The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 110 Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun (please collect and read)

There are almost 20,000 employees and their families in the three factories.

The current house in Panshan Machinery Factory is definitely not enough to live in.

There will inevitably be a need to build more houses.

For 20,000 people, we need almost 4,000 houses!

For long-term planning, Liu Tao made the decision to build another 8,000 houses as early as last year!

At this point, the entire residential area has been basically locked down.

No more dormitories will be built anytime soon.

All places where dormitories can be built have been built.

Unless cars become more common in the future, everyone can drive their own cars and build their houses on the mountain, or wait for the development of construction technology to build higher floors.

Otherwise, there are only so many houses that can be built within the jurisdiction of Panshan Machinery Factory, and only so many people can live in them!

Since the Panshan Machinery Factory started construction work last year, the idle labor force in surrounding towns and villages must not be absorbed.

The army even called in more engineers to carry out construction.

This year is even more terrifying. The construction of the other three factories is expected to start in two months. In addition, the construction of the Qishitan Reservoir will require 200,000 people to participate in the construction.

It is conceivable that the organizational capabilities at this time are terrifying.

If you don’t have an excavator or bulldozer, it doesn’t matter, use a hoe to dig the soil!

If you don’t have an earth-moving truck, it doesn’t matter, just use a carrying pole!

Liu Tao sometimes finds it unbelievable when he thinks about it. This is really endless fun fighting against the sky, endless fun fighting against the earth, and endless fun fighting against people!

The will to fight against heaven and earth is the will to worship that people in this era possess!

After the arrangements were made, Liu Tao continued to drive the Type 59 tank most of the day.

Others thought he was obsessed with driving tanks, but in fact he was developing armored vehicle technology.

Unknowingly, two months passed in the blink of an eye.

Production workshop.

Liu Tao looked at the greatly changed tank in front of him. In other words, the tank was inappropriate and should be called a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun.

"This self-propelled anti-aircraft gun will be called the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun!" Liu Tao followed his habit and directly named it the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun.

Putting his hand on the body of the self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, Liu Tao looked at the virtual panel at the corner of his eye.

[Item: Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun]

[Manufacturer: Liu Tao]

[Item level: LV10 (cannot be upgraded)]

[Upgrade Points: 500]

[Item status: intact, parsable]

Liu Tao looked at the 'not upgradable' prompt inside and knew that this was the limit that could be achieved with the current materials and processing technology.

Then he looked at the detailed indicators.

The total length is 10 meters, the width is 3.71 meters, the total weight of the vehicle is 47 tons, and the crew is 3 people. The power system is a new turbocharged intercooled diesel engine with a power of 1500 horsepower and a peak power of 1800 horsepower. The maximum off-road speed is 60 kilometers per hour. , the maximum highway speed is 90 km/h, the maximum journey is 600 kilometers, and the maximum wading depth is 1.2 meters.

Weapon system: equipped with two 80-type 35mm anti-aircraft guns, with an effective range of 6000 meters, an effective shooting height of 5000 meters, a caliber of 35 mm, a theoretical rate of fire of 550 rounds/min, the direction of the gun's firing range is 360°, and the high and low firing range is -5° ~+85°, barrel life is 5000 rounds. Adaptable ammunition consists of incendiary grenades, tracer incendiary grenades, armor-piercing incendiary and explosive rounds, tracer armor-piercing incendiary and explosive rounds, etc., and is equipped with electronic signature grenades at the bottom of the projectile and a mechanical warhead fuse.

The ammunition base is 640 rounds, of which 600 are loaded inside the turret with proximity fuze fragmentation ammunition, mainly used for anti-air combat guided by radar, and 40 rounds are stored in the outer magazines on both sides of the turret to be loaded with armor-piercing projectiles and personnel anti-personnel grenades, mainly used for For attacking ground personnel and lightly armored targets, it is guided by an optical sight.

On both sides, portable air defense missiles can be carried. The 'Avangard' air defense missile weighs 18 kilograms, the missile is 1.59 meters long, the missile weighs 11.32 kilograms, the diameter is 72 millimeters, the warhead weighs 1.42 kilograms, the interception height is 10~4000 meters, and the maximum combat slant range 500~6000 meters, the guidance mode is passive infrared homing, the control mode is proportional guidance, the system response time is 2 seconds, the missile speed is 600 meters/second, and the power system is a two-stage solid motor.

It adopts a full-type dry pulse Doppler system air search radar with an operating frequency band of S-band. In addition, it also combines infrared and TV tracking to form a composite tracking guidance system, which has excellent anti-interference ability and a maximum range of 20,000 meters, the antenna rotation speed is 60 revolutions/minute, 360° omnidirectional search between stopping and moving, and the system response time is 4~6 seconds.

At the same time, two periscope optical sights are also installed on the turret, one for the commander and one for the gunner. They are also equipped with a stabilizing gyroscope. The sights have a 1.5-fold anti-air shooting magnification and a 6-fold anti-ground shooting magnification.

Integrated fire control is also very powerful. A digital fire control computer is used. The commander and gunner control panels of the self-propelled anti-aircraft gun use monitors. There is also an auxiliary computer in the turret, which can continue to run to correct the anti-aircraft gun after a host problem occurs. ballistics, and is also connected to an identification friend or foe system, which can automatically identify enemies and fire.

The hull and turret are all welded steel armor, with Kevlar bulletproof lining inside. The front armor of the turret can resist the attack of 14.5mm armor-piercing projectiles at 100 meters, and the sides and rear can resist the shooting of 7.62mm armor-piercing projectiles. It is equipped with a three-defense system. There are 4 electric shock-launched smoke bomb launchers on the left and right sides of the turret. At the same time, there is a fire and explosion suppression device in the vehicle, which can respond within 0.3 seconds. There is a hatch for quick escape at the rear of the vehicle.

It can be said that this is definitely a low-altitude air defense artifact, which will greatly enhance the low-altitude air defense capability.

At least helicopters can no longer appear on the battlefield at will.

Liu Tao is very satisfied with the performance of this self-propelled anti-aircraft gun. This is the most advanced self-propelled anti-aircraft gun that China can build at its best. No matter how advanced it is, it can't be built with technology.

"The tracked self-propelled anti-aircraft gun is done, and the next is the wheeled self-propelled anti-aircraft gun!" Liu Tao's eyes flashed with brilliance.

Tracked and wheeled self-propelled anti-aircraft guns each have their own advantages and disadvantages. It is not a choice between the two. You can choose all of them.

"After the self-propelled anti-aircraft guns are all done, then the tanks!" Liu Tao has a plan in mind.

With this experience, he is very confident that China can have the third-generation tanks in advance.

Instead of not even having the second-generation main battle tanks like now!

"System, analysis!" Liu Tao muttered in his heart.

In an instant, the system completed all the analyses of the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun.

A complete set of technical information has been formed on the virtual panel.

It can be said that this complete set of technical information is not only useful for self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, but also can have an effect on many fields in China.

For example, radar technology, anti-aircraft gun technology, armor technology, and diesel engine technology.

Of course, there are also many material production technologies in it, which are the most important in a sense.

Just looking at so much information, Liu Tao is both excited, excited, and bitter.

To turn these materials into paper materials, he has a lot of work to do.

Even if it is just copying, it will take a lot of energy.

The third update is here!

I beg you to collect, read and vote for me!

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