The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 872: Live like an individual

A few people briefly talked about and went out to the Information Processing Department.

Outside the window, the heavy snow still permeated.

Qin Hai sighed slightly: "It has been 9 days, and 9 days of heavy snow has been rare in recent decades.

Going down, our logistics may not be able to sustain it. "

Yuan Chengdao also sighed softly: "This heavy snowfall, although we have gained something, we can not lose a lot.

The expansion of supermarkets in Henan and Shanghai has temporarily stopped. In addition, some stores in Beijing and Tianjin that are about to open are temporarily unable to open.

There is also the construction of a warehousing center, which has to be stopped at this time.

However, Yuanfang Technology Company has made great achievements. In this weather, no one can go out, and there are more people surfing the Internet.

Users of shopping malls, Weibo, and PP have risen sharply, especially on Weibo, with impressive results.

There are many people discussing snow love, because the news is not shared, everyone likes to discuss each other on Weibo.

Although Weibo was established at the latest time, in my opinion, Weibo users may be the fastest to break through 100 million.

Now there are less than 70 million registered users in the mall and only about 50 million PP, and Weibo has reached 90 million registered users yesterday.

At the end of this month, maybe Weibo users will be over 100 million. "

Shen Qian from the side nodded and said, "It is indeed the case, and we set up a professional front interview team to go deep into the snow.

Some videos and photos were posted on the spot, which was supported by many people.

Weibo, now arrogant, is more influential than several major portals! "

Qin Hai also said: "The logistics aspect is not bad. Recently we have recruited 1,200 couriers, and the number of newly-launched courier delivery points has reached 110.

Many of these courier employees are veteran employees of SF Express and have rich experience.

Recently, SF Express's express delivery companies have been shut down, and their employees' salaries have been low. Many unwilling old employees have moved to a distant place, which has greatly supported our logistics business.

Some SF and Yunda stores have even switched from the manager level, they are a complete structure.

All we need to pay is to provide a distribution point, these people can quickly get started and continue to work. "

Several people reported on their work, and Li Dong thought for a moment before saying: "It is good to accelerate development, but it is also dangerous if it is too fast.

Although I have always supported expansion, the sooner the better, but the rhythm must not be disturbed.

A large number of new employees go to work in advance without training, and even our corporate culture is unacceptable. This time may not be a good thing for us.

Especially on the logistics side, President Qin, you should pay attention to pre-job training.

There are still differences between us and SF, and it is not that delivery is enough.

There is also a technology company here, President Shen. Although we have recently depressed Taobao, I heard that the employees are very emotional? "

Shen Qian nodded and said: "Yes, the employees are very happy, even I am very happy."

"Happy should be happy, but you can't slack off. Depressing Taobao, this is only temporary.

When the heavy snow ended, Taobao resumed operations, and it was still a battle for the tigers.

Taobao is not a weak person. We have fought Taobao several times in the past two years, and no one has won it completely.

The centipede is dead but not stiff. You think you have won, but when the snow is over, Taobao will definitely fight back.

At this time, if you are not ready, you will probably give up your work before the last minute. You need to know this. "

Shen Qian looked solemn and said: "I know, I will do a good job of emotional comfort later, and will never give Taobao a chance to defeat!"

After telling everyone a few words, Li Dong left Qin Hai.

After looking out the window, Li Dong thought for a while and said, "Uncle Qin, I heard that you are going to Beijing for a few days?"

Qin Hai nodded and said: "Something happened over the capital these days, I have to deal with it."

"Is this weather okay?"

"The flight can be operated normally, but it depends on the weather. If the flight is cancelled, there is no other way."

Li Dong exhaled, reached for a snowflake, and when the snowflake melted in his hand, his head was sober: "Yuhan is also on holiday now. She called and said to drive back, I was not too relieved to let her Hurry back.

This time Uncle Qin passed, if the weather permits, let's come back by plane with Yuhan and Aunt Yang.

If the actual situation does not allow it, Uncle Qin will spend the New Year in Beijing.

I have a lot of things here, and I may not be able to catch up ... "

Qin Hai smiled and said: "I know all this. You are busy with your business. Yu Han and your Aunt Yang are not indifferent.

At this time, the group has a lot of affairs, how can there be time to control them.

Besides, there is still a period of time during the New Year.

Don't worry about this, I will deal with it. "

"Then trouble Uncle Qin."

Qin Hai lost his smile and said: "That's my wife and child. I'm still using you to trouble me. Okay, I'm going to be busy first. You have recently paid attention to rest. You can't make money. Don't stare at the company all day long. "

Li Dong laughed: "I know, thank you Uncle Qin."

Qin Hai didn't answer any more and turned away from the aisle.

In fact, many times, Qin Hai also admires Li Dong.

Admire his self-discipline, admire his vision, admire his success and persistence.

I remember the first time I saw this little guy, or when this guy kidnapped his daughter.

At that time, Qin Hai had thought that there would be this day.

The richest person in Jiangbei, the top ten richest in China, countless industries, more than 50,000 employees.

Under such circumstances, Li Dong, a young man who has no pride or complacency, still works diligently for enterprise development.

When others are as successful as him, many people are lost in enjoyment and red wine.

Li Dong didn't, and Qin Hai rarely heard anything ridiculous about what Li Dong did.

Qin Hai is satisfied with Li Dong, the young man.

The only flaw is Shen Qian.

In fact, Qin Hai understands better than Yang Yun.

A successful person like Li Dong is not married, and there are a few women around him, which is too normal.

Even himself, Yang Yun is not around, plus he is an executive of the Far Group, I do n’t know how many women beat his idea.

Subordinates, partners, all kinds of temptations, it is really difficult for ordinary people to resist.

If Li Dong is just playing, Qin Hai can really understand.

But Li Dong was talking about feelings and using his heart. Qin Hai also felt it.

At this time, Qin Hai did not know what to say.

If he is not Qin Yuhan's father, from the perspective of bystanders, he can accept these, even not too strange.

However, he is Qin Yuhan's father.

With a slight sigh, Qin Hai's back gradually disappeared in front of Li Dong.


On January 20th, Sunday, the twelfth lunar month.

There are only 17 days left before New Year's Eve.

The heavy snow in the south is showing signs of easing, but the heavy snow has not stopped.

More than ten days of heavy snow, high-speed road closures, flight suspensions, and countless migrant workers were stranded at various airport stations.

The Pingchuan Municipal Government issued a mobilization to mobilize employees of various enterprises to go out to help shovel snow and restore smooth roads.

On the other side of the provincial government, Chang Yuanshan personally went out to shovel snow with sanitation workers.

Whether it was a show or not, everyone didn't care about this at this time. They were trapped by heavy snow for several days. Countless citizens spontaneously walked out of their homes and brought their own tools to help shovel snow.

Yuanfang Group is no exception.

As the largest private enterprise in Jiangbei, Far Headquarters is in Pingchuan, with more than 8,000 employees in Pingchuan.

Of course, Li Dong will not let everyone stop what they are doing to help shovel snow, but he still organized a team of more than 200 people at the headquarters to take to the streets.

The director of the street office where Yuanfang Building is located, enthusiastically helped Yuanfang Group to divide an area.

A series of gratitude, did not stop until Li Dong took the people away.

When they left, the director of the street office still sighed that the big boss is the big boss, and his temperament is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

At present, it is not surprising that ordinary people come out to help. These wealthy and wealthy riches actually come into battle personally, whether it is for a show or whatever, it is worth affirming.


When Li Dong brought people to the divided area, someone was already shoveling snow.

Seeing the snow shoveler, Li Dong froze.

Fang Qingfei, Wang Jia!

They are here!

Li Dong didn't take care of his staff at this time, hurriedly stepped forward and frowned, "Why are you here?"

Fang Qingfei and Wang Jiazheng were tired and sweaty. Hearing the question, they looked up and saw that it was Li Dong. Fang Qingfei couldn't help but be confused: "Why are you here?"

Wang Jia was also a little strange and guilty. She didn't know why she was guilty. In short, she was guilty and didn't dare to say anything.

Li Dong frowned, glared at Fang Qingfei, and then looked at Wang Jia said: "I heard that you were ill some time ago, the disease is not good, this weather is still going out, be careful not to support the body."

"Teacher Fang, please take Wang Jia back, we can do it here."

Fang Qingfei was a little embarrassed, Wang Jia whispered: "It's okay, the doctor said my illness is almost recovered. Besides, it's boring to stay at home, I think everyone is coming out to help, so ..."

"You are different from them!"

Li Dongshun said sternly, Wang Jia's face slightly changed, slightly sad: "It's just different, I just want to do something that I can do.

Li Dong, I know something clearly in my heart.

I am very grateful to you and Feifei, and thank you for your selfless help.

I know that I ca n’t help you, and you do n’t need my help.

But I still want to do something, even if it's just a trivial thing, even if it just makes me live more like a person, do you understand? "

Li Dong was speechless, he understood.

Really understand.

Although Wang Jia's disease has been treated, he has recovered.

But liver failure is not a general disease, and many people can't support it for a few years. No one can say such a thing.

Perhaps one day, Wang Jia really left, and he walked in obscurity.

Although Li Dong and Fang Qingfei have been hiding her, but this kind of thing can not be concealed, Wang Jia is not silly.

She graduated with a master's degree from Jiangda University, and she didn't lack IQ. She could guess something even if she didn't know.

This year, she lived like a waste, live without dignity.

Battered by her, she might still be able to laugh in front of Fang Qingfei, but she could not sleep for many nights.

This time, shoveling snow may be a trivial matter for some people.

But for her, it is a living proof of personality.

Everyone came out to help. She didn't want to hide in the window, watching all this, and couldn't participate.

She is not Lin Daiyu, nor does she want to be Lin Daiyu.

Everyone cherishes their lives.

But sometimes, it is not just to live.

What's more, if even a small matter of snow shoveling exhausted her, what's the point of living.

So she came out, and even Fang Qingfei couldn't dissuade her.

Li Dong didn't discourage any more, but just said softly: "Then don't be too tired. Your body is still weak. We won't stop you until we recover completely.

Do what you want to do and feel happy. "

Wang Jia's face suddenly showed a bright smile, the smile was very sweet and sweet, as if to let Li Dong back to the original.

I remember that in the second half of 2004, I went to Longhua Square for the first time, and now I rented a house in Yuanfang Square.

At that time, how lively this woman was and how brilliantly she smiled.

She also grimaced at herself like a child who had not grown up.

However, in the past few years, she has suffered repeated blows, and all the sufferings in her life are repeated in her.

Li Dong sometimes feels distressed for her, has nothing to do with feelings, just pure sympathy and compassion.

Such a naive girl, how divine to treat her.

Perhaps it is God ’s arrangement to know her.

Li Dong fell into contemplation and stood on the spot to watch Wang Jia continue to work hard to shovel snow. At this moment, Wang Jia seemed to be alive.

I do n’t know when to start ~ ~ Fang Qingfei put down the shovel and walked to Li Dong to whisper softly: "Li Dong, I'm sorry."

Li Dong sighed: "I'm sorry, this is her own choice. Besides, she has recovered now, I was wrong, she is no different from us.

Don't let her catch cold after going back, and wait for the New Year, and find a job for her.

Staying at home all day will only make her cranky, reach out to more people, and do what she wants to do. When you are in a good mood, you can only live. "

Fang Qingfei nodded, rubbed his eyes and smiled, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, go for it. Even if you can work, don't make her too tired."

Fang Qingfei couldn't help laughing, picked up the shovel and walked towards Wang Jia.

The two women, waving their shovel in the heavy snow, laughter filled the whole world.

Li Dong didn't bother to go in the past, nor did Wang Jia and them come to Li Dong.

Sometimes, it is not necessary to use verbal communication to reflect friendship.

Yes, friendship.

Although they didn't have much time to interact with each other, it was not long, but Li Dong regarded them as friends.

Whether it is Fang Qingfei or Wang Jia, there is no reason why friends are friends.

In the past, Li Dong thought that this person, Fang Qingfei, was quite annoying. He liked to care about everything and had to mix everything.

But when Wang Jia was in crisis, it was Fang Qingfei who really helped her.

As for Li Dong, the financial help was just a handy effort. He couldn't do anything like Fang Qingfei for several years and treat this friend with all his heart.

In the snow, Li Dong smiled self-deprecatingly, picked up the shovel and started to work.

Before coming, Li Dong may be for a show, but after seeing Wang Jia and them, Li Dong has a sincere heart.

Do something you like to do, do something as small as you can, maybe this is happiness.

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