The Supreme Forest, the attack came very suddenly.

After an attack, the dark elf relied on past experience and collected the army.

But today, the Supreme Forest doesn't seem to want to stop there.

Prior to this, the Supreme Forest once again advanced some distance.

The dark elves are also dragging time and arranging something in the dark.

The dark elf's plan was to wait for the highest forest to advance to a certain place after being prepared, and then suddenly reveal the hole cards.

But it is a pity that this side of the Supreme Forest.

In other words, it was Saint Edwin who suddenly let the army directly launch a general attack.

The army on the High Forest side, including Reeves, did not expect that the general offensive issued by Saint Edwin would come at this time.

Reeves looked at Sid, Sid nodded: "Since the decision is made by the top, then the general attack will begin."

That being the case, then the total offensive began.

Unprepared by the dark elf, the total attack of the High Forest began at a time when everyone thought it was impossible.


The loud explosion means a strong attack.

The dark elves suffered heavy losses at once, but by this time, the raid would be useless.

"What to do?" a dark elf archmage asked.

Elaine thought for a while and said, "There is no other way, let's detonate first!"

"Detonate now? In addition to blocking them, some of us will also be buried!"

The dark elf archmage couldn't believe it, he detonated it in advance, and it detonated before it was completely withdrawn!

In this way, the dark elves who have not withdrawn will be buried in it.

As for the Supreme Forest, if the response is timely, there may not be much trouble.

Even the manpower will not be compromised.

But Elaine has already decided: "Detonate!"

If you don't detonate at this time, I'm afraid there will be no chance.

Even if some people were to be buried, Elaine couldn't care about it.

At this time, the highest forest should be blocked out of the underground world.

The dark elves are not ready yet. Although there are already a lot of demons, there is only quantity, not quality!

The plot of the spider queen Rose has not yet succeeded!

Now it seems that the plan of the spider queen is completely out of chance.

With a sigh, Elaine knew that the opportunity was fleeting.


Elaine almost shouted out, and the archmage nodded and immediately detonated the previous arrangement.

A loud explosion sounded, the wall of the mountain began to collapse, and stones fell.

Elaine stood on the other side of the cave, looking at Reeves above, with a triumphant smile.

Reeves's face was ugly, but he didn't expect that the Dark Elf still had this arrangement.

If it were not for the sudden detonation today, I am afraid that after a while, they would have to pay a painful price if they want to attack again.


Reeves shouted, the elves of the High Forest began to retreat in an orderly manner.

Because the dark elves detonated in advance, the elves had enough time to back away calmly.

Su Yue and a group of players stood behind, sweating in his vest.

The dark elves were really cunning, they didn't have any clues.

If it rushes too fast, it might be buried underneath immediately.

This thing is hard to guard against, they really have no news at all.

Su Yue was very worried. If the elves wanted to hold themselves accountable for this reason, it would be really full of mouths, and they couldn't tell.

"Boss, the elves seem to have some misunderstandings about us before. They are lukewarm to us. If this time..."

The next person Su Yue said worriedly, they are not fools either.

When they first came before, Elven Gate was really enthusiastic.

Perhaps it was the horse bones of the Qianjinshishi, or the power of role models, when the elves were really enthusiastic.

But I don't know when it started, and the wizard door became less enthusiastic.

And those elves, looking at their expressions, became strange.

Su Yue had some guesses, but he was not sure.

Shaking his head, Su Yue knew he had no other way to go.

Having betrayed the dark elf, it was impossible to go back.

Besides, Su Yue never wanted to go back to the dark environment of the dark elf.

"Don't say it, there will definitely be ways for the wizard door."

In Su Yue's view, this is the first large-scale war in the game, and it may be that all players are integrated.

That being the case, it is impossible for the Supreme Forest to be inactive.

So, don't worry too much, just watch the aboriginals play.

Sure enough, they didn't let them wait too long, and another explosion sounded.

This time, it came from below.


Su Yue is a little strange, what happened to the dark elf?

He didn't know, because he couldn't see it and didn't know the specific news.

But Reeves still knew that his cousin Reeves was with a group of elves below.

"Go, go to the passage we prepared earlier!"

The Supreme Forest was not unprepared at all, when it stalemate with the dark elves and slowly advanced.

The Supreme Forest has also mobilized a lot of monsters, and many monsters who are good at digging holes, not far from the side, carried out digging actions.

Although it has not been completely completed, it has already been completed.

"The passage has been connected. Speaking of which, I would also like to thank the dark elf for exploding, so that we can do more with less. The last part is directly completed." Sid said with a smile.

Then, Reeves and others also went down the side passage.

Soon, Reeves saw his cousin Reeves among the group of people who stopped the dark elf on the opposite side.

They are a big family with many cousins.

The most promising ones are undoubtedly their four brothers.

Reeves and Reeves gathered, and Liszt on the side, they are already strong at the Archmage stage.

Another one, it was Rist, who stayed behind in the Xingyue Forest and took charge of the rest of the Lin Jing Corps.

If Lin Chuan appeared here, he would be surprised.

He had seen three of the four brothers, and the last one was left, at this time El Reeves.

The one he met in Kajiao Village was Riester!

at this point. Lin Chuan doesn't know yet.

The two sides surrounded and chased the dark elf.

Elaine sighed, knowing that the general situation was over, and he could no longer hold on here.

"Withdrawal depends on ability."

After giving the order to retreat, Elaine took the lead to leave.

He took out a token and crushed it, and the figure had disappeared in place.

"It's actually a random transmission token!"

It was a pity that Reeves did not catch this person, but to the rest, Reeves gave the order to capture him alive.

"Catch all alive!"

Some information, some intelligence, can still be questioned.

So, it's better to stay alive.

Before long, even if the operation this time was over, Reeves and the others would still manage the camp and don't let the dark elves take it back.

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