Yi Hongchou did not shirk off, looked at the top of the mountain, and then left directly.

Zuo Lin also looked at the top of the mountain, smiled, and then turned and left.

After the door left on the left, it began to shake, and then gradually shrank.

"Damn. They!"

Morgan exploded with a foul language, and then jumped directly from the top of the mountain.

If this is in the interstellar world, it is looking for death.

But in Io Continent, Weili belongs to itself, this is not a very high mountain, there will be no big things to jump off.

Several others followed, jumped down from the top of the mountain, and came near the gate.

Searched it again, but found nothing.

"Actually, they escaped like this?" Morgan said loudly, his face full of incredible.

So what are they doing here these days?

Hold the other side, the other side's purpose is to hold them.

However, the other party attacked the two major guilds, and then the people just left?

This really makes people feel uncomfortable.

"What about the gate!"

The props that can be transmitted are definitely very valuable, and if you can get that thing, it's not a loss.

But I searched for it, but I didn't find it.

"Should it be a one-off item?"

In fact, one-off items are more realistic.

Wanxing Pavilion should also not be able to get that kind of permanent teleportation props, but I don't know how precious it is.

"and many more."

"No, run!"


A huge explosion sounded, and only a few people raised the shield subconsciously, and then used all the life-saving items they could use.

A few dim lights, like an egg shell covering all directions.

The smoke fell, several coughs came, and they looked at each other and they all smiled bitterly.

Morgan looked around, and there were few left.

Except for the vice-chairmen of a few guilds, basically no one remained.

Even if it is a rough-skinned melee job, there are several races with a bonus of vitality and blood, such as the dwarves.

After the explosion, nothing was left.

You should know that the dwarves are not only qi and blood bonuses, but also strong in vitality, but the dwarves also have two talents: resistant skin and rock skin.

Although the bonuses brought by these two skins are not many, they are definitely much stronger than ordinary humans.

However, at the moment, except for three or two people, there is no one left.

"Morgan, this is the news you got from the inside line?" Tie Shou's face flushed, and he almost exploded in swearing.

Morgan almost scolded in his heart. If you don't believe me, you can not believe it. You want to come by yourself. Why?

I'm not thinking about it, if I can get the teleportation props, I still have to see if these people are really gone.

If you don’t come down, that’s great!

His heart is dripping blood too, it is all kinds of body protection props that have been bought at a high price.

As a result, it was not consumed in battle, but a pit dug by others, so it was all used.

Moreover, people are afraid that there will be fewer people coming, so they use delayed props.

Are you not afraid that we will not come or have already left?

They spent a lot of time searching!

Well, it's all greedy.

"Vice President, what's the matter?" Some people slowed down a bit, or didn't dare to jump from a high place and went around a bit, so they came late.

After all, no one was able to give a round, so should I be grateful for the weakness and incompetence of these people?

"Oh, over there, the president!"


Wanxing Pavilion, a light flashed, and then someone came out of the portal one after another.

Sister Yao smiled and said: "You are here in time, hurry up, we are just in time for a counterattack."

This is a temporary teleportation point that Lin Chuan asked Yao sister to use her merits to go to the temple and find someone to come over and set up.

Only those who have special props and can accurately input coordinates can use that prop to teleport to the lord's mansion from a distance.

As soon as Sister Yao said, Yao Tongtong was overjoyed immediately: "It's been several days, I'm suffocated!"

Sister Yao looked over, and Yao Tongtong immediately closed her mouth.

"Well, don't talk about it."

Sister Yao felt that her idea of ​​raising her younger sister into a lady was probably wrong at the beginning.

Over the years, no matter how hard she worked, this matter seemed to be moving in the opposite direction.

Looking at Yao Tongtong's excited look, no matter how you look at it, there is no sense of regret.

Forget it, it's all in this world, Weili belongs to himself, ladies or something, don't think about it.

"Quickly, the outside will be breached."

The ancient trees behind, they couldn't attack with all their strength.

It just so happened that both the Rose Mansion and the Xuanyuan Family had returned to their residences, so Yao Tongtong and the others didn't need to continue to struggle there.

Sister Yao also wanted to save a hole card first, so she asked Yao Tongtong and others to come back first.

Anyway, it's useless to hurry on the road slowly.

It's better to come back and earn some experience points or earn some money.

Outside, the faces of Sheng Shi Ice Demon and others were flushed. After playing for so long, this was the first time that they were so close to the opponent's lord mansion.

Come on!

As long as this is broken, Lin Chuan's territory will be broken.

Maybe, there is still a lord token out.

At this stage, no one knows how the territory came from.

There are still some guesses, such as the canonization of major kingdoms.

But the aborigines can't get the canonization, how can their players be so easy?

At this stage, players have found that this game is not friendly to players at all.

If you want to gain territory, no, it's not territory. Even if it is a trivial benefit, it is to please the aborigines.

Powerful players please the powerful natives, such as the gods.

Lin Chuan, Shengshi Binghuang and others, that's it.

Almost to please the demigod.

Such as Lin Chuan!

Mother, there seems to be Lin Chuan everywhere, it's like a ghost.

However, when I look down on it, I feel envious in my heart.

The worst is ordinary players, but also to please the natives who are not professionals.

It's just a few pieces of bread, or some grain.

Really bad!

But at this moment, Sheng Shi Ice Demon felt that he had to speed up his pace.

Maybe it will burst out?

Games, after all, are games.

Several others think this way. Although this probability is very low, no one wants to fall behind.

What if this is the case?

What if it falls?

They didn't know that there was still a legendary pinnacle in this territory, although that legend would basically not make a move.

Unless Wanxing Pavilion suffered an irresistible disaster.

For example, the territory is going to be destroyed!

But this group of people don't know, they all want to be one step ahead. Although it is an alliance for the time being, as long as they break through the Lord's Mansion, they will become competitors.

Seeing that he was at the door, a huge sound came, and a huge sea of ​​fireballs blasted out.

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