The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 108 Great joy in life (please collect and follow up)

After the official business was completed, Liu Tao began to busy himself with his personal affairs.

The first thing is to prepare New Year’s goods.

Various meats, vegetables, snacks, including wine and beverages.

Liu Tao once again purchased 100 bottles of Moutai, which can be used as a collection in addition to drinking.

The second step is to go to the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.

Liu Tao came to Zhu Lin's office, holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand, and quietly came to Zhu Lin, and the flowers appeared in front of Zhu Lin.

Zhu Lin was stunned for a moment, then looked up and immediately showed a look of surprise.

Although Liu Tao had told her in his previous letter that he would return to Beijing during the Spring Festival, Zhu Lin was still full of surprises when Liu Tao appeared in front of her.

Others looked at the two of them with strange eyes, the woman looked envious, and the man looked resentful.

After giving flowers to Zhu Lin and taking out a box of pastries to share with her colleagues, Liu Tao took the initiative to leave the office and wait outside.

After all, it was working time now, and it was not good for him to stay too long, as it would have a bad impact.

Zhu Lin didn't come out until it was almost dark.

"Why did you come back to Beijing so soon?" Zhu Lin came to Liu Tao with flowers in his hands.

Liu Tao smiled and said, "It was almost twelve o'clock in the evening when we got home from yesterday's flight."

"My mother asked me to take you home for New Year's Eve dinner at night." Liu Tao lowered his voice.

Zhu Lin blushed slightly, then showed hesitation, "But I'm waiting for me at home."

"What's more, we can do it at the same time. First have New Year's Eve dinner at one house, and then go to another house after eating." Liu Tao said with a smile, not thinking that this was a big deal at all.

Zhu Lin's eyes lit up, this was a good idea.

"Then go to my house first, and I'll talk to my parents." Zhu Lin bit her lip.

Liu Tao nodded and walked to the bus stop.

Half an hour later, they arrived at Zhu Lin's home. When Zhu Lin went to take a shower, Liu Tao called his home from a public phone.

In the entire capital city, there is only one public phone per urban area with an average of more than 3,600 people and more than 700 households, and each time costs 5 cents for three minutes.

When Liu Tao came back from the phone call, Zhu Lin had just finished taking a shower and changed into new clothes.

Then the two of them went out and took a bus to Shichahai.

When he walked into the courtyard, Zhu Lin was shocked.

Although Liu Tao had told her before, she was still shocked when she entered the courtyard.

She finally understood what a royal palace was.

For such a large palace, if the family hadn't wanted to go abroad, I'm afraid they wouldn't have sold it for twice the price.

We had the reunion dinner happily. There was no Spring Festival Gala at this time, so everyone mostly chatted while eating.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, under the urging of their parents, the two took their household registration books to the Civil Affairs Bureau to register for marriage.

When he walked out, the sun was shining brightly. Zhu Lin looked at the marriage certificate in his hand and showed a happy smile.

"Now the two of us are legally married!" Liu Tao held Zhu Lin's hand.

Zhu Lin's face turned slightly red. From today on, the relationship between the two is no longer an object, but a couple.

Back in the courtyard, the families of the two families became even happier after seeing the marriage certificate.

The wedding was held in the courtyard, and Liu Zhenbang found a chef he was familiar with to help prepare the banquet.

There are only ten tables in total for the two families.

The two families had a lively banquet, and after seeing the guests off, they entered the bridal chamber.

In the new house, Zhu Lin's pretty face turned red as if she knew what to do next. Under the candlelight, Liu Tao's mouth went dry with such a beautiful appearance.

After drinking a glass of wine, Liu Tao blew out the candles.

With an exclamation, a wonderful symphony was played.

The next day, the sun shines into the room.

Liu Tao woke up and felt the warm and fragrant nephrite in his arms, and his heart was filled with a wonderful feeling.

Looking down, Zhu Lin's eyelashes trembled slightly and her face was flushed with embarrassment. She had obviously woken up.

Liu Tao didn't expose her, he just looked at her. She was a peerless beauty. She was not old, but her beautiful appearance made him obsessed.

It feels so good to be married.

Zhu Lin's body trembled even more violently, and she hugged him a few times.

Liu Tao gently comforted her, and Zhu Lin gradually relaxed under his comfort.

After a while, the two of them got up.

Zhu Linzhen carefully folded the white cloth dyed red and placed it at the bottom of the box.

After washing up well, Zhu Lin will look even more beautiful.

Liu Tao took Zhu Lin's hand and left the room to have breakfast.

At this time, his parents had already gone to work, and Liu Ziyu was playing in the yard with his three children.

"Brother, sister-in-law, happy wedding, bring me the red envelope!" Liu Ziyu stretched out a hand.

"Uncle, aunt, happy wedding, here's the red envelope." The three children seemed to remember something and imitated.

Liu Tao and Zhu Lin smiled at each other, took out the red envelopes they had prepared, and gave each of them a red envelope.

Liu Ziyu and her three children were overjoyed when they received the red envelopes.

Liu Tao secretly sighed in his heart, getting married in this era is good, there are no high betrothal gifts, and no house or car is needed. This kind of revolutionary marriage is very simple and has no material needs.

It’s not like thirty or forty years later, getting married will cost you half your life and you will be heavily in debt.

Of course, Liu Tao did not wrong Zhu Lin during this marriage.

When the two decided to get married, they bought a TV, a refrigerator, a radio, a leather sofa, and everything they needed on the first day of the new year.

Liu Tao's mother also handed over the bankbook Liu Tao had given her to Zhu Lin, which meant that she would be the master of the family in the future.

It was also at this time that Zhu Lin discovered that Liu Tao actually had so many savings.

At almost ten o'clock, Liu Tao went out with Zhu Lin carrying his things, but went back to his parents' house.

At this time, the university had not yet started, Zhu Xiongxin seemed very leisurely, and Fang Zhen specifically asked for leave. After all, her daughter returned to her parents' home for the first time after getting married, so how could she not be at home.

"Daughter, now that you two are married, living in different places is not an option. Why don't you transfer to Yun Province, where it would be more convenient for the couple to be in the same unit." Fang Zhen held Zhu Lin's hand.

Zhu Lin wondered, "Mom, I just graduated from college, so the impact of being transferred away at this time is too bad."

Zhu Lin thought so, but if she was transferred at this time, her mother would inevitably be gossiped about in the work unit, and even used as a basis to attack Fang Zhen.

"Mom, don't worry, I'll just go back to the capital and stay for a few days every month from now on." Liu Tao said with a smile, "We'll see next year. If it's suitable, it won't be too late for Linlin to be transferred to our unit."

Liu Tao is patient, he has plenty of time anyway.

Besides, when you have children, everything will change naturally.

At noon, Zhu Lin's mother cooked a table and served it, and Zhu Lin's father took out the wine that had been hidden for more than 20 years.

"When Linlin was born, I bought four bottles of wine and hid them. She drank one when she was one year old and opened one when she was in college. Today I opened both bottles." Zhu Xiongxin put the wine on the On the table, the cap of a bottle of wine was opened.

Everyone poured a small glass and drank it in one gulp.

As a parent, when you see your children starting a family and starting a business, you feel completely at peace and don't have to worry about them anymore.

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