The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 111 The Big Shot (please collect, follow up and vote)


In the courtyard, the morning sunlight shines through the windows and into the room.

The red quilt was tumbling.

It took a long time to stop.

Zhu Lin lay in Liu Tao's arms, as gentle as water, becoming more and more charming and charming.

It is said that a long separation is better than a new marriage, and this is true.

Since getting married, Liu Tao can only go back to Beijing once a month and can only be together for eight days. Every time, they are inseparable and want to cherish every minute and every second. Naturally, there are no conflicts, let alone quarrels. .

It was already past ten o'clock when we got home last night. After having a late night snack, the two of them talked to each other about the pain of missing each other. They woke up early in the morning and took the time to do morning exercises.

After taking a short rest, they looked at the time and then got up.

After taking a shower, the two of them had breakfast, which Liu Tao's mother had already cooked.

Chen Fang would only stay here on weekends or when Liu Tao came back.

Fortunately, in this era, there are no problems with public security, and this place is within the scope of the Forty-Nine Cities. Otherwise, Zhu Lin and Chen Fang would not dare to live in such a large house on weekends.

Then the two went out to the bus station, and each took the bus to their work.

Liu Tao took the bus to the Fifth Machinery Department and went directly to Wang Baoguo's office.

His return to Beijing was nominally on a business trip, so he naturally had to attend to official matters.

"Oh, our God of Wealth has arrived!" Wang Baoguo laughed when he saw Liu Tao's figure.

Now Liu Tao is called the God of Wealth by everyone in the Fifth Machinery Department. Liu Tao brought the good days of the Fifth Machinery Department.

"Leader, don't, don't, you God of Wealth, you are so poor that you are going to beg for food!" Liu Tao said quickly, complaining as soon as he came up.

Liu Tao said: "Leader, I am here to settle the balance of Iraq. If the money does not come in, we will all have to suffer from the northwest wind."

Wang Baoguo smiled and said, "I knew that when you came, you would come to press for money. It has only been three days since delivery, and you came here in a hurry, as if you were afraid that we wouldn't give you the money."

"Okay, let's write down the report materials and go through the process." Wang Baoguo smiled, "In case I have to say again, I just want the horse to run, but I don't want to let the horse eat grass."

Liu Tao suddenly smiled. The final payment was as high as 375 million. Such a large amount of money could make Panshan Machinery Factory breathe a sigh of relief.

Even if the factory stops producing, everyone doesn’t have to worry about not being able to pay wages.

"The leader is refreshing!" Liu Tao gave Wang Baoguo a thumbs up.

Wang Baoguo smiled. The total orders Liu Tao had received previously reached US$1.4171 billion. In addition to US$500 million from Panshan Machinery Factory, the Fifth Machinery Department coordinated US$917.1 million.

Even if the tens of millions of dollars in rebates that need to be given are deducted, it will be a huge profit for the Fifth Machinery Department.

As for the money, the Fifth Machinery Department had already obtained it.

After all, those weapons and equipment can be transported directly from the warehouse.

Wang Baoguo said: "It just so happens that I am back in Beijing this time, and I will introduce you to a big shot."

"Big shot? Who is the leader?" Liu Tao asked curiously.

"Haha, it's not a leader, but a tycoon from Xiangjiang. This shipping shipment is all entrusted by others!" Wang Baoguo said with a smile.

Liu Tao immediately knew who this big shot was.

Sure enough, Liu Tao soon met the man who came to the Fifth Machinery Department. At this time, Huo Yingdong was in his fifties but not yet sixty years old. He was not tall and looked a little thin on the contrary, but his eyes were bright and bright. , has a powerful aura about him.

This is the man who has a heart that dares to take risks and has a long-term vision. He took sides early and stood firm.

In the early 1950s, facing huge risks, he risked his life to transport goods from Xiangjiang to Aocheng, and then from Aocheng to the mainland. In the process, he had many brushes with death.

Even the top leaders couldn't help but praise him: "He supported us at that time and was a friend in need!"

Of course, Huo Yingdong was not without cost, that is, he was obstructed many times in Xiangjiang. For example, the Toad Palace Building was blacked out for half a year as punishment, and he suffered all kinds of hostility.

However, his position did not change. In 1964, he was invited to participate in the 15th anniversary ceremony of the founding of the People's Republic of China. In order to relieve the food pressure on the mainland, Huo Yingdong traveled for dozens of hours carrying a large bag to arrive in the capital. That year, the leader personally received him.

When he returned to Xiangjiang, he was completely 'discriminated'. The land he won the bid for was taken back and not sold, and his Starlight Hotel was eventually forced to sell to a British-owned real estate company, but all he got was an IOU.

But even so, his position has not changed. From a few years ago, in order to restore China's due status in various international sports organizations, Huo Yingdong went to various international events to tell the truth and spared no effort. He takes the lead in donating money to all international competitions, large and small, to contribute money and efforts to China Sports. Reform and opening up had just been proposed, and there was zero precedent for foreign investment in the mainland. Fok Ying-tung actively participated and became the first Hong Kong and Macao businessman to invest in the mainland. This kind of pioneering contribution is absolutely commendable.

An outstanding social activist, a famous patriot, and a close comrade-in-arms of the Party. This is the historical evaluation after his death!

For such a great person, Liu Tao felt that what he had done was insignificant and insignificant.

This time Huo Yingdong came to the capital and came to the Fifth Machinery Department, naturally because of the previous business.

Although the business is not big, it is still pioneering.

"Who is this little brother?" Huo Yingdong looked at Liu Tao, who was too young, and was a little surprised.

Wang Baoguo introduced Liu Tao with a smile. Huo Yingdong was shocked when he heard this. He didn't expect that Liu Tao was already a world-class firearms designer at such a young age, and he was also a deputy department cadre. He knew a lot about the mainland, so he naturally knew how unfair this was. easy.

Huo Yingdong praised: "The motherland is so handsome. Comrade Liu Tao is a hero in his youth. I believe that the motherland will develop better and better in the future."

"Mr. Huo is ridiculously complimentary. I don't dare to take it seriously. I don't dare to take it seriously." Liu Tao said humbly.

Huo Yingdong appreciates Liu Tao more and more.

Then think about my eldest son, who is older than Liu Tao and has still accomplished nothing. Even if he married a Hong Kong girl as his wife, he is still playing outside.

At this time, Liu Tao had various thoughts in his mind because of seeing Huo Yingdong.

It’s just that these ideas need to be communicated to the leadership and implemented only after getting permission.

Otherwise, if he did such a big thing without asking for permission, he wouldn't be able to bear it if the board above was knocked down.

Huo Yingdong was very curious about Liu Tao, so he couldn't help but chat with Liu Tao for a few more words. The more he talked, the more he appreciated him.

In particular, Liu Tao's optimism about China's future and his vision made Huo Yingdong treat him differently.

At least none of the younger generation in Xiangjiang he has met can compare with Liu Tao in this regard.

When talking about the future of Xiangjiang, Liu Tao was full of certainty and determination. The reason was that the number of troops now exceeds 6 million and they have two bombs. No one will fight China to the death for Xiangjiang.

This made Huo Yingdong even more determined, because he also believed that this was the general trend and the British could not stop it at all.

Whether words are rough or not, fists speak in this world. Whoever has the bigger fist will make sense.

After World War II, Britain was no longer the empire on which the sun never set. It continued to decline and was even forced to give up control of the Suez Canal.

How could a UK like this come all the way to Xiangjiang to fight for their lives?

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