In the end, they decided to continue.

Anduin said: "Even if he or they understand the elements, it doesn't matter. I don't believe that their elements are infinite. Just like magic, they need to be accumulated, and I believe the elements are the same."

Anduin's words gave everyone some confidence.

Tie Shou nodded and said, "I believe that the element is the strength of the archmage. Then..."

He looked around and said, "So, did you think of something?"

"What?" Sheng Shi Ice Demon asked.

Tie Shou looked at other people's guesses, and suddenly felt that Sheng Shi Bing Demon was still a little worse than his brother Sheng Shi Bing Huang.

I thought I was capable, so I thought about splitting the family.

Such people are destined to not go long.

Iron Hand said: "The power of the element is definitely not the main power of the current level. So whether it is the body or other aspects, the power of the element is destined, and it must not be regarded as a routine. At least, before reaching the archmage, it was like this. ."

The flame angel agreed and said: "I also think that if the opponent's elemental power is endless, I think they will definitely be more willing to attack, rather than sit and watch us thinking about countermeasures here. After all, the elemental power is more threatening than the arrow tower. Big!"

The Flourishing Ice Demon suddenly, too.

Arrow Tower can kill a lot of ordinary players, even elite players can kill most of the blood.

If you assist some players, or have more arrow towers, even elite players can't hold it.

But Zuo Lin and that Yi Hongchou had already understood the elements, and the power of the elements was in their attack methods.

That was something that even the two brothers of the Ice Emperor of the Prosperous Age could not hold it, which meant that the other party could kill them directly.

Although this is useless, they can be resurrected infinitely.

But as long as the opponent does not lack strength, they can fight back in this way.

Instead of sitting there, waiting here to think about countermeasures.

"Can't give up, the other party's ability is limited!"

"Then, what should I do?"


"They will not give up. They are only temporarily frightened by the abilities of Yi Hongchou and I."

Zuo Lin said, looking at the people in the guild, they saw the approval: "But they are not fools, and sooner or later they will know that, in fact, Yi Hongchou and I don't have much abilities. At least, there is no way not to limit it. attack."

After comprehending the elements, I knew that this kind of power is really powerful.

But the flaws are the same, the elements are much more refined than the magic, and the ratio of the power to extract the elements from the magic is relatively small.

At least twenty to one!

This is a very inefficient extraction, but on the other hand, it is a very good deal.

The power of elements is much greater than magic.

Moreover, elements can be used to break through.

The elements extracted from Zuo Lin were all used in the previous battle.

If you want to break through the ranks, you need a lot of element power.

From here, Zuo Lin admired the clinic even more. He used the power of the elements to replace the breakthrough magic circle.

Did not do the task, directly broke through with the power of the elements.

This requires a lot of money, and if it is simply extracted from magic, it is a big project.

Therefore, it takes a long time for the golden rank to advance to the archmage.

"At least, I have already got this key. From now on, I can start accumulating the power of the elements in advance."

At this moment, an explosion sounded outside.

They walked out quickly, and they saw that fighting had already begun outside.

There are collisions of elements and clashes of weapons.

Without more words, they went out and faced the enemy, but they knew that this might be the last time to repel the guild alliance.

Next time, they will use the last hole cards.

Sister Yao nodded, there should be no one to comprehend the essentials, although some are not satisfactory.

But the hole cards that have been prepared for a long time are always used up.

Next, the guild will usher in a wave of promotion.

The Black Iron Rank is no longer able to shackle players with character.

Sister Yao herself will also be promoted. It's just the power of the elements. I don't know when I can realize it?

In the underground world, Yao Chenchen and others, and a group of strong men who came again, went to the dark elf camp that Lin Chuan had visited before.

Yao Chenchen remembers what Levi's said to him: "This time, I was going to fight the dark elves with the troops of the ground world. Try to seize the entrance, and then there will be a formal war."

Yao Chenchen also knew that when the official troops arrived.

Their Wanxing Pavilion is responsible for this merit system, and it will be transferred to the people in the Supreme Forest.

The next war is not something that a small guild like them can dominate.

This is the first major war. Perhaps players can only take the initiative at the beginning, right?

What he didn't know was if there was no Lin Chuan.

In this war, the players actually came to fight soy sauce, earn some merit, and exchange something.

Because Lin Chuan accidentally got involved in this underground world, it led to Lin Chuan dominating everything here.

All this, in fact, also thanks to Saint Edwin.

Without the guarantee of this strong man, the dominant here would have long been taken away.

Those giants were also a little helpless, because there were also giants who came to support them.

Morea and others thought that this time, the giant was going to stand up and become the master.

The ones who were bullied by Lin Chuan before were horrible. If they could turn over, they would definitely find Lin Chuan trouble.

Lin Chuan can't find it for the time being, aren't there still many people from Lin Chuan Guild here?

Just charge a little interest first!

It's a pity that instead of supporting them, the giants who came over pushed them all down.

"Just kidding, the elders have already succumbed to the prostitution of Saint Edwin. Lin Chuan is the patron of Saint Edwin. If this offends Lin Chuan, the elders will eat it too. The elders will eat. After hanging up, how could other people, especially their initiators, be fine?"

After listening to the rhetoric of the giant, Morea felt that life was completely darkened.

Before it was a strategic surrender, Morea also hoped that one day, he could turn over and become the master.

Even if there is no alternative, at least you can leave, right?

But with the news brought by the giant's ancestors, they must continue to follow the large forces and continue to contribute.

Morea has a feeling of unspeakable suffering.

As for Olierrod, he gave in completely.

Even the demigod ancestor has succumbed. What else can he do if he is a little giant?

Do you still have to fight against your ancestors?

Morea at least retained his heart, but Auriel Rod was true, completely giving up some of his previous dissatisfaction.

"Forget it, since I can't beat it, maybe following Lin Chuan can get a lot of benefits?"

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