The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 120: Chief Zhu's Shock (First Order)

A few hours passed in the blink of an eye.

When the plane landed on the airport runway, Mr. Zhu still had more to say.

His eyes were full of admiration.

He now knows that Liu Tao has extremely high attainments in armored vehicles and artillery.

If it were said before, he was more doubtful, because it seemed like a fantasy for one person to develop a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun.

But now Mr. Zhu believes it.

In fact, Liu Tao couldn't ask the questions he asked.

Composite armor, engines up to 1,500 horsepower, automatic loaders, radar technology.

There are many things that Mr. Zhu has never heard of or seen.

For example, the diesel engine can output a strong power of 1,500 horsepower, and can even reach a peak power of 1,800 horsepower. This is much more advanced than the diesel engine currently used in the Type 59 main battle tank.

Nowadays, let alone a tank diesel engine with 1,500 horsepower, China cannot produce even 800 horsepower.

Otherwise, there is no need. Part of the Type 69 main battle tank still uses a 520-horsepower engine, and part of it uses a 580-horsepower engine.

The 580-horsepower diesel engine is already the most advanced engine currently available, and it is not very stable.

The diesel engine directly developed by Liu Tao can reach 1,500 horsepower, and the peak power can reach 1,800 horsepower.

Not to mention, computer technology!

Even Mr. Zhu doesn’t understand this aspect at all.

Mr. Zhu finally understood why there were two computer experts in the expert group.

As soon as he got off the plane, Liu Tao saw Wang Tiezhu's figure. Wang Tiezhu actually went to the airport to pick him up.

But think about it, this time it was a large expert group organized by the Fifth Machinery Department.

Similarly, this was the first time Wang Baoguo returned to Yun Province after being transferred to the capital.

Wang Baoguo and others will stay in Kunming City for one night and then go to Panshan Machinery Factory tomorrow. Liu Tao will return directly to Panshan Machinery Factory with two computers.

He had to arrange everything, and he couldn't neglect the expert team.

At the same time, after being away for a week, he also had to deal with matters at Panshan Machinery Factory.

For example, the quality inspection of firearms. After the quality inspection of this batch of firearms is completed, the first batch of delivered goods will be shipped to Yangcheng Port.

This involves delivering orders, completing orders, and getting money. Liu Tao is never careless.

The money is safe in your pocket! I feel at ease in my heart.

Of course, even if it is just a deposit and the other party regrets it, Panshan Machinery Factory cannot lose money with this deposit and can still make a small profit.

This is the case with arms orders. Often, the deposit paid by the customer is at least equivalent to the cost, and the customer will not take the initiative to breach the contract, because the default deposit will be wasted.

But if there is no deposit, the risk is very high.

China has suffered a lot in this regard.

Liu Tao didn't go to bed until he was busy until midnight.

Around ten o'clock the next day.

Liu Tao led the factory leaders to the gate of the factory. The gate of the production area is a military restricted area, and non-factory employees are not allowed to enter.

There are also heavily armed soldiers standing guard at the gate.

With the continuous formalization, Panshan Machinery Factory's production area, living area, and leisure area are completely separated, and employees' family members will no longer be able to run around in the production room.

This is also for better confidentiality.

The other factory leaders were all uneasy. It was the first time for them to see such a high-ranking leader and such a large group of experts.

This is an expert group composed of experts in the field recruited from the Fifth Machinery Department from across the country.

Any expert in the expert group is much more skilled than anyone else in Panshan Machinery Factory except Liu Tao.

Yesterday, Liu Tao returned to Panshan Machinery Factory and held a factory leadership meeting to announce the incident. The factory leaders were shocked and many people did not sleep well last night.

Arrange dormitories and clean up overnight.

"Director, the leaders from above will lead the team in person. If we don't organize a welcome for the whole factory, will the leaders be unhappy?" Deputy Factory Director Sun Weihua was worried. In his view, the leaders from above personally led the team to Panshan Machinery Factory. The machinery factory should organize a factory-wide welcome and show the enthusiasm of Panshan Machinery Factory to the leaders.

Liu Tao glanced at Sun Weihua. If he hadn't been an old man in the factory and quite prestigious, he would have wanted to replace him.

In the former Panshan Machinery Factory, Sun Weihua was qualified for the position of deputy director.

But now that Panshan Machinery Factory has grown and developed, Sun Weihua's abilities are far behind.

"It seems that it would be more suitable for Deputy Factory Director Sun to be responsible for the trade union affairs in the future." Liu Tao thought to himself.

Since he became the factory director, a total of four deputy factory directors have been promoted, and the director of each production workshop was also promoted by him.

Now he couldn't help but want to promote another deputy director to replace Sun Weihua's job responsibilities.

There is only one factory director, but there can be ten or eight deputy factory directors!

Panshan Machinery Factory is getting bigger and bigger and needs more and more talents.

Talents include not only technical talents, but also management talents!

Although Panshan Machinery Factory is developing rapidly and the contradictions are not prominent, Liu Tao still sees the contradictions and great hidden dangers.

From the perspective of factory director's function, he is not a qualified factory director. Because he has been in charge of so many people for two generations, his management ability is quite lacking.

As the director of the factory, he has more space, which allows him to devote himself more freely to scientific research without being disturbed.

At the same time, some reforms are also being implemented.

But to say how outstanding his management ability is, it is not necessarily clear.

"Seek truth from facts and be down-to-earth. There is no need for fraud or drama!" Liu Tao said flatly.

He didn't like the superficiality.

Not to mention that the person leading the team was an acquaintance named Wang Baoguo. If it were another leader, Liu Tao would not do such a thing.

Not to mention other things, there are so many people in the entire Panshan Machinery Factory. If everyone puts down their work to welcome it, the loss will be huge!

This economic account is not worthwhile no matter how you calculate it.

Finally, you can see the convoy coming this way.

When Wang Baoguo was the first to get out of the car, Sun Weihua and others were surprised. They did not expect that Wang Baoguo was leading the team in person.

They have all heard that Wang Baoguo was promoted to the Fifth Machinery Department, which was much more senior than when he was the director of the Yun Provincial Defense Management Office.

Such a leader would actually lead a team to Panshan Machinery Factory in person.

Followed closely was Wang Tiezhu, who was an acquaintance of everyone. He had been the director of Panshan Machinery Factory. Sun Weihua and others occasionally went to Kunming for business, and would always visit Wang Tiezhu at the Yun Provincial Defense Management Office.

As for the other people who came down later, Sun Weihua and others did not recognize any of them.

But this did not prevent Sun Weihua and others from becoming cautious.

Liu Tao stepped forward and welcomed everyone on behalf of Panshan Machinery Factory.

Then Liu Tao took everyone to the conference room first, not to start the meeting immediately, but to let everyone take a moment to avoid anyone getting motion sick or feeling uncomfortable due to exertion.

Go to the conference room to take a short break and have a cup of tea to adjust.

Please be the first to order when it’s on the shelves, there will be more updates today!

If there is a leader, I will add another chapter!

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