Zuo Lin glanced at the questioning Rorschach: "What are you worried about?"

The eyes were very plain, as if Rorschach was saying to him, are you eating eggs tonight?

Rorschach, okay, you really don't worry.

But Zuo Lin was talented, and Rorschach himself was quite worried.

In the foreseeable future, Lin Chuan's men, those geniuses, one by one, will understand the essentials.

And it is to realize in advance and slowly accumulate.

But his mercenary group is full of people who are OK but not talented enough.

As you can imagine, they have no way to quickly understand the elements.

In this way, you will be stuck at the golden level.

After that day, the members of the mercenary group will have lower and lower status.

This is a world where great power belongs to itself. If there is no strength, the status will naturally be lowered.

It is impossible for others to raise one's position because of charity, and oneself can be stable.

Taking a look at Luo Qiu next to him, this girl seemed to be lucky.

Lin Chuan said before that Luo Qiu would quickly understand the elements, not because of anything else, but because of the owl beast.

This super-order monster of the plant system had a great influence on Luo Qiu.

Among other things, Luo Qiu's understanding of tranquility is very close.

Recently, Luo Qiu has been confident of performing this magical technique.

At that time, the comprehension of natural elements will also speed up.

Rorxia thought, if there is nothing to do, then she can only hope that Yu Luoqiu will be there.

The people of the mercenary group can't do nothing forever, but their strength is the foundation.

Fortunately, Luo Qiu is lucky!

At this time, outside the Ten Thousand Star Pavilion territory, the guild alliance also began a meeting.

The two brothers, Shengshi Ice Emperor and Shengshi Ice Demon, both resurrected and came here again.

They still have some embarrassment, but if it is used on other people, it is actually the same time.

"Ice Emperor, tell me, how did you die." Jie Xue, the president of the Jie Xue Tang asked.

This guild itself was created by him, using his own name.

There is absolutely no teasing in this sentence.

Not for anything else, just because everyone's strength is similar, making fun of others is not just making fun of yourself?

Sheng Shi Ice Emperor didn't get angry. If this sentence were to ask Sheng Shi Ice Demon, it might be a joke. If you ask yourself, it must be an analysis.

This is nothing but self-confidence!

The Shengshi Ice Emperor actually had his own considerations. After thinking about it, he said, "I suspect Zuo Lin has understood the ice element!"


This keyword was first mentioned in the Guild Alliance.

"Element? What is that?"

The question was the president of Shinjin Town, whose name was Anduin.

It seems that the president's father really likes the boss in a game in the Earth Age, so he named him this name.

In fact, Flash Gold Town also came from there.

Of course, the character is naturally not the same as that.

Other people have the same ideas and elements. This seems to be a very high-end vocabulary.

Where did the Shengshi Binghuang know? Does he have it too?

No, there should not be.

Otherwise, how could he be killed by a magic on the left side?

Bastards, what look in your eyes?

Sheng Shi Binghuang cursed secretly in his heart, and after looking around, his younger brother Sheng Shi Bingmo looked at him with the same look.

Hmph, do you think that if you split a part of the manpower, you can split the guild?

You are too tender.

"The element is a peculiar power." Sheng Shi Ice Emperor looked around and said: "This power seems to be a necessary factor for the Golden Rank to break through to the Archmage. I don't know much."

"You're not shitting, are you?" asked the flame angel, the president of Aurora Heaven.

This is a guild that came from the Holy Kingdom of the West, and the church over there is the Holy Light Church.

Sheng Shi Binghuang gave a cold snort, glanced at everyone, and found that these people had this expression.

Sheng Shi Binghuang said: "I really don't know, I just know a name. Otherwise, I will be a magic second?"

It's just a shame to talk about this matter.

Everyone is actually the same, if they were killed once, it would be fine.

It is a pity that only their brothers were killed, which is to avoid family conflict.

Those elders would not turn to support the Shengshi Ice Demon because of this.

However, several guild leaders of the same strength may use this to tease and belittle themselves in the future.

They are not dead!

Spike kill, or be under other people's men!

This is really!

Sheng Shi Binghuang was upset, how could the other party understand the element?

He is not there yet!

That abominable Lin Chuan should have also comprehended the elements.

Otherwise, why did his strength improve so quickly?

Really, what are the elements?

Zuo Lin's ability to comprehend the elements should not be his own reason, but because of Lin Chuan's teaching?

But the power of the element is too mysterious, he can't find a way to get it.

The goddess of ice, it looks like, after returning home, she will perform another sacrifice and sacrifice.


Shengshi Binghuang's brows frowned. I heard that the cave of the Ice Goddess was entered by Ice Rose and was sealed by ice?

In other words, the Goddess of Ice has a spare tire, am I the only one?

Sheng Shi Binghuang's heart was murderous, he felt that he had to give Rose Mansion a warning, otherwise everyone would dare to offend him.

After Shengshi Binghuang decided to go back, he would focus his main energy on the elements.

As for the others, it is not needed for the time being.

Sheng Shi Binghuang insisted on a theory, as long as the strength is reached, there will be everything.

This theory is not wrong. I don't know whether he can understand the power of the elements smoothly.

He felt that this game seemed to be his nemesis.

Sheng Shi Ice Demon got out of control and planned to be independent.

There are so many similar geniuses, and a genius far beyond them.

It's simply too bad.

Several people discussed it, and they didn't know if Zuo Lin really understood the elements.

If so, there is too much difference in the damage between them, and if they encounter the left side, they have almost no possibility of fleeing.

So, do we need to persist in this war?

As soon as this question came out, all the guild leaders insisted: "Of course we must persist, otherwise, what did they do before? Did they perform monkey shows?"

They are the presidents of large guilds. Which game is not a mastermind and trend-setting?

Even if an opponent enters, it is evenly divided.

This time, they were all wronged and united, but they were beaten up by others.

If this anger does not come out, I am afraid that I will die of depression in the future.

But the question before them is, since they want to persist, how to persist?

The attacking power of the left side is sharp, the opponent still has a good location, and the recovery ability is very good.

Faced with such a situation, what should they do?

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