The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 119 Master Zhu? (First order required)

"Heroes come from young, and Liu Chang will be famous for a long time!"

Zhu Yusheng looked at Liu Tao, who was a little too young and energetic, and couldn't help but sigh.

Now there are almost no people in the Fifth Machinery Department who don't know about Liu Tao.

He has single-handedly developed several advanced firearms, which are deeply loved by soldiers.

The successful development of these firearms has at least saved the country billions of scientific research funds.

Previously, the country intended to develop another automatic rifle to replace the Type 63 automatic rifle. After all, no soldiers wanted the Type 63 automatic rifle. The soldiers would rather the Type 56 semi-automatic than the Type 63 automatic rifle.

The Type 78 automatic rifle developed by Liu Tao directly saved the country a large amount of research and development funds, and more importantly, saved a lot of development time.

There is also the Type 78 pistol, which has now been popularized by school-level commanders, making every commander put it down.

In time, it will surely become more popular.

The Type 78 machine gun is loved by the troops for its superior performance.

The Type 78 heavy machine gun can be said to have filled the gap in China's domestic heavy machine guns, giving China its first domestic heavy machine gun.

The Type 78 heavy sniper rifle also filled the gap in China's heavy sniper rifles. From then on, China also had its own heavy sniper rifle, which was a sharp weapon on the battlefield. This has been clearly demonstrated in the past year.

Previously, Liu Tao successfully developed anti-aircraft machine guns, which will greatly enhance China's low-altitude defense capabilities in the future, and it will no longer have to rely on previous anti-aircraft machine guns.

Well now, Liu Tao has developed an anti-aircraft weapon like the 'Cheetah' self-propelled anti-aircraft gun. Zhu Yusheng and the others were summoned. After being informed, their first reaction was that it was impossible, absolutely impossible!

As people in the industry, they can say that they are domestic authorities in this area and know very well how difficult it is to develop such a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun.

When we were conducting technical discussions before, we thought it would take at least twenty years to develop it.

Because there are too many technical difficulties to overcome here!

Anti-aircraft gun technology, armor material technology, engine technology, radar technology.

But in the end, everyone was doubtful because Liu Tao is a young man who is good at creating miracles!

There is never a shortage of geniuses in this world.

It is said that three cobblers can stand up to Zhuge Liang, but in fact everyone knows that that is impossible. Even three thousand or thirty thousand cobblers cannot stand up to one Zhuge Liang.

Wang Baoguo continued to introduce other people. The expert team, plus other personnel from the Fifth Machinery Department, totaled nearly a hundred people.

Liu Tao didn't know the vast majority of people and had never heard of them.

But there is no doubt that they are all Chinese talents in the fields of armor and artillery, and they have all passed the test and are reliable.

After all, as the acceptance expert group, what they have to come into contact with is state secrets.

Once the secret is leaked, the losses will be huge.

Everyone boarded the plane, and the entire plane was filled with seats.

Zhu Yusheng and Liu Tao were sitting next to each other. He kept discussing technology with Liu Tao. At first, Mr. Zhu was just tentative, but soon the technical attainments displayed by Liu Tao made Mr. Zhu change his view. He quickly It is clear that Liu Tao can answer his questions, and his knowledge in armor is already very deep.

"Director Liu, how do you think the tank defense problem should be improved?" Mr. Zhu said.

With the emergence of anti-tank weapons, the survivability of tanks faces huge challenges, which prompts people to improve the armor performance of tanks and armored vehicles.

Usually, the simplest way to improve the protective performance of tanks and armored vehicles is to increase the thickness of metal armor. After all, the greater the thickness of the metal armor, the higher the protective performance of tanks and armored vehicles.

Anti-tank weapons can penetrate 600mm armor thickness, so thicken the armor thickness to 700mm or even 800mm. Anti-tank weapons can penetrate 800mm armor thickness, then increase the armor thickness to 1000mm!

As long as the armor thickness is greater than the penetration thickness of anti-tank weapons, the tank is not afraid of anti-tank weapons attacks!

However, you must know that the power of a tank's diesel engine is limited. You can not only thicken the armor if you want to thicken it, but this will reduce the speed of the tank. Even if it is too heavy, the engines of tanks and armored vehicles will not be able to pull it.

The flexible maneuverability of tanks and armored vehicles is an important indicator of the performance of tanks and armored vehicles.

"Kevlar bulletproof lining is a good solution!" Liu Tao said: "Composite armor must be an important direction for future development!"

Kevlar material is an aramid fiber material product developed by DuPont. The material was originally called "poly-p-phenylene terephthalamide" and is commonly known as fire-resistant fiber.

It is a high-strength, lightweight fiber with the characteristics of high temperature resistance, good toughness, smoke-free and toxic when burned, abrasion resistance, and anti-skid. Mesh bags and high-temperature cloth made of this material are greatly improved compared to traditional fiberglass substrates in terms of temperature resistance and strength.

Because this new material has low density, high strength, good toughness, high temperature resistance, and is easy to process and form, its strength is five times that of steel of the same quality, but its density is only one-fifth of steel. It can be said that its material is tough and wear-resistant, has a good balance of strength and softness, and has the special ability to be invulnerable. It is a very good material for making body armor.

Similarly, using it can also improve the protective performance of tanks and armored vehicles to a new level.

Compared with fiberglass, under the same protection conditions, the weight can be reduced by half when using 'Kevlar' material, and the toughness of 'Kevlar' laminated sheets is three times that of steel and can withstand repeated impacts.

The combination of 'Kevlar' sheets and steel is even more powerful.

For example, the use of 'steel-aramid-steel' type composite material can protect against anti-tank missiles with an armor-piercing thickness of 700 mm, and can also protect against neutron bombs.

Of course, composite armor is not limited to this method, but comes in many forms.

With the continuous development of anti-tank weapons, research on armor will continue to deepen to improve the protective performance of armor.

Anti-tank weapons and tank armor are like spears and shields.

"'Kevlar' material?" Zhu Lao looked confused.

Liu Tao sighed in his heart. China does not yet have this kind of material, not even imported.

Even if they learn about this material in the future and want to import it from DuPont, DuPont will probably not be allowed to export it.

Of course, now that he has figured out this material, China can produce it on its own.

Anyway, weapons and equipment don’t matter whether they are patented or not.

Even if it is a patent, there is no patent law in China now. When the patent law comes out later, just make some changes and apply for a patent.

After all, composite armor made of 'Kevlar' laminated sheets and steel and aluminum plates can be widely used not only in tanks, armored vehicles, and body armor, but also in aircraft carriers and guided missile destroyers.

Likewise, it is an ideal material for the production of body armor.

In the civil field, the transmitted optical fiber can also be formed with a protective film made of Kevlar material. This protective film has good flexibility and can protect the optical fiber from damage.

Thanks to ‘Tang Chao Love Chestnut’, Heishi ISBN, Book Friends 20200601190622483, Book Friends 190331123718038, Sleeping in My Dreams, sthr, Black Maple Bison, Ya Missing Words, Don’t Scratch the Sofa and other book friends for their rewards!

Many thanks!

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