The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 874: Business turmoil

January 22.

Following the "Black Monday" on the 21st, the stock markets in Shanghai and Shenzhen continued to plunge.

Before closing, thousands of stocks fell again.

The stockholders who had been expecting to make a comeback today were desperate, and the call for the government to rescue the market continued for a while.

Since 2007, the government has continued to suppress the stock market, first raising the stamp duty, then increasing the deposit reserve ratio ...

Perhaps the government did not specifically target the stock market, but it has to be said that these measures have hit the stock market hard.

Coupled with the fact that the financial crisis is gradually affecting the country, it is not surprising that the stock market fell again and again.

Brave investors, at this time choose to cut the meat to stop the loss or get some money back.

Those who are hesitant will only get more and more jailed, not knowing how many people will eventually die.

The stock market is a gambling market. Some people win and others lose.

Under the two big news that the stock market plummeted and Blizzard invaded East China, many things happened in the domestic business community at the same time, which were covered up by these two big news.

Of course, a small spread does not mean that it does not exist.

On January 21, Caijing magazine reported once again that the official investigation of the "New Henderson System" and the "Pengrun System" was publicized, which opened the public controversy over the original sin of the Huang Brothers.

The new Henderson system refers to the real estate group controlled by Huang Guangyu's elder brother.

The Pengrun system is naturally Lao Huang himself.

The magazine reported in detail that Liang Huang was involved in a number of fraudulent loan operations when he started, which involved hundreds of millions of funds.

Hundreds of millions of funds in the past nine years are not comparable to the present. The first pot of gold in Lianghuang was questioned by the original crime.

At this time, the public did not pay much attention.

After all, there are many domestic things, and Caijing is not a media with a wide audience.

However, businessmen like Li Dong felt keenly that something was wrong.

Huang Guangyu, as the richest person in the country, is also the largest retail group in China.

If the evidence is not conclusive, a magazine would not dare to report the news at will.

Moreover, some of the evidence cannot be obtained by the magazine without official support.

The situation is very obvious.

Maybe not now, but the time should not be too long.

In fact, there have been rumors about the investigation of the Huang Brothers, but it has never ended before.

However, this time, "Finance" magazine reported that it is not a simple gossip.

Although "Finance" magazine is not well-known in China, it has always been a senior financial news publication, and its main readers are domestic middle and senior investors, government management, and the economics community.

Sometimes, the public knows whether it really doesn't matter.

No matter how widely they spread, no matter how much they discuss, no one can do anything if the above people are not taken seriously.

However, now the magazines are dealing with senior elites.

The Huang brothers boarded the Caijing magazine at this moment, and things were more complicated than being widely circulated on the Internet.

The Huang Brothers' incident was one thing, and the other was the Jiangbei business community.

On the morning of the 22nd, there were media reports that Longhua Group, a leading enterprise in the Jiangbei real estate industry, was suspected of breaking the capital chain.

More than 2 billion loans cannot be repaid overdue. In addition, Longhua is suspected of misappropriating the final payment of the Su'an New City project. The Su'an New City development project is likely to become the largest bad-end project in Jiangbei and even China!

As soon as the news came out, the business community was shaking again!

Although the Longhua Group has been robbed of the limelight by the Far Group in the past two years, it can be regarded as an old private enterprise in Jiangbei, the leader of the real estate industry, and an enterprise created by the former richest man in Jiangbei ...

This series of auras will never dissipate in three or two days.

Now that Longhua's capital chain is broken, many people have broken their glasses.

Just a few days ago, Longhua also acquired Yurun's real estate business, involving up to 8 billion of funds.

In a blink of an eye, Longhua will be finished?

The business community was shocked, and the city and provincial governments were also shocked.

Shortly after the news came out, on the afternoon of the 22nd, the investigation team composed of the Provincial Financial Office and major banks settled in Longhua Group.

The breakdown of Longhua's capital chain is not just a problem for Longhua.

What about bank loans?

What should I do if the project is in arrears?

What to do about the bad end project in Su'an New City?

What about Longhua's tens of thousands of employees!

Originally, the provincial government was having a headache for Daxue, and the big brothers Qin Hanyuan went to inspect the severely affected areas.

Unexpectedly, at this juncture, the top ranked Longhua Group in the province had a problem.

If this is not handled well, don't think of a good year this year in the province.


The two messages seem to have little to do with Li Dong.

But think about it, and you can't stop contacting Li Dong.

As the No. 1 domestic retail enterprise and No. 1 home appliance chain enterprise, Gome has no competition with distant places.

However, since the distant place and Suning reached cooperation in Beijing and Tianjin, in fact, the two sides have already established contact.

This is especially true of Longhua. Jiangbei ’s number one real estate company, Longhua ’s ending will affect the entire Jiangbei real estate industry.

In addition, Longhua also won 500 million yuan of corporate bonds in the distance. Once Longhua really closes down, who will these 500 million bonds fall into?

Although the bonds are the same in everyone's hands, there is always a difference. Anyway, you have to know who your creditors are.

Finally, the interest is divided. The largest real estate company in Jiangbei has closed down, and the benefits involved are staggering.

As soon as the news came out, Li Dong held a high-level meeting of the group.

meeting room.

Several executives of Yuan Chengdao discussed for a while, and finally Yuan Chengdao said in a deep voice: "Mr. Li, these two things have advantages and disadvantages for us."

Li Dong gently tapped on the table and said, "Tell me, what are the advantages and disadvantages?"

“Let ’s talk about Gome first. Gome ’s competition with us is not that big. But we signed a gambling agreement with Suning before. If Huang Guangyu is really investigated, Gome will definitely be turbulent.

Bankruptcy should not stop. Gome now has more than 600 stores and nearly 30,000 employees.

But even if it doesn't fail, the founder's investigation and even arrest will have a huge impact.

At that time, Suning will have a chance, and our agreement on gambling can be reached smoothly.

This is a positive side, but on the other hand, Gome suffers and Suning grows bigger, which is actually not what we want to see.

Today, our cooperation with Suning is multi-faceted. There is cooperation online and offline.

Previously because of the biggest competitor, Gome, Suning was actually a weaker in cooperation. They pinned their hopes on our channels to help them beat Gome.

However, when they took advantage of this opportunity to win Gome, our importance dropped greatly.

At that time, we need to use their power to balance the attacks of major supermarket chains in the Beijing-Tianjin region.

This is one point, and the other is Suning's industrial upgrading.

Although they are still specializing in 3C appliances, they actually have the ambition to enter supermarket retailing a few years ago.

But before they were suppressed by Gome, they couldn't make it, and they didn't have the energy to do supermarkets.

However, this time Gome had its own problems. When Suning defeated Gome, the next step is likely to enter the chain supermarket industry.

Suning has its natural advantages as a supermarket. Its huge user base is one point, its stores all over the country are one point, and they have perfect channels for supply.

All in all, Gome's bad luck can not be completely regarded as our victory, but also have to guard against Suning behind to give us a blow. "

Li Dong nodded slowly: "This possibility still exists. Zhang Jindong always hoped to make Suning into an O2O model. Now they can only be regarded as a vertical platform, and the limitations of making 3C electrical appliances are also greater.

He wants to transform and upgrade, but it is more cost-effective to be a supermarket.

However, it is not too much a threat. There is still a difference between supermarket chains and home appliance chains. It is not so easy to enter the market rashly. "

Sun Tao nodded: "It is not easy, and even if they are transformed and upgraded, they will not be our opponents.

There are dozens of large-scale supermarket chains in China, but there is not much relationship between one and the other.

In the past few years, the retail industry has been fighting constantly, and Suning should have seen it. Even if they can beat Gome this time, they will not be able to defeat them.

At one-and-a-half, they should have no energy to deal with supermarket chains. Even if they completely defeated Gome, it might be a few years later.

At that time, we don't have to worry about Suning in the supermarkets in the distance. The two sides are not of the same size. "

Li Dong said with a smile: "We don't have to worry about Gome?"

Sun Tao shook his head and said: "Not exactly, since Suning wants to be a supermarket chain, why can't we make appliances?

Chain supermarkets and home appliance chains are actually part of the retail industry.

It is not complete to do supermarkets or home appliances alone. "

Seeing everyone looking at themselves, Sun Tao knew they had misunderstood and laughed: "I'm not saying that we will make appliances alone, there is no need for it. After all, we now have an appliance area.

I mean, we can take advantage of this opportunity to win some home appliance supply channels.

In this way, we no longer have to be subject to others, and we will hand over the home appliance market to Suning or other electrical appliances manufacturers.

At this time, Gome was in turmoil. I am afraid that many home appliance manufacturers will be frightened.

As a top-ranking supermarket chain in China, Yuanfang has a large scale and a lot of shipments. If you say that if we stretch out the olive branch, will these home appliance manufacturers not catch up? "

Yuan Chengdao thought for a while and said, "I don't have any opinion on this point, but once we take action, there may be a crack in the cooperation with Suning."

Sun Tao laughed: "In fact, even if we don't do it ourselves, both sides will have cracks afterwards.

Without Gome, the biggest competitor, do you say Suning is still willing to be exploited by us?

Will not!

Therefore, the first step is to be strong, intercepting some channels to meet our own development, and the benefits are real. "

Yuan Chengdao thought about it for a while, and finally said: "You can make some preparations first, but this is not easy to say.

After all, it is just a report again, whether Gome will have an accident or whether Huang Guangyu will have an accident. These are unpredictable.

The Huang brothers were investigated a few years ago, and finally they were safe and sound. Before Gome had an accident, we still watched it become better. "

Everyone nodded in agreement, anyway, there is no big plan for the distance.

Gathering some of the home appliance channels just happened, Gome had something wrong, came to drink soup from a distance, no one would care.

Gome did not happen, and the distance continued to cooperate with Suning, and the effect was the same.

So to sum up, just one word-wait!

At this time, there was no need to start in the distance. The province was hated by Gome. It would be better to wait for Gome to have an incident.

After talking about Gome, Longhua is the big head.

This is a local enterprise in Jiangbei and has dealt with a lot in the distance.

Moreover, real estate is also in the distance. Once Longhua is finished, it will bring more benefits than Gome.

Not waiting for Yuan Chengdao to analyze the pros and cons, Wu Shengnan hurriedly said: "Mr. Li, this is an opportunity!"

"Before, the real estate market in Jiangbei has been occupied by the majority of Longhua, and we small and medium real estate developers simply cannot shake Longhua's position.

But this time they had something wrong, I don't think it is necessary to rescue Longhua.

What we should do now is to push the waves and further accelerate the downfall of Longhua.

Once Longhua collapsed, and many industries left behind, Dongyu should be able to share the biggest piece.

If we can swallow the Su'an New City and wait for the new city to open to the outside world, we will definitely be profitable.

I suggest that President Li should go to the provincial government at this time to explain our meaning to the provincial government.

At this time, the provincial government was actually afraid that the collapse of Longhua would lead to the end of the new city project.

But as long as someone is willing to follow, Longhua's bankruptcy will have little influence.

The general foreign real estate company, the provincial government may not agree ~ ~ and other small real estate companies, without this strength, the provincial government will not be relieved.

Different from afar, we have this strength!

Mr. Li, the opportunity is rare, do n’t let the woman be kind! "

Wu Shengnan knew that Li Dong and Xu Shengzhe had a great relationship, and was afraid that he would be soft-hearted and let this opportunity pass.

Last time the big man made a private statement, at this time the provincial government should give strong support to the distance.

It may be difficult to usually take over, but now Longhua can't rely on himself. If he takes over from a distance, the provincial government may be happy to succeed.

In the past, Wu Shengnan wanted to vigorously develop real estate companies. Yuan Chengdao didn't agree with him. But today, after Wu Shengnan finished his speech, Yuan Chengdao moved his eyes and said: "Mr. Li, Mr. Wu is right this time!"

"Su'an New City is supported by Governor Jia. In recent years, Governor Jia has spent too much energy on it.

An accident at Longhua at this time is likely to destroy Governor Jia's overall plan.

At this moment, Governor Jia is afraid to be angry. If you are willing to come forward to undertake the next development tasks at this moment, Governor Jia will definitely be willing.

With his support, plus the provincial government will not be too obstructed, maybe we can swallow Longhua's project in Su'an without spending much money! "

The president of the group and the CEO of the real estate company both support it. The others are not insiders, and no one has expressed their opinions.

Shen Qian, who had been silent for a while, looked around and saw that Li Dong did not speak. After thinking about it, she wanted to remind him: "Don't worry about this matter first, some of these things are not as simple as they seem.

Longhua has not completely lost its fighting power, and Xu Shengzhe of Longhua still has a back hand. "

The others could not help but look at Li Dong and Shen Qian.

Some things, they are not clear.

At least on the face of it, this time the Longhua crisis is very big, and if it is pushed away from a distance, it is really possible to completely kill Longhua.

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