The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 109 Return (please collect and follow up)

Go to bed early, get up early and exercise early.

A fierce battle began at dawn.

A newlywed couple can't help themselves in this regard.

"You can really go back to the capital next month? Are you lying to me?" Zhu Lin lay in Liu Tao's arms, full of reluctance.

Liu Tao chuckled and said: "I will definitely come back next month. I promise you that you can come back to the capital and live for eight days every month!"

He has made up his mind to not take a day off every weekend, but to directly accumulate vacation days, and then take vacations together every month. In this way, he can take eight consecutive days off every month.

Zhu Lin's worries turned into joy.

"In the future, you can call me through your home phone. If I'm not here, someone will answer the phone and I will call you when I come back." Liu Tao said.

The original owner of this courtyard house had an unusual identity. He had a telephone, and this telephone could also make long-distance calls.

Although at Liu Tao's current level, he could apply for the installation of a telephone, he had to pay for the installation himself and had to wait for a long time. The installed telephone could not make long-distance calls.

"Yeah!" Zhu Lin nodded.

Liu Tao looked at the time and whispered in Zhu Lin's ear.

Zhu Lin's face turned red.

Liu Tao turned around and already took the initiative.

Perhaps because parting was imminent, Zhu Lin was as gentle as water and very cooperative. Liu Tao actually successfully unlocked two actions.

Liu Tao felt happy both physically and mentally, and wished he could stay in the capital forever and stay with the beauty forever.

Gentle Township, Tomb of Heroes!

The wisdom of our ancestors is indeed extraordinary, and they have already summarized the best principles in the world.

Reluctant to say goodbye, Liu Tao and his second sister immediately embarked on a journey back to Panshan Machinery Factory.

Panshan Machinery Factory, the sky is drizzling.

The spring rain has been falling continuously since the first day of the new year, and it rains for at least three or four hours every day.

The two jeeps passed the checkpoint and headed towards the residential area.

Finally, the jeep stopped at the door of the villa. Liu Tao and others got out of the car. Liu Tao's driver stayed here while the other driver drove the jeep back to the factory.

After returning, Liu Honglei began to clean the house. Liu Tao put his luggage in his room, called home to report that he was safe, and left.

In the testing room, Liu Tao began to check one by one.

Compared to last time, the testing room was not as full this time.

But it’s still one box after another.

Enduring the discomfort of bumpy and tiring work, Liu Tao checked one by one.

There is also a system, and he doesn't need to spend too much energy, otherwise it will cost him his life.

It was not until late at night that the entire inspection workshop was completed.

After returning home, taking a shower and lying on the bed, Liu Tao found that Zhu Lin's beautiful face could not help but appear in his mind.

As a result, he had to go to the balcony to blow in the cold air and calm himself down before going back to his room to fall asleep.

The next day, at noon, Wang Tiezhu called.

"Okay, director, you, an old leader, have already spoken. How can I refuse? Yes, the three factories will be merged into our Panshan Machinery Factory." Liu Tao held the phone, "It's still the old rule. You have to be the leader of the original factory. Help us make arrangements and go to Panshan Machinery Factory in batches.”

On this point, Liu Tao did not give in at all.

It is possible to merge into Panshan Machinery Factory, but the original factory leaders cannot come in.

Liu Tao also did it just in case. After all, if these factory leaders are here, it is inevitable that someone will be dissatisfied with the new position and will cause trouble.

Liu Tao didn't want to see this kind of thing.

The best way to deal with it is to prevent it from the beginning.

After putting down the microphone, Liu Tao held a meeting.

"Comrades, according to the last investigation of our Panshan Machinery Factory by the working group of the Fifth Ministry of Machinery, it was decided to upgrade Panshan Machinery Factory to a large military factory, with an administrative level of deputy department level!" Liu Tao took out the document and announced.

The entire conference room suddenly became agitated.

The promotion of Panshan Machinery Factory from a small and medium-sized military factory to a large-scale military factory is definitely a big deal. It concerns everyone and is something that everyone is proud of.

There are only a few large military factories in the entire Yun Province, and you can count them on two hands.

Moreover, the status of large military factories is extraordinary.

"According to the rules, everyone's administrative level will be upgraded by one level. Starting from next month, wages will be paid according to the new administrative level." Liu Tao said.

"Understood, factory director!" The person in charge of finance quickly replied.

"The second thing is that three third-tier factories will be merged into our Panshan Machinery Factory. The deputy director of the factory, Han Weidong, will be responsible for this matter." Liu Tao announced the second thing.

Everyone was surprised.

You must know that there are many employees in Panshan Machinery Factory now, and there was no news of adding more employees before.

This time, three third-tier factories were to be merged into one at a time.

"Comrade Weidong, I'll leave this matter to you. The workers from these three factories must be integrated into our factory in batches. From now on, we will be a family." Liu Tao warned Han Weidong.

This time, there are three third-tier factories that will be merged into Panshan Machinery Factory, namely Factory 866,

Factory 866, whose official name is the Second Foundry of Yun Province, mainly produces grenades. After it was put into use in 1969, technical experts were introduced from various places in Modu, Jiangcheng, and Yangcheng to provide corresponding support.

Last year, Factory 866 worked overtime to produce grenades in full swing. However, after the National Day last year, production targets dropped sharply, and Factory 866's life became difficult. This year's planned target was not even one-third of what it was in 1978.

Factory 716, externally known as Yunzhou Coal Machinery Factory, is also called the state-owned Yunzhou Coal Mining Machinery Factory. Although you may think it is a coal production factory based on the name, it is actually a proper military factory, specializing in manufacturing tank turrets. Its products mainly imitate and produce T50 series of tanks. The entire 716 Factory has over 10,000 employees and family members, and is very large in scale. There are only a handful of military factories larger than this in the entire Yun Province.

Factory 577, also known as Yunzhou Wood Machinery Factory, looks at the name and thinks it is for cutting wood. In fact, it is a standard third-tier factory. Like the original Panshan Machinery Factory, it mainly produces pistols, rifles, and bullets.

Liu Tao estimates that it will take one year to completely merge the three factories into Panshan Machinery Factory.

Once the integration is completed, Panshan Machinery Factory will become the largest military factory in Yun Province, far surpassing Southwest Yunshui Machinery Factory (Factory 5012) and Southwest Gaofeng Machinery Factory (Factory 5022).

Of course, this also means that the construction of houses and new factories must be accelerated.

Han Weidong quickly wrote down that this matter was definitely important and there could be no negligence, otherwise it would easily cause riots.

Fortunately, Panshan Machinery Factory had experience last year and had conducted several experience summaries. Han Weidong was still very confident in completing this task.

"Director, what should we do with the past wage arrears from the three factories?" Han Weidong asked.

He knew without even thinking that if these three third-tier factories were to be merged into the Panshan Machinery Factory, they would definitely be poorly managed, and there would definitely be problems such as arrears with workers' wages.

"Same as before, our Panshan Machinery Factory took over and distributed it to every employee, except those factory leaders." Liu Tao said.

Liu Tao didn't care about the unpaid wages of thousands of employees. Even if an employee was owed an average of 10,000 yuan, the total would only be tens of millions. Panshan Machinery Factory could afford this money.

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