The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 873: You are free, I watch the drama

After shoveling the snow, Wang Jia and them waved at Li Dong, and left with a smile and satisfaction on their faces.

Without enthusiastic greetings, these are not needed between friends.

Watching them leave, Li Dong straightened his waist and only had blessings in his heart.


Monday, January 21st.

On this day, it was called "Black Monday" by investors.

On this day, Ping An's financing of 160 billion failed and Ping An's daily limit fell.

On this day, the Shanghai index plunged 5.14%, the Shanghai Composite Index fell below 5,000 points, and thousands of stocks fell to a limit.

By the close of the afternoon, the Chinese stock market had evaporated hundreds of billions.

Countless people want to cry without tears. In the heavy snow, I wonder if there will be a few more unnamed corpses.

at night.

Tea restaurant.

When Li Dong arrived, Xu Shengzhe was chewing.

Hearing footsteps, Xu Shengzhe raised his head, his mouth bulging, and said vaguely: "Sit."

Li Dong said uncomfortably: "What's the matter with you? Every time you say a treat, the result is to start eating alone, and I will eat your leftovers?

If a person like you is not in the wrong place, I'll slap and die! "

"Aqi fight!"

"Say something?"

Xu Shengzhe drank the soup and took a breath before saying: "I said that you are asking too much! Besides, I haven't moved your meal. Let's understand how we share meals."

"Go away, you don't respect me when you eat in advance!" Li Dong didn't have a good air.

Xu Shengzhe said helplessly: "It's my fault, my fault, I will wait until you come to eat next time.

I'm really hungry, you don't even know, I have been busy as a dog these days.

I drank a glass of milk in the morning and cushioned my stomach. I haven't even drunk a sip of water.

I just wanted to wait for you, but I was so hungry that I couldn't hold it back. "

Li Dong took off his coat and sat down opposite him, mockingly said: "Isn't this just asking for it? Busy, isn't it really that I don't even have time to eat?"

Xu Shengzhe chuckled and said, "Also, just ask for it."

Li Dong ignored him, greeted the waiter to order a meal, and then said: "Yueqin is almost born over there?"

Speaking of his wife, Xu Shengzhe put aside his troubles and grinned: "It's coming soon. The expected date of delivery is in the last few days. When the baby is born, I will become a father.

You do n’t know, I have n’t been able to sleep every night.

That feeling is really indescribable.

When I go to bed at night, I can feel the child and my heart are connected, and the child is also looking forward to coming to this world ... "

"The more I said, the more suspenseful, all right, I knew you were going to be a dad, don't show off with me." Li Dong interrupted him with a smile, and said: "Forgot to ask, boys and girls?"

"Girl, let me tell you that girls are just flattering. My handsome and beautiful Yueqin are long. Needless to say, my daughter must be beautiful in the future.

I'm bothered now. What kind of boyfriend does my daughter have to find in the future? "

"I go!"

Li Dong couldn't help crying: "I said you were too worried, and the baby was not born yet, so I thought about my boyfriend.

Good daughter, I like girls very much. I will recognize a godfather ... "


Xu Shengzhe suddenly turned his face and warned: "Why are you thinking of hitting my daughter?"

Li Dong gritted his teeth in a black face and said, "Xu Shengzhe, is your head flooded? Li Dong takes the initiative to be a godfather, and most people don't think about it.

I'm giving you a face, and I'm kicking my nose!

Come on, I do n’t want to do my daughter. You baby madman play with it. "

Xu Shengzhe hummed: "I don't want to do it anyway. You have to give birth to your own daughter. You are not allowed to beat my daughter.

When my daughter grows up, you are only about 40 years old, how dangerous.

There is nothing to stop coming to our house in the future, and ... "

Li Dong didn't have a good air: "You have never finished, you talk nonsense, I'm gone. I don't know the good-hearted guy, I'm afraid you are bankrupt, and then you have no money to raise your daughter.

I was thinking about it. On the day when you go bankrupt, I can at least take care of me as a godfather. Why can't you understand my pain. "

Xu Shengzhe suddenly lost his words and bowed his head to continue to drink soup.

After a while, Xu Shengzhe looked up and said, "You know?"

"what do you know?"

Li Dong lazily persuaded, Xu Shengzhe's face changed, whispered: "I know I can't hide you, but this is my only hope!"

"If you don't shoot now, you won't have a chance in the future.

Only this time, as long as it succeeds, I will be able to leave my daughter a family of tens of billions of dollars! "

Xu Shengzhe said with his eyes red: "What kind of thing is Xu Rulong?

From small to large, he is nothing like me!

But the old man just trusts him and spoils him. Compared with him, I am a stepmother!

I'm not reconciled!

Li Dong, do you understand this feeling? You will not understand!

My efforts are ten times and hundred times that of him, but in the end I have to make wedding dresses for him, why?

Since I got married and have children, I knew what I was going to do.

In the past, I missed a brother, and when I became the chairman of Longhua, I thought about making the boss rich and wealthy for a lifetime.

Doesn't he like picking girls?

I found a woman for him. If one is not enough, then two, if not, ten.

He likes mansions, okay, Xu Family Courtyard is rich enough, I will give it to him, I can buy it for him if I have no money.

But he is not satisfied!

He wants to take everything away, take everything that belongs to me! "


Li Dong frowned and interrupted, "You are crazy, don't be so emotional."

"I don't want to listen to these things, and I don't want to bother. What you don't understand, you can know these things by watching the TV series.

Just make excuses and cheat outsiders. What is the use of telling me.

Even if Xu Rulong really gave up, are you really willing to raise him for free?

When he reached out and asked you for 10 million, you agreed.

He reached for another 100 million, and you gritted your teeth and continued to agree.

When he wants one billion two billion, will you still agree?

Do n’t tell me what to do to support him for life, and why do n’t you talk nonsense to me?

All in all, it ’s all your own ambitions, and to find a reason to make yourself feel at ease, right? I ’m right? "

Xu Shengzhe was stunned for a moment, and then said in a dejected manner: "Yes, I am indeed looking for a reason. I just refused to accept it, I was not willing, and I was not willing!"

Li Dong said lightly: "This is not enough. You will be the king and defeat the enemy. You won, and I congratulate you. If you lose, I will not sympathize with you. That deserves it."

"Yes, it really is not worthy of sympathy." Xu Shengzhe regained calm, and then smiled: "Still you understand me."

"Big Jiangbei, to persuade me, Xu Shengzhe only serves you Li Dong! Xu Rulong, if you were, I would admit it.

This is my truth, if he is like you, he will not need him to speak, I will let Longhua give him.

But he can't, I know him.

In the current market environment, he will only be swallowed by life, and in the end, Longhua will have nothing left.

Perhaps, it is not necessarily you who killed Longhua in the end.

At this time, do you say I can make it?

Will not! "

Li Dong was too lazy to pick up these words, and asked while eating: "Why don't you ask me not to say that these are useless?"

"Since you guessed it, I won't hide you. I'm going to draw 2 billion out of the stock market."

"Whatever you want, but in business, you don't have a share of 2 billion."

Xu Shengzhe's mouth twitched, and the stock market made a lot of money these days.

Especially in the past few days, the stock market has plummeted. They have entered the market and have made at least 1 billion yuan.

According to the previous share, he can get more than 300 million.

But once he withdrew the 2 billion, he would lose at least 100 million.

After exhaling, Xu Shengzhe nodded and said, "Yes."

"Any thing else?"


Just after Xu Shengzhe finished his thoughts, he suddenly narrowed his eyes and said, "I remind you that you don't have any ideas.

It ’s not that I wo n’t let you in, but this time I ’m not sure how I will develop.

By the time Longhua is really finished, do n’t blame me for not being blamed for your huge losses. "

Li Dong laughed and said: "It's the same as the truth, what do you control me, I am willing to lose money, you can control it."

"I'm too lazy to care about you, but the ugly saying goes ahead, this time I won't let you upset my plan.

If you have other thoughts, I urge you to extinguish this thought as soon as possible, I promise that what Sheng Shengzhe can't get, I would rather ruin than cheap others. "


Li Dong shook his head and said: "You are too extreme, do you know that it is easy to take bad children?"

Xu Shengzhe snorted and hummed: "I am extreme? I have learned from you!

Ask yourself, if you encounter this kind of thing, what would you think?

If someone had an idea from a distance, would you sway?

At that time, you were more extreme than me, believe it or not!

If you ruin the distance, I am afraid you will not let it be given to others. "

Li Dong said indifferently: "Don't wait and see, you can't see it! There won't be this opportunity because I am stronger than you!"

"This kind of thing is hard to say!"

"Oh, it's really that day, you know that I'm not the one you can compare with Li Dong. You can't get on the countertop like this.

Xu Shengzhe pouted, said nothing more.

What Li Dong said, he actually still believed.

If there is such a day, Xu Shengzhe has no doubt that this guy will poke the sky out of the hole.

In recent years, Li Dong has become more and more convergent.

When he first took his head, he smashed people's clubs, and he was fighting with others for knives. He never did anything public.

But since he developed, Li Dong gradually converged.

When I saw him, this guy always smiled and greeted people, and almost did not see him and people turning their faces.

But if anyone feels that Li Dong is soft now and is bullying, that would be a real idiot.

The two did not continue the topic.

After eating for a while, Xu Shengzhe said again: "It's been a few days. When my daughter is born, I will give her a big gift."

"You are free, I can just watch the play."

"I believe you are the ghost."

Xu Shengzhe snorted, but he was also ready ~ ~ Just got a bite from this guy.

But if Li Dong is too much, or directly wants to be the final big winner, Xu Shengzhe doesn't mind letting him suffer.

Next, the two chatted about the stock market again.

The stock market plummeted today, I don't know what tomorrow.

There is heavy snow, and the snow never stops, everyone is in trouble, and the loss is not small.

Finally, when it comes to the far side, the far side is probably the biggest winner of Daxue this time.

Taobao's destruction of the market in East China is not to mention, it has also achieved extraordinary response in society.

Now that far away is almost the spokesperson of the national industry, when it comes to far away, many people have to say yes.

Since his family said this, Li Dong hadn't felt it yet. When Xu Shengzhe mentioned it, Li Dong couldn't help laughing.

In this heavy snowfall, he has indeed achieved great results.

Supermarket, logistics, and Yuanfang Technology all benefited greatly.

The only thing that did not progress is probably Dongyu Real Estate, but Li Dong is not in a hurry. As the stock market plummets, the housing market is not far away.

Eating and drinking, the two ate until ten o'clock and finally separated.

When he went out, Xu Shengzhe rubbed his cheek hard and spit out a long breath: "Li Dong, it's really fun to chat with you sometimes.

Others don't understand us, only we can understand ourselves.

In the future, if one day becomes an enemy, I will not release water. "

The words were so deep, but Li Dong was uncooperative and said with a look of contempt: "Don't pretend to be forced, why do you want me to say heroes and heroes?

Everyone came out to eat together, just like how great they are.

Go away, hope you don't go bankrupt this time. "

Leaving this, Li Dong directly got on the bus.

When he left, Xu Shengzhe scolded and said: "Tu Bie, I can't tell this guy!"

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