The construction of the camp is already in full swing.

"Military power, no idlers are allowed to enter!"

Su Yue just wanted to walk nearby and wanted to ask if he could help.

This is a normal thing for other games, communicate with the aborigines, and then ask yourself if you can help.

Do tasks, get rewards.

This is the most normal routine for players, but today, it seems a bit different.

"Leave at once, leave at once."

Su Yue said, frowning and leaving.

No, very wrong!

Su Yue felt that his opening method was really wrong.

But he abandoned the dark and turned to the light, and came in from the dark elf.

If the elves want to demonstrate their role, they must be kind to themselves.

"No, maybe it's also beware of me. After all, I came from the dark elves, it may be a bitter trick. The elves must be wary of me reporting the dark elves."

Su Yue thought about it, and he felt reasonable.

But there is a contradiction, is it a bitter trick, or is it because of the bad idea before?

When Su Yue came back, the people underneath asked, "Boss, how is it?"

Su Yue shook his head and repeated his guess, then asked: "Which reason do you think?"

"Should you think we are a bitter trick?"

"No, no, it should be aware of some of our problems. You don't remember, this kind of attitude, but you have had it before."

"But if they doubted, they didn't do anything to us!"

"Yes, with the power of the elves, we don't have any room for resistance."

"Definitely also afraid of bad influence."

After discussing for a while, everyone found that there was no result.

Because of these two results, both are possible.

Moreover, the probability is very high.

"Boss, it's up to you to make up your mind."

No matter what the result is, their decision is important.

This result, not all of them have this ability to resist.

So, let Su Yue make the decision.

No matter what the result is, they can't blame Su Yue, right?

Su Yue thought about it, and this decision was difficult to make.

Once the prediction is wrong, the decision they make is likely to affect their future status on the side of the wizard.

Choosing one of the two is not so good.

But Su Yue still prefers to be more conservative. They have already opened up some situations on the side of the elves.

Although it seems for the time being, the elf seems to be a little cold.

Su Yue is still biased because of his race and others. In the game, they are dark elves.

All races have their own tribe and are characteristic of xenophobia.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

Io Continent didn't have this sentence, but everyone knew what it meant.

At this moment, the dark elf's counterattack came.

Su Yue seemed to be relieved: "Don't decide that now, what are we going to do now?"

"It doesn't matter, I will fight back the dark elf first."

On this point, everyone agrees.

Soon, the dark elf was beaten back.

The elves have good strength, supported by other races, and a steady stream of troops are drawn from the ground world.

It also means that the war has officially begun.

Su Yue's performance also fell in the eyes of Reeves and Sid.

"What do you think?" Reeves asked.

Sid smiled and said: "What I think is not important. He chose it himself, it is important."

Reeves nodded, and said nothing.

The camp here is already under construction, and there will be several tough battles every day.

The two sides suffered damage to each other, but in the end, the dark elf still did not retake the camp.

Then, the war mobilization order was raised on the ground.

At this moment, the guild alliance in the territory of Wanxing Pavilion was also progressing smoothly.

There are not many other guild alliances, but only one.

Lots of people!

Zuo Lin and Yi Hongchou are indeed powerful, and they can almost kill the masters in seconds.

This is the use of the power of the elements, and it is indeed very high for the increase in magic damage.

But the power of the elements is not endless. Zuo Lin and Yi Hongchou have already exhausted some of the elements they accumulated when they understood the elements.

If you want to use the power of the element, you must wait until there is time to recover and extract it from the magic.

Unfortunately, they have no time.

In addition, the guild alliance has a lot of people to stare at the two.

Even if you die, you have to stare.

Taking advantage of the number of people, the guild alliance successfully targeted the two.

The buildings on the Wanxing Pavilion are no longer enough.

So the guild alliance soon pushed the battlefield to the side of the lord's mansion.

Sister Yao said: "It's no use, let's all retreat. There is no need for useless struggles."

Zuo Lin nodded, he couldn't continue to use the elements in a short time.

No one else has the opportunity to understand the elements.

Yi Hongchou said, "It's because my necromancers have died too much."

The necromancer summons obtained from the tomb of the necromancer are basically dead.

Yi Hongchou was a necromancer, and all the necromancers he had summoned died.

That is, the Necro summons stored in the leather pocket on the waist have been completely consumed.

No matter how endless the necromantic summons are, the duration of the battle is too long, and his inventory is running out.

To fight next, you can only summon some from the plane of the dead.

However, the levels of those necromantic summons are very low, not enough to affect this high-intensity war.

In this way, there is no need for stalemate.

Sister Yao finally said: "Then everyone retreat. Next, the last hole card will be revealed."

Wanxing Pavilion no longer insisted, and they all retreated one after another.

After Zuo Lin and Yi Hong broke off, the others took a step first.

When Zuo Lin finally entered, Yao Tongtong's fire spirit was also killed by the opponent, leaving some sparks.

But the corner of the left side's mouth was a smile.

With this smile, the presidents of the Guild Alliance including the Sheng Shi Ice Emperor reduced their smiles.

They thought that they would finally succeed.

But the performance of Zuo Lin made them very flustered.

What's the matter, why is there a flustered feeling?

"what happened?"

"Do they have any hole cards?"

"What else we haven't budgeted for?"

Then, teams of puppets walked out of the lord's mansion of Wanxing Pavilion.

Some of them are obviously melee types, and the weapons in their hands are all kinds of swords, or directly are gloves.

Some have guns and some have staff in their hands!


Sheng Shi Binghuang shouted: "How is this possible!"

The aura of these puppets is obviously not a simple low-level puppet.

In their incredible eyes, these puppets launched a counterattack.

The power of the melee puppet is very powerful, and when it hits the player, it is directly knocked into the air.

Guns, magic, and repeated attacks have stunned the guild alliance and defeated them!

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