The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 107: Do you need money (please pursue reading, please vote)


The water in the pot has boiled, and the charcoal fire underneath is burning brightly.

When eating hot pot these days, you don’t use an induction cooker, but use charcoal or firewood.

The pot is also a big pot.

A big bone is thrown into the bottom of the pot to cook it, which is full of meaty aroma.

The pork in this era is all domestic pigs, not pigs fed with feed and injected with hormones in farms.

Pork is very delicious.

Thinly sliced ​​pork heart, pork loin, tenderloin, pieces of duck blood, and pots of potatoes and cabbage.

Everyone gathered around to eat hot pot. Although the temperature was quite low, they didn't feel cold at all.

Eating hot pot and drinking Moutai, my body feels warm.

"Dad, Mom, find an opportunity to bring eldest sister and her family back." Liu Tao said.

Liu Zhenbang said angrily, "If it doesn't comply with the policy, how can I come back?"

"I don't have a job when I come back. I might as well be in Beidahuang." Why doesn't Liu Zhenbang miss his daughter? "I get angry when I talk about this. You asked your sister and others to go to Panshan Machinery Factory. This is against policy and will give people a reason to attack you. ”

"It's against policy, so don't talk nonsense." Liu Tao picked up a piece of pig heart, dipped it in the dipping sauce and put it in his mouth. "Obviously our factory is undergoing a large-scale expansion. Apply to the superiors, and the superiors will transfer them to our factory. This It’s military industry serving the country!”

Liu Zhenbang sneered, "You're lying to a three-year-old child. Who would believe such a thing?"

Liu Tao spread his hands and said, "It's obviously true. Our machinery factory recruits thousands of people from outside. It can't be just me, the factory director, acting for my own gain."

Wang Tiezhu is overseeing this matter, requiring documents and procedures.

Even if everyone knows what's going on, it's absolutely impossible to find fault with it.

"Now that we have reformed and opened up, we can allow my sister and the others to come back and do some business in the capital, set up a stall and do some small business to support our family." Liu Tao said, "This can be regarded as responding to the call of the country."

The effect of reform and opening up is still very obvious, that is, the market has become lively, and some people are doing small businesses.

Liu Tao saw it in Kunshi. There were people selling rice, meat, fish, shrimp, fruits, and vegetables.

There were even people selling popsicles.

Chen Fang rolled her eyes at Liu Tao and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? This is speculation and you will be arrested and imprisoned."

Regarding self-employment, there is still no conclusion yet.

There are great risks in doing business.

"They are living quite well in Beidahuang now. It is much better than before, and it is better there." Chen Fang sighed, "Maybe there will be a chance to meet in the future."

Liu Tao sighed in his heart. He just felt that his parents didn't know whether to say they were great or rigid and stubborn!

Obviously times have changed. With Liu Zhenbang's energy, it is not difficult to transfer Liu Hongying back to the capital and arrange a job.

However, they were unwilling to do so. They even thought that being in Beidahuang was a good place because they were serving the people and building socialism.

You need to know about the Great Northern Wilderness. It is in the northeast, at the southern foot of the Lesser Khingan Mountains, the Songnen Plain and the Sanjiang Plain. It is so cold in winter that your urine will turn into popsicles.

It is no exaggeration to say that the environment in the Great Northern Wilderness is even worse than that of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau.

Liu Tao didn't persuade them much. Based on the current situation, it would take at most three or four years for their ideas to change.

"That's right. I have to take my partner home for a reunion dinner tomorrow, and we need to talk about the marriage as soon as possible. Don't let such a fairy fly away." Chen Fang said.

"Okay, I'll tell Linlin tomorrow." Liu Tao nodded.

While eating and chatting, even Chen Fang and Liu Honglei drank a little wine.

"You guys should go back and visit your parents sometime. We haven't seen each other for so many years." Chen Fang said to Liu Honglei and Chen Weimin.

The two couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Liu Honglei said: "Mom, Wei Min also wants to go back and meet his family, but it takes three days and three nights to get there by train from Kunming City to Magic City, and we only have two days off on weekends."

"If you take a plane, a ticket costs more than 200 yuan. A round-trip ticket for our family of five costs more than 2,500 yuan." Liu Honglei smiled bitterly.

When they returned to the capital, they followed Liu Tao, so they had such a long vacation and were able to fly.

Firstly, there is no time, and secondly, there is no money.

While eating hot pot, drinking wine, and chatting, it was one o'clock in the morning before I knew it.

Everyone also finished the hot pot meal and went to sleep.

The next morning, after breakfast, Liu Tao followed his parents to the Fifth Machinery Department.

"Boss, I wish you a happy birthday in advance!" Liu Tao walked into Wang Baoguo's office carrying Pu'er tea.

Pu'er tea is mainly produced in Xishuangbanna, Lincang, Pu'er and other areas of Yun Province.

Liu Tao specially prepared some for his return to Beijing this time, firstly to give New Year's greetings as gifts, and secondly to have a drink with guests at home.

"Haha, you are not just here to wish me a happy birthday when you return to Beijing this time." Wang Baoguo said with a smile.

Liu Tao smiled and said, "It's not that the factory is so poor that it can't open the pot anymore, so it has to return to Beijing to settle the settlement."

"We still can't open the pot. With you as the God of Wealth, it is estimated that no other unit in the country has a better life than your Panshan Machinery Factory." Wang Baoguo smiled and didn't believe it at all.

"The more money you earn, the more you spend." Liu Tao shrugged helplessly and counted on his fingers in front of Wang Baoguo.

The more Wang Baoguo listened, the more incredible he became, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, you are a lavish spender. In just over a month, you have spent hundreds of millions like this."

"If you want to develop, how can you not be willing to invest money?" Liu Tao spread his hands.

"Anyway, your Panshan Machinery Factory is responsible for its own profits and losses. If you don't have any money, don't ask for money from above. If you ask for money, you don't have any." Wang Baoguo said.

Liu Tao smiled and said, "How can I do that? When will you, the leader, see me take the initiative to apply for funding from my superiors? Even if it is scientific research funding, I will be encouraged to apply by my superiors."

"But boss, the balance of the Syrian shipment must be paid to us, and we will have to rely on this money to live on," Liu Tao said.

The transaction for this batch of goods was completed a few days ago.

The balance was paid, but Liu Tao didn't press him, and the Fifth Machinery Department didn't actively settle with him.

It is estimated that if he does not press for a year, the money will not arrive in the account for a year.

Wang Baoguo couldn't help but blush a little when he heard what Liu Tao said.

"Okay, you write an application material and go through the process." Wang Baoguo said, "Remember to go to the office later. There is a document there for you to take with you."

Liu Tao nodded slightly. Liu Tao was already familiar with the materials for applying for settlement. He wrote them quickly. After the leader signed, Liu Tao went to the office and took out a document. With this document, Panshan Machinery Factory It's a large military factory.

Then Cai and Finance went to the bank to complete the transfer of 33.84 million yuan. The money was transferred directly from the account of the Fifth Machinery Department to the account of Panshan Machinery Factory.

At that time, you only need to take the voucher to the corresponding bank in Kunming to complete all the procedures.

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