The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 871: Wanjia Online

January 18, 2008.

On this day, the Winter Games opened.

On this day, a family of Wanjia, which was not too conspicuous, was officially launched.

The website page is not beautiful and rough. It hangs under the page of Yuanfang Mall and is regarded as a subsite of Yuanfang Mall. is a special website that only serves East China for the time being.

Entering 2008, it is not that no supermarket has carried out online distribution services, but is the country with the widest coverage and the most online products, and it is also the shopping website that appeared most often.

Serving Wanjia, simply four words, is the concept created by

In addition to placing orders online, Wanjia also has an option to place orders by phone.

The consumer group targeted by is not only the young and middle-aged generation who can access the Internet, but the elderly can also call to order at any time.

It is different from the brand operation of Yuanfang Mall. At present, provides more services for daily necessities.

Rice, cooking oil, vegetables and fruits ...

These are the main products of, as for other commodities, they can be placed in the remote mall.

As long as there is a local supermarket in the distance, as long as the supermarket is within five kilometers of the range, free home delivery, cash payment, regardless of wind and rain, the same day orders, the same day delivery.

On the day of the online launch of Wanjia, some local TV stations carried out short publicity.

Propaganda is not violent, and even the advertisements it sells are not simple. The simple and simple sentence ", serving the life website of Wanjia" is considered to be over.


At 9 o'clock in the morning, was officially launched.

At 9:01, the first call went to the information processing department.

Li Dong, Yuan Chengdao, Shen Qian, Qin Hai, Sun Tao ... A large group of executives are waiting in the Information Processing Department.

When the phone rang, Chen Ke took the lead and pressed hands-free in the anxious customer service staff.

"Hello, here is, what do you need?"

"Hey, are you a website that sells things?" An old lady asked slightly unconfidently over the phone.

Chen Ke hurriedly said: "Yes, aunt, what do you want to buy?"

"Well, did you collect the money just by sending it to your door?" The old lady asked again, without rushing to speak.

"Yes, we are after the goods first ..."

"That's good, little girl, I tell you, this snow is too heavy, our old couple's legs and feet are inconvenient, and we can't go out.

I have finished all the food at home. I heard that you are selling everything. What are you selling to me? "

Chen Ke smiled and looked back at everyone at Li Dong. Li Dong whispered: "Introduction."

Chen Ke nodded and said to the phone: "Aunt, we sell all rice, oil and salt here, including all kinds of vegetables, fresh fruits ..."

"Then send me two bags of rice, and also, a bucket of salad oil, two bags of salt ..."

The old lady talked for a long time, and asked the price, brand, and delivery time in detail.

After writing down the old lady's residential address, ten minutes have passed.

At this time, the entire information processing department became busy.

Some people answered the phone, some answered online, and the whole office was busy in an instant.

Chen Ke hung up the phone and handed over the order to the customer service staff on the side, and then came over and smiled bitterly at everyone at Li Dong: "General Li, General Yuan, this is too time-consuming."

"An order took more than ten minutes back and forth. The old lady is still good at talking and has a clear tongue.

If you encounter heavy dialects, or if you have to worry about everything, you have to ask everything. I am afraid it may be possible within half an hour.

These uncles and aunts are both idle and idle, and they might be ready to chatter with us, so things will be delayed. "

After Chen Ke finished, Shen Qian nodded slightly.

This is indeed a problem, and it is no less than young people. These old people, always failing to see what is really there.

The old lady just asked me several times in a row. Are the things in Wanjiawang the same in the distant supermarket, are they all the same? Did she choose the best for her?

If an order takes more than ten minutes and a customer service staff works for 10 hours a day, can a person only handle 60 orders a day at most?

If it is calculated according to the profit of 5 yuan per order, customer service is divided into 1 yuan, logistics is divided into 1 yuan, other labor costs are 1 yuan, and operating costs are 1 yuan. In the end, once the profit is 1 yuan, it is not bad.

This is still an ideal situation, and may not make money.

Time-consuming and labor-intensive, but the profit is not large, even no profit.

This model suddenly caused many people to frown.

Compared with direct orders online in the remote mall, has an additional customer service program and a transit program, which at least increased the cost by more than 10%.

No wonder this model of other supermarkets does not work, does not make money, consumes time and effort, and who wants to do this kind of thing.

After Chen Ke finished speaking, Yuan Chengdao frowned: "President Li, this is indeed a problem.

And in this way, the business of the supermarket is diverted, which is actually equivalent to the extra cost of the operation of

This cost is not low, our information processing department here is just a small piece, in fact, we have a total of 500 customer service staff.

The salaries of these customer service staffs are more than one million a month. Website operations, logistics operations, labor costs in several major departments, plus possible expansion in the future ...

Lin Lin finally came down, at least tens of millions of more investment in a month.

In fact, these customers are originally our customers, even if we do not develop this business, they will come to the supermarket to shop.

Therefore, I think Wanjia can only operate as a temporary emergency platform.

When the heavy snow is over, we can withdraw Wanjia.

Tens of millions of expenditures can be saved every month, and one billion in one year.

The distance can indeed be sustained, but I don't think it is necessary. "

After Yuan Chengdao finished his speech, Sun Tao thought about it for a while: "Although I don't fully agree with President Yuan's words, it is not unreasonable.

There are so many domestic and foreign chain supermarkets, but why no one does this?

It's not that everyone didn't expect it, but this road is indeed very difficult to take.

Consumer groups in supermarkets are different from consumer groups in shopping malls. At this time, we are changing the consumer habits of users.

Let a group of middle-aged and elderly people who do not understand online shopping come online to shop, which may work at present.

When the snow is over, will these people choose to shop online?

Online shopping is about fast, time-saving and convenient. This is the biggest magic weapon for online shopping.

But for these middle-aged and elderly people, they do not need to be too fast or lack of time. They usually go to the supermarket in a leisurely time, which is also one of their lifestyles.

Now I want to change their way of life, I think it is not realistic.

When the heavy snow is over,'s business will definitely plummet, and then our expenses will become a loss. Mr. Li, we have to consider this. "

Both Yuan Chengdao and Sun Tao objected, and Qin Hai thought about it for a while: "It can't be considered from the standpoint of profit. The Wanjia online is also beneficial.

First, expand our influence and increase diversified development.

Second, enhance our team collaboration capabilities.

This time the Wanjia online line, our supermarket, logistics, and e-commerce departments cooperated to make the integration of the group a reality.

In the past, each of our departments did its own thing.

It is said that it is a company, in fact, it does not interfere with each other, which has advantages and disadvantages.

Third, expand the scale of the enterprise.

Wanjia online, our logistics team will grow, the customer service team will grow ... "

Everyone has no opinion on the first two. When he mentioned the third, Yuan Chengdao frowned: "General Qin, the expansion of the group is our purpose, not the only purpose.

Expansion does not mean blind expansion!

Yes, after the Wanjia online, the logistics team needs to add at least thousands of talents, and the customer service team has at least thousands of people.

A Wanjia network opened, and perhaps tens of thousands of people will be supported from afar.

However, feeding tens of thousands of people is not our goal. Those large factories, with tens of thousands of people and hundreds of thousands of people, can you tell us more?

If it is just for the sake of a large number of people, we simply do not put on-line sorting system, so that logistics companies can add thousands of people.

At present, enterprises are talking about efficiency and profitability.

I didn't see these two points on In the end, may become our burden ~ ~ Mr. Yuan ...... "

Several people disagreed and made a lot of noise.

Seeing that there were employees looking here, Li Dong frowned and interrupted: "Stop for a while, what's so noisy!"

"I have heard everyone's opinions, but today just went online. Whether it is good or not, I can't see anything on the first day.

After operating for a while, you can see the pros and cons.

As for whether it will shut down or continue after heavy snow, I will wait until later.

At least for now, Wanjia is very necessary.

This is an opportunity to expand our distant influence and reputation!

Can other supermarkets do it? Dare to do it?

Only we dare from afar!

As for the loss, that would not be the case, at least during this time.

Small profits but quick turnover, as long as there are many orders every day, we will not lose money.

We really can discuss it again when we lose money. "

Several people nodded hurriedly, but that's right.

Whether Wanjiawang will continue to operate or not will have to be checked again.

Even if it is revoked afterwards, they will not lose money. Not to mention, it is a good time to reap the reputation by launching to serve the public at this critical moment.

Many companies are always talking about social responsibility.

What is social responsibility?

Not to say that donating millions of dollars is social responsibility, nor is it not to make money, and operating at a loss is social responsibility.

When the blizzard came from afar, anxious people were anxious to launch a more convenient Wanjia.

The general public may not understand this truth, but they can feel this feeling.

As soon as came out, it stood at a moral high ground.

At this time, I am afraid that even the government is impressed by the distance. As for making money or not, it is a trivial matter.

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