generation main battle tank only needs one shot to destroy the Type 59 and Type 69 tanks.

Even the foreign trade version is the same.

Even though Liu Tao is a conscientious arms dealer, the performance of the foreign trade version is still better than that of the T-72 main battle tank.

Anyone who has seen the third-generation main battle tank will feel that the second-generation main battle tank is not good, let alone the first-generation main battle tank!

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