The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 106 The surprise of returning to Beijing

Twelve o'clock in the evening.

The courtyard was filled with the joy of reunion.

It is naturally not suitable for so many people to live at home. In the past, there was no other place to live but it was crowded. Now that we have such a big courtyard, it is natural to live in a courtyard. This year, their family also plans to celebrate the New Year in a courtyard.

This is the first time Liu Honglei has celebrated the New Year at home in more than ten years.

Liu Zhenbang, Chen Weimin, and Liu Tao were making tea, while Chen Fang, Liu Honglei, and Liu Ziyu were preparing hot pot. The three children had already gone to bed so late.

"Dad, are you and mom going to buy so many annual goods today?" Liu Tao drank some tea. This kind of long-distance flight was not very comfortable.

Liu Zhenbang smiled and said, "These are New Year's goods issued by the work unit, not your mother and I bought them."

"New Year's goods from the work unit?" Chen Weimin was surprised.

"Speaking of which, it's all thanks to you. Our unit has shown its face this year. The leaders have praised it a lot, and the unit is rich. It's the Chinese New Year. The unit will send new year's goods to every employee." Liu Zhenbang became proud. .

There used to be New Year's goods, but those New Year's goods were few and better than nothing.

But this year is different, there are a lot of new year goods.

"In the past, our Fifth Machinery Department did not have a strong sense of presence and was easily ignored. Now all ministries and commissions are fawning over us and want to exchange some US dollars with us." Liu Zhenbang is very proud. If you want to say which ministry has been the most prosperous in the past year, it has to be Five Machinery Department.

This also makes the employees of the Fifth Machinery Department hold their heads high when they go out.

In the past year, the Ministry of Machinery and Industry’s foreign exchange can be said to be the largest among all ministries.

For the order negotiated by Liu Tao, the foreign exchange will be kept in the Fifth Machinery Department, and the Fifth Machinery Department will pay in RMB.

"Dad, are you going to work tomorrow? I am returning to Beijing this time not only to celebrate the New Year, but also to settle the accounts. Now we have no money in the factory account, so we are just waiting to settle the money to live!" Liu Tao said.

Liu Zhenbang's eyes widened: "Didn't I settle 400 million yuan to you guys last time, and now I'm out of money in just over a month?"

After the deposit was paid for Iraq's US$500 million order to Panshan Machinery Factory, the Fifth Machinery Department settled part of the deposit to Panshan Machinery Factory, plus the remaining half of the payment from Jordan, it was exactly 400 million yuan.

Four hundred million yuan, this is a huge amount of money.

"No way, the more you earn, the more you spend!" Liu Tao spread his hands, "We and the province are going to build a large reservoir to ensure the safety of water and electricity for the factory, so we have spent 100 million. This 100 million has been entered into a special account , for large-scale reservoir construction.”

"We still need to build three factories. The first phase of these three factories will cost 100 million. As well as the construction of our current factory area," Liu Tao shrugged, "the account has bottomed out."

Liu Zhenbang took a breath of air.

Liu Tao did a rough calculation and found that it was more than 500 million.

"Are you crazy? You have invested so much money. What if the funds are broken?" Liu Zhenbang couldn't sit still.

"Isn't there still the final payment for the Syrian shipment? This is 33 million yuan. In more than two months, the Iraqi shipment can also be delivered, which is another 375,000 yuan. Ten thousand yuan!" Liu Tao smiled lightly.

This is Liu Tao's confidence.

A huge sum of more than 400 million yuan. Even if this amount is deducted from payments to other units and wages, Panshan Machinery Factory can still earn more than 250 million yuan!

"What if you don't have any orders from outside?" Liu Zhenbang felt terrible when he thought about it.

Without outside orders, such a big factory and so many people would have to eat dirt.

"If there are no outside orders, there are still purchases for the troops!" Liu Tao smiled.

Liu Zhenbang said angrily, "The procurement of troops leaves only a tiny bit of profit for your factory. How much money can you make?"

Liu Tao smiled. Liu Zhenbang and others believed that the manufacturing cost of firearms produced by Panshan Machinery Factory was very high, and the purchase price of the troops was higher than the construction cost.

But in fact, the cost of Panshan Machinery Factory was much lower than Liu Zhenbang and others knew.

In fact, Panshan Machinery Factory can make a lot of money from military procurement.

"You, as the director of a factory, you can't be careless. Your Panshan Machinery Factory has been upgraded to a large military factory. How can you reassure the leaders above you!" Liu Zhenbang said.

Liu Tao's eyes lit up, "Is this settled!? A large military factory?"

Since the working group left, there has been no follow-up. Liu Tao has not received any documents and has not heard any news. He thought the matter had been blown away.

"Well, after the working group came back, they submitted a research report to the leaders." Liu Zhenbang said with a smile, "Your Panshan Machinery Factory is now larger than the 617 Factory, and it continues to expand its production capacity. Can you not be upgraded to a large military factory? !”

"This time you come back and pick up the documents tomorrow. The Yun Provincial Defense Management Office will also receive the documents by then." Liu Zhenbang said.

Liu Tao looked happy.

I didn’t expect that even the documents would come out so quickly.

Upgrading to a large-scale military factory also means that Panshan Machinery Factory will be directly under the jurisdiction of the Fifth Machinery Department in the future.

Large military factories will not be under the jurisdiction of the Provincial Defense Management Office.

"According to the situation of your Panshan Machinery Factory, maybe in a few years, it will be upgraded to a very large military factory." Liu Zhenbang said, "With such a big factory, as the director, you have to think twice before doing anything. There are so many people's jobs. It’s all your responsibility.”

Liu Tao nodded.

Chen Weimin was secretly shocked.

Panshan Machinery Factory used to be a third-tier factory, a small and medium-sized military factory, but now it has been upgraded to a large military factory.

"Dad, has the administrative level been improved?" Liu Tao asked.

In terms of being well-informed, Liu Zhenbang is definitely more informed.

"Promoted to deputy department level." Liu Zhenbang said, "Your administrative level has been raised from level 13 to level 12."

Liu Tao nodded slightly. The lowest administrative level of large military factories is deputy department level units, and some even reach the main department level.

For units at the deputy department level, the lowest administrative level of the factory director is level 12, and the highest level can reach level 11.

Liu Tao has been promoted to a higher level.

This level is a huge jump, which shows that he is only one step away from becoming a senior cadre.

This improvement cannot be reflected by an increase of 18 yuan in salary.

Liu Zhenbang's eyes were quite complicated. As a father, he had just enjoyed deputy department-level treatment, but his son was already a deputy department-level cadre.

In terms of administrative level, Liu Tao is still above him as a father.

You must know that Liu Tao is only 25 years old now, to be precise, he is not yet 25 years old. This means that even if Liu Tao has passed the qualifications, he can still be promoted to at least three levels.

Maybe we can even reach the stage of Wang Baoguo in the future.

The higher you go, the harder it is to ascend.

This is a pure pyramid structure.

And look at him again, at most he will be promoted to two levels and it will be over.

Liu Zhenbang sometimes finds it incredible that his somewhat nerdy son could undergo such a big change and develop such amazing talents after going to Panshan Machinery Factory.

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