Xuanyuan Liehuo thought for a while and said, "Forget it. Let's watch out for polar bears here. Besides, at Wanxing Pavilion, Sister Yao said that they are fully prepared and they are not afraid of the coalition."

Xuanyuan Shenghen frowned, thought for a long time, but still didn't think about what this perfect preparation was.

"You said, what preparation did Sister Yao say?"

Xuanyuan Stigma couldn't help but not curious, this was eight of the top ten guilds, there were several second-rate guilds, and a lot of third-rate guilds.

All players have this virtue and are all players. Why do you stand out?

Even if it is the first guild, it is only the first, and it is not far from the second and third.

It can be said that there is absolutely no one guild in the top ten guilds, which can withstand the combined attack of two of the other guilds.

What about Wanxing Pavilion?

What I am doing now is to use my own strength to resist almost all other guilds.

Of course, players can't all come.

Let alone whether the small place can fit, it takes time just to rush over.

Don't talk about transmission, not everyone does it.

This transmission is very costly.

Moreover, the large number of people does not mean that the combat effectiveness is strong.

Wanxing Pavilion is a clear proof that there are few people, but the combat power is many times that of the people here.

"I'd better go and see and send something over. The big team won't go there, but let's send an elite team over, and it's okay to take the gift by the way."

"Choose well and don't let the women in the Rose Mansion have the upper hand."



The leaders of the Northern Kingdom, Morgan of Aurora Paradise, and several other guilds stood on the high ground and looked at the group of people below, making them mad.

"What are they doing?" Morgan said angrily.

Tieshou shrugged and said, "Obviously, they are eating hot pot."

This group of people is simply too much, this kind of ignorance makes Morgan's faces pale.

The ice age and the attack of polar bears caused heavy losses.

There was no progress at the Wanxing Pavilion.

Yes, they did push a lot of other towers, but they have various ways to repel them, and then replenish the arrow towers.

The resources they consumed, as well as those members who died, were wasted!

"Brother Zuo Lin, that is my Niu Baiye!"

"You can have some beef rolls."

"He Liang, you eat too."

"Huh, Ren Xiuping, why don't you eat it?"

Ren Xiuping sneered, he was in no mood to eat hot pot.

He also served these people, and at this time, he could still eat.

Didn’t see, how many people are around here?

Are you not afraid of death?

He actually prepared hot pot base and various side dishes. Which genius prepared this?

"Captain, shall we just wait?" Ren Xiuping finally couldn't help but ask.

The captain is Zuo Lin, who is in charge of Zuo Lin.

Zuo Lin is not only a magic genius, but also an expert in commanding battles.

Zuo Lin shrugged and said nonchalantly, "Well, how about it? Anyway, the purpose is the same. We have a tacit understanding with his mother and don't move. Isn't that right?"


Ren Xiuping didn't know what to say, and it seemed that he was right to say so.

Isn't that what those people want to do by themselves?

So why are those people so angry?

"Haha. I can finally go back." Yao Tongtong suddenly got up and looked around. Many necromantic creatures wandered everywhere.

These were all summoned by Yi Hongchou to guard against people standing on the top of the mountain.

Necro creatures do not need to sleep or eat, 24 hours a day, uninterrupted surveillance, it is the most appropriate place for this place.

Yao Tongtong smiled and said, "Brother Yi Hongchou, we can go back. Take your darlings back."

Zuo Lin is a little bit distressed, this Tongtong is really good, not to learn this kind of bad.

Yi Hongchou stood up expressionlessly and slapped his pockets, and the necromantic creatures kept coming towards the camp.

Before it arrived, the undead creature turned into a black mist and plunged into the leather pocket.

"Oh, I'd better tidy up. Although it is not the interstellar world, it is also environmentally friendly. Besides, next time hot pot, maybe it will still be used."

Get the food out, clean it casually, and Luo Qiu tidied away the pot and other utensils.

Then, I saw Yao Tongtong pull out something from the storage props.

She reached out and tossed it, and the thing flew into the air, gradually getting bigger.

Morgan was still complaining, Gergil was very upset, and the two continued to quarrel.

The iron hand suddenly pointed below and said: "What do they want to do?"

Morgan waved his hand speechlessly and said, "What can I do? There is no notice from the inside line. I believe that after the previous events, he dare not hide anything..."

Before he finished speaking, Morgan turned his head and saw a stone gate magnified in the air, then fell down and landed steadily on the ground.

With a roar, the surrounding land shook.

Then Shimen opened, and the light lit up.

Yao Tongtong looked at the top of the mountain and said with a smile: "Then, you can eat ashes slowly here. Let's go!"

Then, Yao Tongtong stepped into the light first and disappeared in an instant.

Zuo Lin looked at the others with a dazed look.

Zuo Lin smiled and said: "The guild will naturally not leave you alone and helpless. In fact, this portal has been obtained before we set off. However, there has been no chance to use it. Now, our mission. Finished, it’s time to return to the territory. You go first, and I will break."

One by one, people stepped into the halo and disappeared without a trace.

They have a lot of questions they want to ask, but at this time, it's not the time to ask questions, they have to send them back first, and then ask them afterwards.

Those people waiting for the vice-professional trade union had almost left. He Liang looked back at Ren Xiuping, his eyes complicated.

Then, without saying anything, he stepped directly into the aperture and disappeared.

Ren Xiuping knew that he had teleported back to Wanxing Pavilion.

Do I want to send?

Ren Xiuping was playing a drum in his heart, and the performance of other people these days had almost clearly told him a fact.

He was exposed!

Also, these days, he has done so many things, how can he not be exposed?

Especially at the end of He Liang's eyes, Ren Xiuping was sure that he was 100% exposed.

So, do you want to go back?

If you don't go back, can Aurora Paradise let yourself go?

On the top of the mountain, a very terrifying gaze stared at him.

With a sigh, Ren Xiuping stepped onto the portal.

If you don't go back, there is a master of magic and a master of summoning undead creatures.

"You first." Zuo Lin said to Yi Hongchou.

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